import React, { useState } from "react"; import "./weatherForecastData.css"; const WeatherForecastData = (props) => { const [query, setQuery] = useState(""); const [data, setData] = useState([]); const [weatherdata, setweatherData] = useState([]); const [sliderValue, setSliderValue] = useState(1); // Handler-Funktion, um den Wert des Schiebereglers zu aktualisieren const handleSliderChange = (event) => { setSliderValue(; }; const handleInputChange = (e) => { setQuery(; if ( !== "") { searchAPI(; } }; const downloadData = () => { const fileformat = document.getElementById("fileformat").value; switch (fileformat) { case "json": downloadJson(weatherdata); break; case "xml": downloadXml(weatherdata); break; case "csv": downloadCsv(weatherdata); break; default: alert("Unsupported file format"); } }; const downloadJson = (weatherdata) => { const json = JSON.stringify(weatherdata, null, 2); const blob = new Blob([json], { type: "application/json" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.json"); }; const downloadXml = (weatherdata) => { var xml = jsonToXml(weatherdata); xml = "" + xml + ""; const blob = new Blob([xml], { type: "application/xml" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.xml"); }; const downloadCsv = (weatherdata) => { const csv = jsonToCsv(weatherdata); const blob = new Blob([csv], { type: "text/csv" }); saveAs(blob, "weatherdata.csv"); }; const jsonToXml = (obj) => { var xml = ""; for (var prop in obj) { xml += "<" + prop + ">"; if (Array.isArray(obj[prop])) { for (var array of obj[prop]) { // A real botch fix here xml += ""; xml += "<" + prop + ">"; xml += jsonToXml(new Object(array)); } } else if (typeof obj[prop] == "object") { xml += jsonToXml(new Object(obj[prop])); } else { xml += obj[prop]; } xml += ""; } var xml = xml.replace(/<\/?[0-9]{1,}>/g, ""); return xml; }; const jsonToCsv = (json) => { const rows = []; // Funktion, um die Header und die Werte zu extrahieren function processObject(obj, parentKey = "") { const keys = Object.keys(obj); keys.forEach((key) => { const newKey = parentKey ? `${parentKey}_${key}` : key; if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && !Array.isArray(obj[key])) { processObject(obj[key], newKey); } else { rows.push({ key: newKey, value: obj[key] }); } }); } // JSON verarbeiten processObject(json); // Header und Werte trennen const headers = => row.key).join(";"); const values = => row.value).join(";"); // CSV-Zeilen erstellen const csv = `${headers}\n${values}`; return csv; }; return (

Choose your City

Choose your Location

{ => ( ))}

Choose your Region

Choose your Country

Choose your Latitude

Choose your Longitude

Choose your custom output Data



Primery Data

Daily Data

Time of Day Data

Hourly Data

Weather Alerts

How many forecast days do you want?


