from owslib.wms import WebMapService # Initialisiere Web Mapping Service fuer das Land Bayern wms = WebMapService('')from owslib.wms import WebMapService # Definiere eine Funktion, welche RGBI-Daten herunterlaedt und speichert, basierend auf einer bounding box (Gauss-Kruger zone 4 Koordinaten) def get_wms_tile(bbox, gsd=0.2, url='', srs='EPSG:31468', format='image/tiff', targetdir='./'): # open wms wms = WebMapService(url) # determine image shape in pixels width = int((bbox[2]-bbox[0])/0.2) height = int((bbox[3]-bbox[1])/0.2) # retrieve RGB data params = { 'layers': ["by_dop20c"], 'bbox': bbox, 'srs': srs, 'format': format, 'size': (width, height) } data = wms.getmap(**params, timeout=60) # Timeout auf 60 Sekunden erhöhen rgb_data = np.array('RGB')) # retrieve IRG data params = { 'layers': ["by_dop20cir"], 'bbox': bbox, 'srs': srs, 'format': format, 'size': (width, height) } data = wms.getmap(**params, timeout=60) # Timeout auf 60 Sekunden erhöhen irg_data = np.array('RGB')) # combine datasets rgbi_data = np.array([rgb_data[:,:,0], rgb_data[:,:,1], rgb_data[:,:,2], irg_data[:,:,0]], dtype=np.uint8) # shape: [channels, height, width] # check image properties assert np.all(np.equal(rgbi_data.shape, (4, height, width))) # write data to geotiff file transform = from_bounds(*bbox, rgbi_data.shape[2], rgbi_data.shape[1]) filename = "{:d}_{:d}_rgbi_20cm.tif".format(int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])) with os.path.join(targetdir, filename), 'w', driver='GTiff', height=height, width=width, count=rgbi_data.shape[0], dtype='uint8', crs=CRS.from_string(srs), transform=transform) as dataset: dataset.write(rgbi_data) return rgbi_data # Download fuer Stadt Memmingen import os wue_bbox = (4365264, 5315180, 4365944, 5320884) # W, S, N, E width = 200 # px height = 200 # px gsd = 0.2 # m/px os.mkdir('memmingen/') if not os.path.exists('memmingen') else None for x in tqdm(np.arange(wue_bbox[0], wue_bbox[2], width*gsd)): for y in np.arange(wue_bbox[1], wue_bbox[3], height*gsd): coo = (x, y) # SW corner of tile bb = (x, y, x+width*gsd, y+height*gsd) # (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) get_wms_tile(bb, targetdir='memmingen/') # Umwandlung der (RGBI) TIFF-Files in (RGB) PNGs from PIL import Image datadir = 'wuerzburg/' targetdir = 'wuerzburg_rgb/' filenames = os.listdir(datadir) os.mkdir(targetdir) if not os.path.exists(targetdir) else None for filename in filenames: dataset =, filename)) img = np.dstack([:3]) image = Image.fromarray(img.astype('uint8'), 'RGB'), filename.replace('.tif', '_rgb.png'))) print(filename)