Commit 336a5551 authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
Browse files


parent 8d67c22a
Pipeline #3900 passed with stages
in 22 seconds
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<h1>Our Idea</h1>
<h4>The Smart Participation Game in Four Easy Steps</h4>
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<p>Public/private sector, Real Estate</p>
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<p>Any Citizens – Young adults</p>
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<p>Decision makers gives awards to the best planning (can be real award or ingame awards)</p>
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......@@ -66,7 +129,8 @@
<b>PLAY</b> (Any Citizens – Young adults)
<b>REWARD</b> (Decision makers gives awards to the best planning (can be real award or ingame awards))
<b>REWARD</b> (Decision makers gives awards to the best planning (can be real award or ingame
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