Choose a Unit

Choose a Fileformat

Your Generated apiUrl with your custom Data


); function toggleCheckboxes() { var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.checkBoxFilter'); checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox) { checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; }); } function getData() { const units = document.getElementById("units").value; const days = document.getElementById("days").value; const alerts = boolToWord(document.getElementById("alerts").checked); const latitude_text = document.getElementById("latitude_text").value; const longitude_text = document.getElementById("longitude_text").value; const name = document.getElementById("name").checked; const regionCheckbox = document.getElementById("region").checked; const countryCheckbox = document.getElementById("country").checked; const lon = document.getElementById("lon").checked; const lat = document.getElementById("lat").checked; const tz_id = document.getElementById("tz_id").checked; const localtime_epoch = document.getElementById("localtime_epoch").checked; const localtime = document.getElementById("localtime").checked; const last_updated_epoch = document.getElementById("last_updated_epoch").checked; const last_updated = document.getElementById("last_updated").checked; const date = document.getElementById("date").checked; const date_epoch = document.getElementById("date_epoch").checked; const maxtemp = document.getElementById("maxtemp").checked; const mintemp = document.getElementById("mintemp").checked; const avgtemp = document.getElementById("avgtemp").checked; const maxwind = document.getElementById("maxwind").checked; const totalprecip = document.getElementById("totalprecip").checked; const avgvis = document.getElementById("avgvis").checked; const avghumidity = document.getElementById("avghumidity").checked; const daily_will_it_rain = document.getElementById("daily_will_it_rain").checked; const daily_chance_of_rain = document.getElementById( "daily_chance_of_rain" ).checked; const daily_will_it_snow = document.getElementById("daily_will_it_snow").checked; const daily_chance_of_snow = document.getElementById( "daily_chance_of_snow" ).checked; const uv = document.getElementById("uv").checked; const sunrise = document.getElementById("sunrise").checked; const sunset = document.getElementById("sunset").checked; const moonrise = document.getElementById("moonrise").checked; const moonset = document.getElementById("moonset").checked; const moon_phase = document.getElementById("moon_phase").checked; const moon_illumination = document.getElementById("moon_illumination").checked; const hour_time_epoch = document.getElementById("hour_time_epoch").checked; const hour_time = document.getElementById("hour_time").checked; const hour_temp = document.getElementById("hour_temp").checked; const hour_is_day = document.getElementById("hour_is_day").checked; const hour_wind = document.getElementById("hour_wind").checked; const hour_wind_degree = document.getElementById("hour_wind_degree").checked; const hour_wind_dir = document.getElementById("hour_wind_dir").checked; const hour_pressure = document.getElementById("hour_pressure").checked; const hour_precip = document.getElementById("hour_precip").checked; const hour_humidity = document.getElementById("hour_humidity").checked; const hour_cloud = document.getElementById("hour_cloud").checked; const hour_feelslike = document.getElementById("hour_feelslike").checked; const hour_windchill = document.getElementById("hour_windchill").checked; const hour_heatindex = document.getElementById("hour_heatindex").checked; const hour_dewpoint = document.getElementById("hour_dewpoint").checked; const hourly_will_it_rain = document.getElementById( "hourly_will_it_rain" ).checked; const hourly_chance_of_rain = document.getElementById( "hourly_chance_of_rain" ).checked; const hourly_will_it_snow = document.getElementById( "hourly_will_it_snow" ).checked; const hourly_chance_of_snow = document.getElementById( "hourly_chance_of_snow" ).checked; const hour_vis = document.getElementById("hour_vis").checked; const hour_gust = document.getElementById("hour_gust").checked; const hour_uv = document.getElementById("hour_uv").checked; let filterArray = []; if (name) filterArray.push("name"); if (regionCheckbox) filterArray.push("region"); if (countryCheckbox) filterArray.push("country"); if (lon) filterArray.push("lon"); if (lat) filterArray.push("lat"); if (tz_id) filterArray.push("tz_id"); if (localtime_epoch) filterArray.push("localtime_epoch"); if (localtime) filterArray.push("localtime"); if (last_updated_epoch) filterArray.push("last_updated_epoch"); if (last_updated) filterArray.push("last_updated"); if (date) filterArray.push("date"); if (date_epoch) filterArray.push("date_epoch"); if (maxtemp) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("maxtemp_c"); } else { filterArray.push("maxtemp_f"); } if (mintemp) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("mintemp_c"); } else { filterArray.push("mintemp"); } if (avgtemp) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("avgtemp_c"); } else { filterArray.push("avgtemp_f"); } if (maxwind) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("maxwind_kph"); } else { filterArray.push("maxwind_mph"); } if (totalprecip) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("totalprecip_mm"); } else { filterArray.push("totalprecip_in"); } if (avgvis) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("avgis_km"); } else { filterArray.push("avgvis_miles"); } if (avghumidity) filterArray.push("avghumidity"); if (daily_will_it_rain) filterArray.push("daily_will_it_rain"); if (daily_chance_of_rain) filterArray.push("daily_chance_of_rain"); if (daily_will_it_snow) filterArray.push("daily_will_it_snow"); if (daily_chance_of_snow) filterArray.push("daily_chance_of_snow"); if (uv) filterArray.push("uv_day"); if (sunrise) filterArray.push("sunrise"); if (sunset) filterArray.push("sunset"); if (moonrise) filterArray.push("moonrise"); if (moonset) filterArray.push("moonset"); if (moon_phase) filterArray.push("moon_phase"); if (moon_illumination) filterArray.push("moon_illumination"); if (hour_time_epoch) filterArray.push("hourly_time_epoch"); if (hour_time) filterArray.push("hourly_time"); if (hour_temp) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_temp_c"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_temp_f"); } if (hour_is_day) filterArray.push("hourly_is_day"); if (hour_wind) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_wind_kph"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_wind_mph"); } if (hour_wind_degree) filterArray.push("hourly_wind_degree"); if (hour_wind_dir) filterArray.push("hourly_wind_dir"); if (hour_pressure) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_pressure_mb"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_pressure_in"); } if (hour_precip) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_precip_mm"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_precip_in"); } if (hour_humidity) filterArray.push("hourly_humidity"); if (hour_cloud) filterArray.push("hourly_cloud"); if (hour_feelslike) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_feelslike_c"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_feelslike_f"); } if (hour_windchill) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_windchill_c"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_windchill_f"); } if (hour_heatindex) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_heatindex_c"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_heatindex_f"); } if (hour_dewpoint) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_dewpoint_c"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_dewpoint_f"); } if (hourly_will_it_rain) filterArray.push("hourly_will_it_rain"); if (hourly_chance_of_rain) filterArray.push("hourly_chance_of_rain"); if (hourly_will_it_snow) filterArray.push("hourly_will_it_snow"); if (hourly_chance_of_snow) filterArray.push("hourly_chance_of_snow"); if (hour_vis) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_vis_km"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_vis_miles"); } if (hour_gust) if (units == "world") { filterArray.push("hourly_gust_kph"); } else { filterArray.push("hourly_gust_mph"); } if (hour_uv) filterArray.push("hourly_uv"); let filterString = filterArray.join(","); const apiUrl = `http://localhost:8080/forecastweather?q=${latitude_text},${longitude_text}&days=${days}&filter=${filterString}&alerts=${alerts}`; console.log(apiUrl); fetch(apiUrl) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response was not ok"); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { // Wetterdaten anzeigen document.getElementById("weatherData").innerText = JSON.stringify( data, null, 2 ); document.getElementById("apiUrloutput").value = apiUrl; setweatherData(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("There was a problem with the fetch operation:", error); }); } function searchAPI() { const cityInput = document.getElementById("city_text").value; const apiUrl = `http://localhost:8080/search?city=${cityInput}`; fetch(apiUrl) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response was not ok"); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { setData(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("There was a problem with the fetch operation:", error); }); } function boolToWord(bool) { return bool ? "yes" : "no"; } }; const ListItem = ({ name, country, region, lat, lon }) => { const handleClick = () => { document.getElementById("city_text").value = name; document.getElementById("region_text").value = country; document.getElementById("country_text").value = region; document.getElementById("latitude_text").value = lat; document.getElementById("longitude_text").value = lon; }; return (
Country: {country}
Region: {region}
Lat: {lat}, Lon: {lon}
); }; export default WeatherForecastData;