import React, { useState } from "react"; import "./currentData.css"; const Currentdata = (props) => { const [query, setQuery] = useState(""); const [data, setData] = useState([]); const [weatherdata, setweatherData] = useState([]); const handleInputChange = (e) => { setQuery(; if ( !== "") { searchAPI(; } }; const downloadData = () => { const fileformat = document.getElementById("fileformat").value; switch (fileformat) { case "json": downloadJson(weatherdata); break; case "xml": downloadXml(weatherdata); break; case "csv": downloadCsv(weatherdata); break; default: alert("Unsupported file format"); } }; const downloadJson = (weatherdata) => { const json = JSON.stringify(weatherdata, null, 2); const blob = new Blob([json], { type: "application/json" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.json"); }; const downloadXml = (weatherdata) => { var xml = jsonToXml(weatherdata); xml = "" + xml + ""; const blob = new Blob([xml], { type: "application/xml" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.xml"); }; const downloadCsv = (weatherdata) => { const csv = jsonToCsv(weatherdata); const blob = new Blob([csv], { type: "text/csv" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.csv"); }; const jsonToXml = (obj) => { var xml = ""; for (var prop in obj) { xml += "<" + prop + ">"; if (Array.isArray(obj[prop])) { for (var array of obj[prop]) { // A real botch fix here xml += ""; xml += "<" + prop + ">"; xml += jsonToXml(new Object(array)); } } else if (typeof obj[prop] == "object") { xml += jsonToXml(new Object(obj[prop])); } else { xml += obj[prop]; } xml += ""; } var xml = xml.replace(/<\/?[0-9]{1,}>/g, ""); return xml; }; const jsonToCsv = (json) => { const keys = Object.keys(json); const values = Object.values(json); return `${keys.join(",")}\n${values.join(",")}`; }; return (

