Commit 628e5bf2 authored by abergavenny's avatar abergavenny
Browse files

Version 1.0.0

parent b463e8cc
import express from 'express'
import { checkSchema } from 'express-validator'
import { createBuilding, getApartments, getBuilding, getBuildings, getSimulation, getUsers, updateBuilding, updateBuildingDataCharacteristics, updateBuildingDataBasement, updateBuildingDataFacade, updateBuildingDataHeating, updateBuildingDataRoof } from '../../controllers/buildings.js'
import asyncHandler from '../../middleware/asyncHandler.js'
import permissionHandler from '../../middleware/permissionHandler.js'
import { basementSchema, characteristicsSchema, createBuildingSchema, facadeSchema, heatingSchema, roofSchema, simulationSchema } from '../../schemas/buildings.js'
import { idSchema } from '../../schemas/index.js'
const router = express.Router()
router.get('/', permissionHandler, asyncHandler(getBuildings))
router.get('/:id', checkSchema(idSchema), asyncHandler(getBuilding))
router.get('/:id/apartments', checkSchema(idSchema), asyncHandler(getApartments))
router.get('/:id/simulations/run', checkSchema(simulationSchema), asyncHandler(getSimulation))
router.get('/:id/users', checkSchema(idSchema), asyncHandler(getUsers))'/', permissionHandler, checkSchema(createBuildingSchema), asyncHandler(createBuilding))
router.put('/:id', permissionHandler, asyncHandler(updateBuilding))
router.put('/:id/basement', permissionHandler, checkSchema(basementSchema), asyncHandler(updateBuildingDataBasement))
router.put('/:id/characteristics', permissionHandler, checkSchema(characteristicsSchema), asyncHandler(updateBuildingDataCharacteristics))
router.put('/:id/facade', permissionHandler, checkSchema(facadeSchema), asyncHandler(updateBuildingDataFacade))
router.put('/:id/heating', permissionHandler, checkSchema(heatingSchema), asyncHandler(updateBuildingDataHeating))
router.put('/:id/roof', permissionHandler, checkSchema(roofSchema), asyncHandler(updateBuildingDataRoof))
export default router
import express from 'express'
import { getSelf } from '../../controllers/self.js'
import asyncHandler from '../../middleware/asyncHandler.js'
const router = express.Router()
router.get('/', asyncHandler(getSelf))
export default router
import express from 'express'
import { checkSchema } from 'express-validator'
import { getSimulation, getSimulations } from '../../controllers/simulations.js'
import asyncHandler from '../../middleware/asyncHandler.js'
import { idSchema } from '../../schemas/index.js'
const router = express.Router()
router.get('/', asyncHandler(getSimulations))
router.get('/:id', checkSchema(idSchema), asyncHandler(getSimulation))
export default router
import express from 'express'
import { checkSchema } from 'express-validator'
import { allowOrRevokeSharing, getUser, getUsers, updatePassword, updateUser } from '../../controllers/users.js'
import asyncHandler from '../../middleware/asyncHandler.js'
import permissionHandler from '../../middleware/permissionHandler.js'
import { idSchema } from '../../schemas/index.js'
import { allowOrRevokeSharingSchema, updatePasswordSchema, updateUserSchema } from '../../schemas/users.js'
const router = express.Router()
router.get('/', permissionHandler, asyncHandler(getUsers))
router.get('/:id', permissionHandler, checkSchema(idSchema), asyncHandler(getUser))
router.put('/:id', checkSchema(updateUserSchema), asyncHandler(updateUser))
router.put('/:id/change-password', permissionHandler, checkSchema(updatePasswordSchema), asyncHandler(updatePassword))
router.put('/:id/sharing', checkSchema(allowOrRevokeSharingSchema), asyncHandler(allowOrRevokeSharing))
export default router
import express from 'express'
import { checkSchema } from 'express-validator'
import rateLimit from 'express-rate-limit'
import { confirm, login, register, resetPassword, updatePassword } from '../../controllers/authentication.js'
import asyncHandler from '../../middleware/asyncHandler.js'
import { confirmSchema, loginSchema, registerSchema, updatePasswordSchema } from '../../schemas/authentication.js'
import { emailSchema } from '../../schemas/index.js'
import { warning } from '../../helpers/index.js'
const router = express.Router()
const authLimiter = rateLimit({
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000,
max: 25,
standardHeaders: true,
legacyHeaders: false,
message: async (req, res) => {
return warning(res, { code: 'TOO_MANY_REQUESTS' })
router.get('/confirm/:token', checkSchema(confirmSchema), asyncHandler(confirm))'/login', checkSchema(loginSchema), asyncHandler(login))'/register', checkSchema(registerSchema), asyncHandler(register))'/reset-password', checkSchema(emailSchema), asyncHandler(resetPassword))'/update-password/:token', checkSchema(updatePasswordSchema), asyncHandler(updatePassword))
export default router
export { default as authRouter } from './auth/index.js'
export { default as apartmentRouter } from './api/apartments.js'
export { default as buildingRouter } from './api/buildings.js'
export { default as selfRouter } from './api/self.js'
export { default as simulationRouter } from './api/simulations.js'
export { default as userRouter } from './api/users.js'
export const createApartmentSchema = {
apartmentName: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
buildingId: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
password: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
username: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const heatingSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
apartmentComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
area: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
ceilingHeight: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isNumeric: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
centralHeating: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatDemand: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatingType: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
largeHeatingElements: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
mediumHeatingElements: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
smallHeatingElements: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
panelHeating: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
powerDemand: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
workingHeatingInstallations: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const windowSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
averageWindowAge: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
averageWindowCondition: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
largeWindows: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
mediumWindows: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
roofWindows: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
smallWindows: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
windowComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
windowFrame: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
windowGlazing: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const confirmSchema = {
token: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const loginSchema = {
emailOrUsername: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
password: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const registerSchema = {
email: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
password: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
gmlid: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const updatePasswordSchema = {
token: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
password: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const createBuildingSchema = {
buildingPrefix: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
buildingName: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
buildingAddress: {
in: ['body'],
exists: true,
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
buildingGmlId: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field'
export const basementSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
basementInsulatingMaterial: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
basementInsulatingMaterialThickness: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
basementRefurbishmentComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatedBasement: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
insulatedBasementCeiling: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
insulatedBasementFloor: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const characteristicsSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
characteristicsComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
energyPerformanceCertificate: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
listedBuilding: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
livingSpace: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
numberOfFloors: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
yearOfConstruction: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const facadeSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
buildingStructure: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
buildingStructureThickness: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeEast: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeInsulatingMaterial: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeInsulatingMaterialThickness: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeNorth: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeRefurbishmentComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeSouth: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
facadeWest: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const heatingSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
heatingConsumption: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatingInstallation: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatingInstallationComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
photovoltaic: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
photovoltaicArea: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
photovoltaicYield: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
pipeSystem: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
selfContainedCentralHeating: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
solarHeat: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
solarHeatArea: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const roofSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
clouding: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
flatRoof: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
heatedAttic: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
roofArea: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
roofInsulatingMaterial: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
roofInsulatingMaterialThickness: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isInt: true,
toInt: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
roofRefurbishmentComment: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isString: true,
optional: {
options: {
nullable: true
export const simulationSchema = {
gmlId: {
in: ['query'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
isAlphanumeric: true
export const idSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isAlphanumeric: true
export const emailSchema = {
email: {
in: ['body'],
isEmail: true
export const allowOrRevokeSharingSchema = {
sharingAllowed: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
exists: true,
isBoolean: true,
toBoolean: true
export const updatePasswordSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
newPassword: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
exists: true,
isString: true
export const updateUserSchema = {
id: {
in: ['params'],
exists: true,
isString: true
email: {
in: ['body'],
errorMessage: 'Missing field',
exists: true,
isString: true
import http from 'http'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
import { app } from './app.js'
import config from './config/appConfig.js'
import { connectionOptions, getConnectionString, Management } from './db/index.js'
export default async function runServer (...args) {
try {
const uri = getConnectionString()
const db = await mongoose.connect(uri, connectionOptions)
await Management.initManagementSettings()
const server = http.createServer(app)
server.on('error', (error) => {
console.log('Error:', error.message)
server.listen(config.port, () => {
console.log(`Server running on port ${config.port}`)
process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
server.close(() => {
console.log('HTTP server closed.')
db.connection.close(false, () => {
console.log('MongoDB server closed.')
} catch (err) {
if ( === 'MongooseServerSelectionError') {
console.log('ERROR: MongooseServerSelectionError')
} else {
import axios from 'axios'
import appConfig from '../config/appConfig.js'
const URI = appConfig.simulationEndpoint
export const executeSimulation = async (data) => {
return`${URI}/executeSimulation`, { })
.then(response =>
.catch(e => {
return null
export const getInformation = async (gmlId) => {
return axios.get(`${URI}/getInformation?gmlId=${gmlId}`)
.then(response =>
.catch(e => {
return null
import { randomBytes, scryptSync } from 'crypto'
export const encryptString = (value, salt) => {
return scryptSync(value, salt, 32).toString('hex')
export const hashString = (value) => {
const salt = randomBytes(16).toString('hex')
return encryptString(value, salt) + salt
export const matchEncryptedString = (value, hash) => {
const storedHash = hash.slice(0, 64)
const testHash = encryptString(value, hash.slice(64))
return storedHash === testHash
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