Commit 628e5bf2 authored by abergavenny's avatar abergavenny
Browse files

Version 1.0.0

parent b463e8cc
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import ContentPanel from '@/components/ContentPanel.vue'
import DataItem from '@/components/DataItem.vue'
import DataPage from '@/components/DataPage.vue'
import EnergyPerformanceCertificate from '@/components/EnergyPerformanceCertificate.vue'
import ExpertList from '@/components/ExpertList.vue'
import MessageBox from '@/components/MessageBox.vue'
import ModalContainer from '@/components/ModalContainer.vue'
import NoData from '@/components/NoData.vue'
import SectionTitle from '@/components/SectionTitle.vue'
import WaitingForData from '@/components/WaitingForData.vue'
import { HEATING_INSTALLATION_OPTIONS } from '@/data/options'
import {
} from '@/data/parameters'
import { useBuildingStore } from '@/stores/buildings'
import { numberOrText } from '../helpers'
const showModal = ref(false)
const buildings = useBuildingStore()
// DEVINFO Hier wird der Link zum CS-T erzeugt
function buildUrl(building = {}) {
if (building) {
const BASE_URI = import.meta.env.VITE_CST_URI
const { heatedAttic, heatedBasement, numberOfFloors, yearOfConstruction } =
const addr = building.address ? building.address.split('::') : null
const encodedAddr = encodeURIComponent(`${addr[0]} ${addr[1]}, ${addr[2]} ${addr[3]}`)
return `${BASE_URI}?y=${yearOfConstruction}&ad=${encodedAddr}&s=${numberOfFloors}&a=${+heatedAttic}&b=${+heatedBasement}`
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (CO2) angepasst werden
function convertCO2EfficiencyMessage(value, item) {
if (value) {
const str = HEATING_INSTALLATION_OPTIONS.find(element => element.value === item)
return `Im Vergleich zu Ihrer Heizung mit ${} können Sie mit einer Pelletheizung ${numberOrText(value)} kg CO2 einsparen.`
else return `Sie sind auf einem guten Niveau.`
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (Energieausweis) angepasst werden
function convertHeatingEfficiencyMessage(value, potential) {
if (value < REFERENCE_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE) return `Sie sind auf einem guten Niveau.`
else if (value === REFERENCE_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE) return `Sie sind im Mittel (Klasse E).`
else if (value > REFERENCE_ENERGY_PERFORMANCE) return `Im Vergleich zu einem durchschnittlichen Wohngebäude in Deutschland, liegt das Verbesserungspotenzial Ihrer Energieeffizienz bei ${potential}%.`
else return null
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (Fassade - Wert) angepasst werden
function convertFacadeInsulationEfficiency(value) {
if (value < 0.22) return `sehr gut (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value <= 0.28) return `gut (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value <= 0.35) return `akzeptabel (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value > 0.35) return `schlecht (U-Wert: ${value})`
else return null
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (Fassade - Empfehlung) angepasst werden
function convertFacadeInsulationEfficiencyMessage(value, potential) {
if (value <= REFERENCE_INSULATION_FACADE) return `Sie sind auf einem guten Niveau. Es besteht keine signifikantes Verbesserungspotential.`
const range = potential < 40 ? ' ' : ' deutlich '
return `Der Wärmeverlust Ihres Gebäudes ist${range}höher, als er mit einer guten Dämmung sein könnte – hier besteht Verbesserungspotenzial (ca. ${potential}%).`
else return null
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (Dach - Wert) angepasst werden
function convertRoofInsulationEfficiency(value) {
if (value < 0.18) return `sehr gut (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value <= 0.24) return `gut (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value <= 0.31) return `akzeptabel (U-Wert: ${value})`
else if (value > 0.31) return `schlecht (U-Wert: ${value})`
else return null
// DEVINFO Hier kann der Bewertungstext (Dach - Empfehlung) angepasst werden
function convertRoofInsulationEfficiencyMessage(value, potential) {
if (value <= REFERENCE_INSULATION_ROOF) return `Sie sind auf einem guten Niveau. Es besteht keine signifikantes Verbesserungspotential.`
const range = potential < 40 ? ' ' : ' deutlich '
return `Der Wärmeverlust von Ihrem Dach ist${range}höher, als er mit einer guten Dämmung sein könnte – hier besteht Verbesserungspotenzial (ca. ${potential}%).`
else return null
function handleModal() {
showModal.value = !showModal.value
<ContentPanel label="Ihre Effizienz">
<DataPage :stretch="true">
<div class="content-wrapper" v-if="buildings.current &&">
<div class="content stretched scroll">
<SectionTitle value="Wärmebedarf" />
<div class="info-box" v-if="buildings.heatingEfficiency">
<DataItem label="Effizienzklasse" :data="`${buildings.heatingEfficiency.performance} kWh/m²`" />
:msg="convertHeatingEfficiencyMessage(buildings.heatingEfficiency.performance, buildings.heatingEfficiency.potential)"
type="basic" />
<EnergyPerformanceCertificate :data="buildings.heatingEfficiency.performance" />
<WaitingForData v-else />
<SectionTitle value="Fassadendämmung" />
<div class="info-box" v-if="buildings.facadeInsulationEfficiency">
<DataItem label="Niveau"