Choose your City

Choose your Location

{ => ( ))}

Choose your Region

Choose your Country

Choose your Latitude

Choose your Longitude

Choose your custom output Data






Air Quality

Choose a unit

Choose a Fileformat

Your Generated apiUrl with your custom Data


); function getData() { //switch const units = document.getElementById("units").value; const latitude_text = document.getElementById("latitude_text").value; const longitude_text = document.getElementById("longitude_text").value; //Checkboxes //location const name = document.getElementById("name").checked; const region = document.getElementById("region").checked; const country = document.getElementById("country").checked; const lon = document.getElementById("lon").checked; const lat = document.getElementById("lat").checked; const tz_id = document.getElementById("tz_id").checked; const localtime_epoch = document.getElementById("localtime_epoch").checked; const localtime = document.getElementById("localtime").checked; //current const last_updated_epoch = document.getElementById("last_updated_epoch").checked; const last_updated = document.getElementById("last_updated").checked; const temp = document.getElementById("temp").checked; const id_day = document.getElementById("id_day").checked; const condition = document.getElementById("condition_text").checked; const wind = document.getElementById("wind").checked; const wind_degree = document.getElementById("wind_degree").checked; const wind_dir = document.getElementById("wind_dir").checked; const pressure = document.getElementById("pressure").checked; const precip = document.getElementById("precip").checked; const humidity = document.getElementById("humidity").checked; const cloud = document.getElementById("cloud").checked; const feelslike = document.getElementById("feelslike").checked; const windchill = document.getElementById("windchill").checked; const heatindex = document.getElementById("heatindex").checked; const dewpoint = document.getElementById("dewpoint").checked; const vis = document.getElementById("vis").checked; const uv = document.getElementById("uv").checked; const gust = document.getElementById("gust").checked; const air_quality_co = document.getElementById("air_quality_co").checked; const air_quality_no2 = document.getElementById("air_quality_no2").checked; const air_quality_o3 = document.getElementById("air_quality_o3").checked; const air_quality_so2 = document.getElementById("air_quality_so2").checked; const air_quality_pm2_5 = document.getElementById("air_quality_pm2_5").checked; const air_quality_pm10 = document.getElementById("air_quality_pm10").checked; const air_quality_us_epa_index = document.getElementById( "air_quality_us_epa_index" ).checked; const air_quality_gb_defra_index = document.getElementById( "air_quality_gb_defra_index" ).checked; let filterArray = []; if (name) { filterArray.push("name"); } if (region) { filterArray.push("region"); } if (country) { filterArray.push("country"); } if (lon) { filterArray.push("lon"); } if (lat) { filterArray.push("lat"); } if (tz_id) { filterArray.push("tz_id"); } if (localtime_epoch) { filterArray.push("localtime_epoch"); } if (localtime) { filterArray.push("localtime"); } if (last_updated_epoch) { filterArray.push("last_updated_epoch"); } if (last_updated) { filterArray.push("last_updated"); } if (temp) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("temp_c"); } else { filterArray.push("temp_f"); } } if (id_day) { filterArray.push("id_day"); } if (condition) { filterArray.push("condition"); } if (wind) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("wind_kph"); } else { filterArray.push("wind_mph"); } } if (wind_degree) { filterArray.push("wind_degree"); } if (wind_dir) { filterArray.push("wind_dir"); } if (pressure) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("temp_mb"); } else { filterArray.push("pressure_in"); } } if (precip) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("temp_mm"); } else { filterArray.push("precip_in"); } } if (humidity) { filterArray.push("humidity"); } if (cloud) { filterArray.push("cloud"); } if (feelslike) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("feelslike_c"); } else { filterArray.push("feelslike_f"); } } if (windchill) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("windchill_c"); } else { filterArray.push("windchill_f"); } } if (heatindex) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("heatindex_c"); } else { filterArray.push("heatindex_f"); } } if (dewpoint) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("dewpoint_c"); } else { filterArray.push("dewpoint_f"); } } if (vis) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("vis_km"); } else { filterArray.push("vis_miles"); } } if (uv) { filterArray.push("uv"); } if (gust) { if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("gust_kph"); } else { filterArray.push("gust_mph"); } } if ( air_quality_co || air_quality_no2 || air_quality_o3 || air_quality_so2 || air_quality_pm2_5 || air_quality_pm10 || air_quality_us_epa_index || air_quality_gb_defra_index ) { filterArray.push("air_quality"); } if (air_quality_co) { filterArray.push("co"); } if (air_quality_no2) { filterArray.push("no2"); } if (air_quality_o3) { filterArray.push("o3"); } if (air_quality_so2) { filterArray.push("so2"); } if (air_quality_pm2_5) { filterArray.push("pm2_5"); } if (air_quality_pm10) { filterArray.push("pm10"); } if (air_quality_us_epa_index) { filterArray.push("us-epa-index"); } if (air_quality_gb_defra_index) { filterArray.push("gb-defra-index"); } let filterString = filterArray.join(","); const apiUrl = `http://localhost:8080/currentweather?q=${latitude_text},${longitude_text}&filter=${filterString}`; fetch(apiUrl) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response was not ok"); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { // Wetterdaten anzeigen document.getElementById("weatherData").innerText = JSON.stringify( data, null, 2 ); document.getElementById("apiUrloutput").value = apiUrl; setweatherData(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("There was a problem with the fetch operation:", error); }); } function searchAPI() { const cityInput = document.getElementById("city_text").value; const apiUrl = `http://localhost:8080/search?city=${cityInput}`; fetch(apiUrl) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response was not ok"); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { setData(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("There was a problem with the fetch operation:", error); }); } }; const ListItem = ({ name, country, region, lat, lon }) => { const handleClick = () => { document.getElementById("city_text").value = name; document.getElementById("region_text").value = country; document.getElementById("country_text").value = region; document.getElementById("latitude_text").value = lat; document.getElementById("longitude_text").value = lon; }; return (
Country: {country}
Region: {region}
Lat: {lat}, Lon: {lon}
); }; export default Currentdata;