
 * Strings for component "assignsubmission_dta", language "en"
 * @package   assignsubmission_dta
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

$string["pluginname"] = "Dockerized Testing Agent";
$string["submission_label"] = "DTA submission configuration or zip-packed project";
$string["submission_label_help"] = "Either upload a single textfile containing one DTA URI pointing to the repository with your submission or pack your project as zip and upload it directly. Using the textfile you can additionally add as many unified-ticketing URI (one per line) as you wish for feedback into one or more ticketsystems.";
$string["submission_settings_label"] = "DTA test configuration";
$string["submission_settings_label_help"] = "single text file with  DTA test URI";
$string["backendHost_help"] = "Address/Name and Port of backend server";
$string["backendHost_not_set"] = "The Dockerized Testing Agent backend URL is not configured";
$string["enabled"] = $string["pluginname"];
$string["enabled_help"] = "If enabled, you will have to upload a textfile containing a valid DTA URI pointing to the repository with your test logic and defining a docker image on dockerhub used as testrunner. Your students will have to either upload their code in a zip archive resembling the expected repository structure or as well by providing a textifle with a valid DTA URI pointing to the repository with their submission logic";
$string["no_submissionfile_warning"] = "Submission type is \"Dockerized Testing Agent\" but no configuration file or submission archive uploaded";
$string["no_testfile_warning"] = "Submission type is \"Dockerized Testing Agent\" but no configuration file uploaded";
$string["http_client_error_msg"] = "A client error occured (HTTP 4xx)";
$string["http_server_error_msg"] = "A server error occured (HTTP 5xx)";
$string["http_unknown_error_msg"] = "An unknown HTTP error occured on backend transfer";

// Admin Settings.
$string["default"] = "Enabled by default";
$string["default_help"] = "If set, this submission method will be enabled by default for all new assignments.";
$string["backendHost"] = "Backend Server Address";