# CityDoctor2 Extensions Extension modules to the core functionality of CityDoctor2. # Loading Except for CityDoctorGUI, all extension modules are not loaded into the Maven project by default. Loading an extension module can be done by either loading the Maven module directly, or by adjusting the CityDoctorParent pom.xml and moving the respective modules out of the comment-block in the module list found at the end of the file. # Building If the modules are loaded by including them in the CityDoctorParent pom, Maven will automatically build them while building CityDoctor2. If the modules are loaded directly, they need to be built directly with Maven. After building, the jars can be found in the **/target** subdirectory of each respective extension module. # Module Information ## CityDoctorAutoPro ![Maintenance Level: Deprecated](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_Deprecated.svg) The AutoPro (short for automated processing) module is an interface for the conversion of the internal data model to a C++ representation, to allow use of advanced functionalities of CGAL with CityDoctor2. ### Usage > ⚠ The AutoPro module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, once the CGAL functionalities have been ported to Java. AutoPro requires a collection of .dll-files to run, some of which are not available as FOSS and thus cannot be distributed with this project. Access to the collection, or information about the required .dll-files, can be granted upon request for a valid reason. Contact a Maintainer of this project for further information in this regard. --- ## CityDoctorGUI ![Maintenance Level: Actively Maintained](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_ActivelyMaintained.svg) The GUI module offers a graphical user interface for CityDoctor2, including a model viewer allowing for visual inspection of validation results and found errors. ### View-Plugins The GUI is expandable via plugins, enabling the creation of views for custom functionalities or extensions of the CityDoctor2 core. Custom views can be created by extending the Abstract class `View` of the CityDoctorGUI and need to be registered by calling `ViewRegistration.registerView(View view);` before starting the GUI. ### Usage > ⚠ CityDoctorGUI requires a JDK/JRE containing the JavaFX library to run. Prebuilt binaries for the GUI are available in [CityDoctorReleases](https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/citydoctor/citydoctorreleases). After extracting the archive the GUI can be started with **start.bat**. Binaries can be built with Maven using the create-binaries profile from the CityDoctorParent directory: ``` mvn install -P create-binaries ``` Lastly, the GUI can also be started by calling `MainWindow.main(args[])`. --- ## CityDoctorHealer ![Maintenance Level: Inactively Maintained](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_InactivelyMaintained.svg) CityDoctorHealer implements functionalities for the automated repair of geometries containing errors. The healer uses naive approaches to fix geometrical errors, and thus, it cannot be guaranteed that semantical correctness is maintained after the healing process. ### Usage Usage of CityDoctorHealer is similar to [CityDoctor](https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/citydoctor/citydoctor2/-/tree/dev_GUI#usage). An example start command looks like this: ``` java -classpath libs/*;plugins/*;CityDoctorHealer-.jar de.hft.stuttgart.citydoctor2.CityDoctorHealer -in .gml -config .yml -xmlReport .xml -pdfReport .pdf -out .gml ``` Note: Unlike CityDoctor core, the _-out_ argument is required. The -xml-output and -pdfReport arguments are still optional. To prevent infinite loops the `Healer` class has a limit for the number of healing iterations (default: 200). This limit can be changed by calling `Healer.setNumberOfIterations(int limit)`. --- ## CityDoctorHealerGenetic ![Maintenance Level: Abandoned](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_Abandoned.svg) CityDoctorHealerGenetic uses a genetical algorithm to establish an optimal CityDoctorHealer healing-plan for geometries containing errors. ### Usage > ⚠ This module has been abandoned. As of writing the module is still functional, but it may break at any time. >Issues, bug reports and suggestions for this module will not be processed. Use at your own discretion. Usage is nearly identical to CityDoctorHealer, only requiring changing the classpath to the HealerGenetic jar. A View for usage with CityDoctorGUI is included. --- ## CityDoctorHealerGUI ![Maintenance Level: Inactively Maintained](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_InactivelyMaintained.svg) CityDoctorGUI-view for CityDoctorHealer. Allows fine control over the automated healing steps, including a preview of the result of each healing step. ### Usage See [CityDoctorGUI View-plugins](#view-plugins) --- ## CityDoctorWebService ![Maintenance Level: Abandoned](../resources/Badges/MaintenanceLevel_Abandoned.svg) Contains a web service implementation for CityDoctor2. ### Usage > ⚠ This module has been abandoned. As of writing the module is still functional, but it may break at any time. >Issues, bug reports and suggestions for this module will not be processed. Use at your own discretion. > ⚠ CityDoctorWebservice requires connection to a PostgreSQL Server. Connection parameters need to be set in the pgpass.conf file found in the /DBScripts directory. > The PostgreSQL Server needs to contain a database called "CityDoctorDB" with a schema called "citydoctordb". The required tables will be automatically created by the web service if they're missing. To run the web service, build the module and [deploy CityDoctorWebService.war](https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/deployer-howto.html) to a Tomcat server (version 8 or 9). --- ## License [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.de.html)