:data="convertFacadeInsulationEfficiency(buildings.facadeInsulationEfficiency.performance)" />
:msg="convertFacadeInsulationEfficiencyMessage(buildings.facadeInsulationEfficiency.performance, buildings.facadeInsulationEfficiency.potential)"
type="basic" />
<WaitingForData v-else />
<SectionTitle value="Dachdämmung" />
<div class="info-box" v-if="buildings.roofInsulationEfficiency">
<DataItem label="Niveau"
:data="convertRoofInsulationEfficiency(buildings.roofInsulationEfficiency.performance)" />
:msg="convertRoofInsulationEfficiencyMessage(buildings.roofInsulationEfficiency.performance, buildings.roofInsulationEfficiency.potential)"
type="basic" />
<WaitingForData v-else />
<SectionTitle value="Emissionen Heizung" />
<div class="info-box" v-if="buildings.co2Efficiency">
<DataItem label="CO2 Emissionen" :data="buildings.co2Efficiency.performance" unit="kg" />
<DataItem label="Entspricht Fahrstrecke" :data="buildings.co2Efficiency.proportion" unit="km" />
:msg="convertCO2EfficiencyMessage(buildings.co2Efficiency.potential, buildings.current?.data.heatingInstallation)"
type="basic" />
<WaitingForData v-else />
<div class="content">
<a class="button primary" :href="buildUrl(buildings.current)">CS-T Simulation (extern)</a>
<button class="button primary" type="button" @click="handleModal()">DEN-Expertensuche (extern)</button>
<NoData v-else />
<ModalContainer v-if="showModal" label="DEN e.V. Expertensuche" @close-modal="handleModal()">
<ExpertList />
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import ModalContainer from '@/components/ModalContainer.vue'
import SetupForm from '@/components/forms/SetupForm.vue'
import { useBuildingStore } from '@/stores/buildings'
const isOpen = ref()
const setupRequired = ref(false)
const showModal = ref(false)
const buildings = useBuildingStore()
function togglePicker() {
isOpen.value = !isOpen.value
function onSelect(id) {
isOpen.value = false
function openModal() {
showModal.value = true
function closeModal() {
showModal.value = false
function onComplete() {
setupRequired.value = false
function getAddressString(value) {
if (value) {
const el = value.split('::')
return `${el[0]} ${el[1]}, ${el[2]} ${el[3]}`
return null
onMounted(() => {
if (buildings.firstBuilding?.setupCompleted === false) {
setupRequired.value = true
showModal.value = true
<div class="building-picker">
<div class="building-picker__dropdown">
<button class="button secondary" type="button" @click="togglePicker" :disabled="setupRequired">
<div class="building-picker__button" v-if="buildings.current">
<span class="building-picker__prefix">{{ buildings.current?.prefix }}</span>
<span>{{ buildings.current?.name }}</span>
<div v-else>
<span>Bitte Gebäude auswählen</span>
<div class="button-icon">
<font-awesome-icon v-if="isOpen" icon="fa-solid fa-chevron-up" />
<font-awesome-icon v-else icon="fa-solid fa-chevron-down" />
<ul class="building-picker__list shadow" v-if="isOpen">
<li class="building-picker__item" v-for="building of" :key="building._id"
<div class="building-picker__title">
<span class="building-picker__prefix">{{ building.prefix }}</span>
<span>{{ || building._id }}</span>
<div class="building-picker__subtitle">
<span>{{ getAddressString(building.address) }}</span>
<div v-if="setupRequired && buildings.firstBuilding">
<button class="button secondary" type="button" @click="openModal">
<div class="button-content">Einrichtung abchließen</div>
<div class="button-icon">
<font-awesome-icon icon="fa-solid fa-pen" />
<ModalContainer v-if="showModal" label="Stammdaten eingeben" @close-modal="closeModal">
<SetupForm @close-modal="closeModal" @setup-completed="onComplete" />
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@media (min-width: 48em) {
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position: absolute;
top: 3.5em;
margin: 0;
width: auto;
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overflow: hidden;
padding: var(--spacing-s);
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
border-radius: var(--radius);
.building-picker__item:hover {
background-color: hsl(var(--clr-background));
.building-picker__prefix {
background-color: hsl(var(--clr-primary));
padding: 0.2em var(--spacing-s);
border-radius: var(--radius);
color: var(--clr-white);
font-size: var(--text-s);
.building-picker__subtitle {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
.building-picker__title {
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\ No newline at end of file
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<span>{{ value }}</span>
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gap: var(--spacing);
\ No newline at end of file
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import { MESSAGES } from '@/data/messages'
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animation: pulse 750ms infinite ease-in-out;
\ No newline at end of file
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<div class="container">
<div class="headline">
<span>{{ label }}</span>
<slot />
\ No newline at end of file
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import { numberOrText } from '@/helpers'
defineProps(['asText', 'data', 'label', 'data', 'unit'])
<div class="data-item">
<span class="data-item__label">{{ label }}</span>
