EnSys-LE Dashboard

The application visualizes the simulation of renewable energy potentials as well as the heating and electricity demand of buildings in exemplary counties. It can be used by local stakeholders for various applications such as to access potential sites for renewable energy production or possible district heating systems.

Example image

About Us

EnSys-Le is the joint project between HFT Stuttgart with EWI Köln analyses local energy markets as a link between regional and central energy system transformation. The sub-project of the HFT Stuttgart is concerned with the model-based analysis of regional power generation systems based on the simulation platform SimStadt. EnSys-LE addresses the question of how local and national energy systems behave in relation to each other. For four representative districts in Germany, the potential for renewable energies is investigated and how it compares to the national targets for renewable energies. Read more ...

Our Analysis Model

  • SimStadt
  • PV GIS