diff --git a/docs/usage.md b/docs/usage.md index de0e2a9097395b7146d7d039ece3964370853af2..5dfa6d5e521cb0095da7dab261936abf7f973bda 100644 --- a/docs/usage.md +++ b/docs/usage.md @@ -1,4 +1,79 @@ # Usage -!!! todo - Write usage guide for lecturers and students +On this page you'll find all information regarding the usage of Dockerized Testing Toolkit for lecturers as-well as students. + +## Lecturer + +### Requirements + +- testrunner docker-image hosted on DockerHub. Either: + 1. choose from the official supported list + 2. find/create custom image +- tests code base in internet accessible Git-Repo +- file-structure of code-base to match choosen runner's specifications + +### Create/Edit Assignment in Moodle + +In your Moodle course + +- add a new Assignment +- enable Dockerized Testing Toolkit +- disable all other submission types +- upload textfile with your assignment settings (see below on file specification) + +To edit an existing assignment, just remove the old and upload a new config file. +## Student + +As student you can either zip your submission, or upload a textfile with the link to your git repository. +For the file specifications see below. +## DTT configuration file specification + +This section describes how the DTT-config-files work. + +They have to contain an URI starting with `dtt` as identifier, then followed by the information as shown below. +### Lecturer (assignment) + +Information needed in the config-file: + +- url to git repo +- user and password, if needed for access +- docker image to use + +``` +dtt::::>::>:: +``` + +Example: + +``` +# test code +dtt::https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/dtt/example_openjdk11-junit5-calculator-test.git::none::none::hftstuttgart/dtt-openjdk11-junit5-testrunner:feat-dtt-transition +``` + +### Student (submission) + +Information needed in the config-file: + +- url to git repo +- user and password, if needed for access + +``` +dtt::::>::> +``` + +!!! tip + Additionally any number of [Unified-Ticketing][1] URIs can be in the config file for ticket response. + +Example: + +``` +# source code +dtt::https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/dtt/example_openjdk11-junit5-calculator-submission.git::none::none + +# disabled, just as example +# ticket response +# unifiedticketing:gitlab:https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab:0815:ABASAEUIBFI44BKW34U7I24 +``` + + +[1]: https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/9lukas5/unified-ticketing/api/core/ticket-system.html#by-uri