<span class="data-item__value">{{ !data ? '-' : unit ? `${numberOrText(data, asText)} ${unit}` :
numberOrText(data, asText)
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import { onMounted, onUpdated, ref } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps(['data'])
const pos = ref(0)
function calculatePosition(pos) {
const offset = pos * 0.25
return `${pos + offset}em`
function getCurrentRange(value) {
if (value >= 0 && value < 30) {
pos.value = 0
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pos.value = 1
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pos.value = 2
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pos.value = 3
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pos.value = 4
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pos.value = 5
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pos.value = 6
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pos.value = 7
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pos.value = 8
} else {
onMounted(() => {
onUpdated(() => {
<div class="epc" v-if="">
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transition: top ease-out 250ms;
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
defineProps(['label', 'data', 'unit'])
<div class="consultant-list">
<!-- DEVINFO Hier kann die Liste für die Energieberater entfernt werden -->
<iframe loading="lazy" src="" frameborder="0" width="100%"
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height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
border: 0;
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font-size: var(--text-s);
.consultant-list__value {
font-size: var(--text-s);
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
import { useApartmentStore } from '@/stores/apartments'
const apartments = useApartmentStore()
async function handleFileUpload(event) {
try {
const fileBlob =
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('image', fileBlob[0])
const response = await apartments.uploadFile(, formData)
if (response.success) {
await apartments.fetchFile(, true)
} catch (error) {
<div class="file-upload button primary">
<input type="file" @change="handleFileUpload" />
<div class="file-upload__label">
<span>{{ label }}</span>
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.file-upload__label {
pointer-events: none;
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const isOpen = ref(false)
function show() {
isOpen.value = !isOpen.value
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<img :src="url" />
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.open {
height: unset;
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
const props = defineProps(['min', 'row', 'stretch'])
<div class="input-group" :class="{ min: props.min, row: props.row, stretch: props.stretch }">
<slot />
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flex: 1;
\ No newline at end of file
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const props = defineProps(['row'])
<div class="input-wrapper" :class="{ row: props.row }">
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display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: var(--spacing);
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
const props = defineProps(['type', 'msg'])
<div class="message-box" :class="{
basic: props.type === 'basic',
danger: props.type === 'danger',
success: props.type === 'success',
warning: props.type === 'warning',
<span class="message-box__text">{{ props.msg }}</span>
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padding: var(--spacing-s);
display: flex;
border-radius: var(--radius);
.message-box.danger {
color: var(--clr-white);
.message-box__text {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: var(--text-s);
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
defineProps(['label', 'permanent'])
<div class="modal-container">
<div class="modal-content shadow">
<div v-if="!permanent" class="modal-content__title">
<div class="headline">
<span>{{ label }}</span>
<button class="button primary" type="button" @click="$emit('closeModal')">
<font-awesome-icon icon="fa-solid fa-xmark" />
<slot />
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bottom: 0;
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z-index: 1;
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height: 90%;
.modal-content__title {
padding: var(--spacing);
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup>
import { MESSAGES } from '@/data/messages'
const props = defineProps(['compact', 'msg'])
<div class="content pad" :class="{ stretched: !props.compact }">
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="page-container">
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overflow: hidden;
flex: 1;
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flex-direction: column;
\ No newline at end of file
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overflow: hidden;
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display: flex;
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<script setup>
<div class="section-title">
<span>{{ value }}</span>
<style scoped>
.section-title {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.section-title>span {
font-weight: bold;
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