# Moodle Dockerized Code Testing (MoDoCoT) - Backend ## Usage An available Jenkins needs to run on the server where the backend container runs. The Jenkins has to listen on port 8080. If need to use another port for Jenkins have a look at Server application configuration / Local application configuration ### Conventions - The JUnit test classes cannot be organized in packages. Tasks and helper classes can use packages. ## Development Hints ### Build This is a maven project. It can be build with `mvn package`. There is also a ready-to-go docker image available. It can be found [on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/hftstuttgart/modocot-backend/) ### Server application configuration We're using the **application-server.properties** file to configure the application. The file can be found under _/src/main/resources/_ You need to configure following entries: docker.hostIp= "Your docker host ip" jenkins.api.token= "Your jenkins api token" [See Jenkins Doc](https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/using/remote-access-api/) (jenkins.url=http://${docker.hostIp}:"Your Jenkins Port"/) Use this property if your Jenkins listens on a port other than 8080 ### Local application configuration We're using the **application.properties** file to configure the application. The file can be found under _/src/main/resources/_ You need to configure following entries: docker.hostIp= "Your docker host ip" jenkins.api.token= "Your jenkins api token" [See Jenkins Doc](https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/using/remote-access-api/) (jenkins.url=http://${docker.hostIp}:"Your Jenkins Port"/) Use this property if your Jenkins listens on a port other than 8080 ## Interfaces ##### POST /v1/unittest Used for uploading / creating of assignments. The body needs to contain two fields as form data:
*assignmentId*: The ID of the created assignment. This is created by moodle.
*unitTestFile*: The zip file containing the unit tests for this assignment. ##### DELETE /v1/unittest?assignmentId=<111> Delete the created assignment. The assignment ID of the unit tests which need to be deleted is passed as a query parameter ##### POST /v1/task The upload of the Java files to be tested. The body needs to contain two form fields:
*taskFile*: The zip file containing the java files
*assignmentId*: The id of the assignment. Provided by moodle