namespace assignsubmission_dta;
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * utility class for DTA submission plugin result display
 * @package assignsubmission_dta
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
use assignsubmission_dta\db_utils;
use assignsubmission_dta\dta_backend_utils;
use assignsubmission_dta\models\dta_result;
use assignsubmission_dta\models\dta_result_summary;
use assignsubmission_dta\models\dta_recommendation;

class view_submission_utils {

     * Broadly used in logic, parametrized for easier change.
    const COMPONENT_NAME = "assignsubmission_dta";

     * generates a short summary html
     * @param int $assignmentid assignment
     * @param int $submissionid submission to create a report for
     * @return string html
    public static function generate_summary_html(
        int $assignmentid,
        int $submissionid
    ): string {

        // Fetch data.
        $summary = db_utils::get_Result_Summary_From_Database($assignmentid, $submissionid);
        $html = "";

        // Calculate success rate, if no unknown result states or compilation errors.
        $successrate = "?";
        if ($summary->unknownCount() == 0 && $summary->compilationErrorCount() == 0) {
            $successrate = round(($summary->successfulCount() / $summary->resultCount()) * 100, 2 );

        // Generate html.
        $html .= $summary->successfulCount() . "/";
        $html .= ($summary->compilationErrorCount() == 0 && $summary->unknownCount() == 0)
            ? $summary->result_Count() . " (" . $successrate . "%)"
                : "?";
        $html .= get_string("tests_successful", self::COMPONENT_NAME) . "<br />";

        if ($summary->compilationErrorCount() > 0) {
            $html .= $summary->compilationErrorCount() . get_string("compilation_errors", self::COMPONENT_NAME) . "<br />";

        if ($summary->unknownCount() > 0) {
            $html .= $summary->unknownCount() . get_string("unknown_state", self::COMPONENT_NAME) . "<br />";

        $showncompetencies = explode(";", $summary->successfultestcompetencies);
        $overallcompetencies = explode(";", $summary->overalltestcompetencies);

        $tmp = "";
        for ($index = 0, $size = count($showncompetencies); $index < $size; $index++) {
            $shown = $showncompetencies[$index];
            $comp = $overallcompetencies[$index];
            // If the competency was actually assessed by the assignment and tests, add a summary entry.
            if ($shown != "0") {
                $tmp .= get_string("comp" . $index, self::COMPONENT_NAME) .
                " " . 100 * floatval($shown) / floatval($comp) . "% " . "<br />";

        $html .= get_string("success_competencies", self::COMPONENT_NAME) . "<br />" . $tmp . "<br />";

        return \html_writer::div($html, "dtaSubmissionSummary");

 * Generiert die detaillierte HTML-Ansicht, einschließlich Zusammenfassung, Kompetenzen, Details und Empfehlungen.
 * @param int $assignmentid Assignment-ID
 * @param int $submissionid Submission-ID, für die der Bericht erstellt wird
 * @return string HTML-Code
public static function generate_detail_html(
    int $assignmentid,
    int $submissionid
): string {

    // HTML-Inhalt initialisieren
    $html = "";

    // Daten abrufen
    $summary = db_utils::get_Result_Summary_From_Database($assignmentid, $submissionid);

    // CSS-Klassen und HTML-Attributarrays definieren
    $tableheaderrowattributes = ["class" => "dtaTableHeaderRow"];
    $tablerowattributes = ["class" => "dtaTableRow"];
    $attributes = ["class" => "dtaTableData"];
    $unknownattributes = 'dtaResultUnknown';
    $successattributes = 'dtaResultSuccess';
    $failureattributes = 'dtaResultFailure';
    $compilationerrorattributes = 'dtaResultCompilationError';

    // **Zusammenfassungstabelle erstellen**
    // (Ihr bisheriger Code bleibt unverändert)

    // **Abstand zwischen Tabellen**
    $html .= \html_writer::empty_tag("div", ["class" => "dtaSpacer"]);

    // **Empfehlungstabelle hinzufügen**
    // Empfehlungen für die Submission abrufen
    $recommendations = db_utils::get_recommendations_from_database($assignmentid, $submissionid);

    if (!empty($recommendations)) {
        // **Sortierparameter abrufen**
        $allowed_sort_fields = ['topic', 'exercise_name', 'difficulty', 'score'];
        $allowed_sort_dirs = ['asc', 'desc'];

