package de.hftstuttgart.unifiedticketing.core; import de.hftstuttgart.unifiedticketing.exceptions.AssertionException; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Defines the representation of a ticket system connection
* * @param ticket implementation this ticket system uses * @param implementation of this class an instance belongs to * @param ticket builder this ticket system uses * @param filter implementation this ticket system uses */ public abstract class TicketSystem { private static Logger logger = Logging.getLogger(TicketSystem.class.getName()); /** * Global configuration options for ticket system instances, settable with the method config */ public enum ConfigurationOptions { RETURN_NULL_ON_ERROR } protected TicketSystem() { } /** * creates a ticketsystem from an uri
* a valid uri for this library always starts with "unifiedticketing" followed by a colon. * Next is the identifier for the desired ticket system. * The available systems and what identifier they need, can be found in the documentation. *
* example: {@code "unifiedticketing::"} * * @return ticket system instance */ public static TicketSystem fromUri(String uri) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(unifiedticketing):([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):(.*)$"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(uri); if (!matcher.matches()) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "given URI not for unifiedticketing!"); throw new AssertionException(String.format("URI %s not for unifiedticketing", uri)); } switch ( { case "github": return GithubTicketSystem.fromUri(; case "gitlab": return GitlabTicketSystem.fromUri(; default: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format( "Unknown system identifier: %s", )); throw new AssertionException(String.format( "no supported system implementation found for %s", )); } } /** * @return builder selection */ public static RegisteredSystems fromBuilder() { return RegisteredSystems.getInstance(); } // Instance definition =====================================================================// public String apiKey; public String baseUrl; public String password; public String username; protected Map configuration = new HashMap<>(); /** * sets a value configuration * @param option configuration to set * @param value value to be stored * @return this ticket system */ public TS config(ConfigurationOptions option, String value) { this.configuration.put(, value); return (TS) this; } /** * enables/disables a configuration * @param option configuration to set * @param value true to enable the setting * @return this ticket system */ public TS config(ConfigurationOptions option, boolean value) { return config(option, String.valueOf(value)); } /** * @param option configuration to check * @return true if configuration has stored "true" */ public boolean getConfigTrue(ConfigurationOptions option) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(this.configuration.get(; } /** * @param option configuration to get stored value * @return stored value of given config */ public Object getConfigValue(ConfigurationOptions option) { return this.configuration.get(; } /** * starts ticket builder for this ticket system */ public abstract TB createTicket(); /** * starts ticket filter for this ticket system */ public abstract F find(); // public abstract List getAllTickets(); /** * requests a single ticket by it's id */ public abstract T getTicketById(String id); public T getTicketById(int id) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "transforming id to String"); return this.getTicketById(String.valueOf(id)); } public abstract boolean hasAssigneeSupport(); public abstract boolean hasDefaultPagination(); public abstract boolean hasLabelSupport(); public abstract boolean hasPaginationSupport(); public abstract boolean hasReturnNullOnErrorSupport(); // public static boolean hasUriBuildSupport(); }