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Website for the Handlungsleitfaden
This repository contains scripts or workflows for the data workflow such as cleaning, processing, analysis, etc.
This is a template project for gitlab-pages
A repository of demo applications in project iCity.
Webpage for middleware applications: https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/kebidge/middleware-page/home/
Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
Contains an example on the usage of the urba data platform. A visualization of an example attribute.
Using AR for Features
QualityADE repository
fork of https://github.com/hvirring/simplesamlphp-sqlauthbcrypt for usage with simplesamlphp >= 1.19
Detect Windows on Building facades from point clouds acquired from mobile mapping surveys. Demo: https://urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de/EssenPC.html