        // Sortierparameter aus POST-Daten abrufen
        $sortby = isset($_POST['sortby']) ? $_POST['sortby'] : 'score';
        $sortdir = isset($_POST['sortdir']) ? $_POST['sortdir'] : 'asc';

        // Sortierparameter validieren
        if (!in_array($sortby, $allowed_sort_fields)) {
            $sortby = 'score';
        if (!in_array($sortdir, $allowed_sort_dirs)) {
            $sortdir = 'asc';

        // Empfehlungen sortieren
        usort($recommendations, function($a, $b) use ($sortby, $sortdir) {
            $valueA = $a->{$sortby};
            $valueB = $b->{$sortby};

            if (is_numeric($valueA) && is_numeric($valueB)) {
                $comparison = $valueA - $valueB;
            } else {
                $comparison = strnatcasecmp($valueA, $valueB);

            if ($comparison == 0) {
                return 0;

            if ($sortdir == 'asc') {
                return ($comparison < 0) ? -1 : 1;
            } else {
                return ($comparison < 0) ? 1 : -1;

        // Überschrift für Empfehlungen
        $html .= \html_writer::tag('h3', get_string('recommendations', self::COMPONENT_NAME));

        // Helper-Funktion zum Generieren von sortierbaren Headern
        $generate_sortable_header = function($column_name, $display_name) use ($sortby, $sortdir) {
            $new_sortdir = ($sortby == $column_name && $sortdir == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
            $class = 'dtaTableHeader';
            if ($sortby == $column_name) {
                $class .= ' sorted ' . $sortdir;

            // Button erstellen
            $button = \html_writer::empty_tag('input', [
                'type' => 'submit',
                'name' => 'sortbutton',
                'value' => ($new_sortdir == 'asc' ? '↑' : '↓'),
                'class' => 'sort-button'

            // Hidden Inputs für Sortierparameter
            $hidden_inputs = \html_writer::empty_tag('input', [
                'type' => 'hidden',
                'name' => 'sortby',
                'value' => $column_name
            $hidden_inputs .= \html_writer::empty_tag('input', [
                'type' => 'hidden',
                'name' => 'sortdir',
                'value' => $new_sortdir

            // Formular für den Button erstellen
            $form = \html_writer::start_tag('form', ['method' => 'post', 'style' => 'display:inline']);
            $form .= $hidden_inputs;
            $form .= $display_name . ' ' . $button;
            $form .= \html_writer::end_tag('form');

            return \html_writer::tag("th", $form, ["class" => $class]);

        // Tabellenkopf für Empfehlungen
        $tableheader = "";
        $tableheader .= $generate_sortable_header('topic', get_string("topic", self::COMPONENT_NAME));
        $tableheader .= $generate_sortable_header('exercise_name', get_string("exercise_name", self::COMPONENT_NAME));
        $tableheader .= \html_writer::tag("th", get_string("url", self::COMPONENT_NAME), ["class" => "dtaTableHeader"]);
        $tableheader .= $generate_sortable_header('difficulty', get_string("difficulty", self::COMPONENT_NAME));
        $tableheader .= $generate_sortable_header('score', get_string("score", self::COMPONENT_NAME));

        $tableheader = \html_writer::tag("tr", $tableheader, ["class" => "dtaTableHeaderRow"]);
        $tableheader = \html_writer::tag("thead", $tableheader);

        // Tabellenkörper für Empfehlungen
        $tablebody = "";
        foreach ($recommendations as $recommendation) {
            $tablerow = "";
            $tablerow .= \html_writer::tag("td", $recommendation->topic, $attributes);
            $tablerow .= \html_writer::tag("td", $recommendation->exercise_name, $attributes);
            $tablerow .= \html_writer::tag("td", \html_writer::link($recommendation->url, $recommendation->url), $attributes);
            $tablerow .= \html_writer::tag("td", $recommendation->difficulty, $attributes);
            $tablerow .= \html_writer::tag("td", $recommendation->score, $attributes);

            $tablebody .= \html_writer::tag("tr", $tablerow, $tablerowattributes);
        $tablebody = \html_writer::tag("tbody", $tablebody);

        // Empfehlungstabelle zusammenstellen
        $html .= \html_writer::tag("table", $tableheader . $tablebody, ["class" => "dtaTable"]);

    // Abschließendes Div für die gesamte HTML-Ausgabe
    $html = \html_writer::div($html, "dtaSubmissionDetails");

    return $html;
