import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import "./footer15.css"; const Footer15 = (props) => { return (
{props.privacyLink} {props.termsLink} {props.cookiesLink}
); }; Footer15.defaultProps = { cookiesLink: "Cookies", action1: "Contact Us", copyright: "© 2024 Weather Applikation. All rights reserved.", privacyLink: "Privacy Policy", termsLink: "Terms of Use", logoSrc: "../frontend/public/external/HFT-Logo.png", content2: "Stay updated with the latest weather information.", logoAlt: "HFT-Logo", content1: "Get accurate weather forecasts for any location.", }; Footer15.propTypes = { cookiesLink: PropTypes.string, action1: PropTypes.string, copyright: PropTypes.string, privacyLink: PropTypes.string, termsLink: PropTypes.string, logoSrc: PropTypes.string, content2: PropTypes.string, logoAlt: PropTypes.string, content1: PropTypes.string, }; export default Footer15;