from lxml import etree import copy import uuid import os #os.chdir(r'C:\Users\ge29duf\Documents\02_Forschung\P62\Tool_ne\gml_changes') class bldg_extrusion: def __init__(self, gml_par, file_path, output_file_path, floor_high, residential_code): self.gml_par = gml_par self.file_path = file_path self.output_file_path = output_file_path self.floor_high = floor_high self.residential_code = residential_code # Function to extrude buildings def bldg_extrusion(self): gml_par = self.gml_par file_path = self.file_path output_file_path = self.output_file_path floor_high = self.floor_high bldg_function = self.residential_code extrusion_height = 1000.0 # Default extrusion height if measuredHeight is not found # get building IDs from gml_par and number of floors to extrude from gml_par['extruded'] bldg_IDs = gml_par['id'][gml_par['extruded'] > 0].tolist() #nr_of_floors = gml_par['extruded'][gml_par['extruded'] > 0].tolist() tree = etree.parse(file_path) # Define the namespaces namespaces = { 'gml': '', 'bldg': '', 'core': '', 'xlink': '' } # Register the namespace for prefix, uri in namespaces.items(): etree.register_namespace(prefix, uri) # Loop through each Building element buildings = tree.xpath('//bldg:Building', namespaces=namespaces) for building in buildings: # Check if the building ID is in the list of IDs to extrude building_id = building.get('{}id') if building_id in bldg_IDs or bldg_IDs == 'all': extra_building_hight = float(gml_par[gml_par['id']==building_id]['extruded']) * floor_high function = building.xpath('./bldg:function/text()', namespaces=namespaces)[0] if function.strip() == bldg_function: # print('function is residential: '+function) # Find the measuredHeight for the building, use extrusion_height if not found measured_height_list = building.xpath('./bldg:measuredHeight/text()', namespaces=namespaces) measured_height = float(measured_height_list[0]) if measured_height_list else extrusion_height # Find all WallSurface elements wall_surfaces = building.xpath('.//bldg:WallSurface', namespaces=namespaces) # Find all GroundSurface elements ground_surfaces = building.xpath('.//bldg:GroundSurface', namespaces=namespaces) # Find all RoofSurface elements roof_surfaces = building.xpath('.//bldg:RoofSurface', namespaces=namespaces) # change roof type to flat with '1000' roof_type = building.xpath('./bldg:roofType/text()', namespaces=namespaces) if roof_type[0] != '1000': roof_type_element = building.xpath('./bldg:roofType', namespaces=namespaces)[0] roof_type_element.text = '1000' #print('roof type changed to flat') # change measured height to + extra_building_hight measured_height_element = building.xpath('./bldg:measuredHeight', namespaces=namespaces)[0] measured_height_element.text = str(measured_height + extra_building_hight) # deleting all elements in building lod2Solid = building.xpath('.//bldg:lod2Solid', namespaces=namespaces) if lod2Solid: building.remove(lod2Solid[0]) #print('removed lod2Solid') for ground_surface in ground_surfaces: pos_lists_ground = ground_surface.xpath('.//gml:posList', namespaces=namespaces) for pos_list_ground in pos_lists_ground: coordinates = pos_list_ground.text.split() coord_triplets = [(float(coordinates[j]), float(coordinates[j+1]), float(coordinates[j+2])) for j in range(0, len(coordinates), 3)] extruded_coord_triplets = [(x, y, z + measured_height + extra_building_hight) for x, y, z in coord_triplets] # Assuming one WallSurface for each ground edge for simplicity for i, new_wall in enumerate(coord_triplets[:-1]): if i < len(wall_surfaces): # Ensure there is a corresponding wall wall_surface = wall_surfaces[i] multi_surfaces = wall_surface.xpath('.//gml:MultiSurface', namespaces=namespaces) if multi_surfaces: multi_surface = multi_surfaces[0] pos_lists_wall = multi_surface.xpath('.//gml:posList', namespaces=namespaces) if pos_lists_wall: pos_list_wall = pos_lists_wall[0] # Generate and set new coordinates for the wall x, y, z = coord_triplets[i] next_x, next_y, next_z = coord_triplets[(i + 1) % len(coord_triplets)] extruded_x, extruded_y, extruded_z = extruded_coord_triplets[i] next_extruded_x, next_extruded_y, next_extruded_z = extruded_coord_triplets[(i + 1) % len(coord_triplets)] pos_list_wall.text = f"{x} {y} {z} {extruded_x} {extruded_y} {extruded_z} {next_extruded_x} {next_extruded_y} {next_extruded_z} {next_x} {next_y} {next_z} {x} {y} {z}" #pos_list_wall.text = f"{x} {y} {z} {next_x} {next_y} {next_z} {next_extruded_x} {next_extruded_y} {next_extruded_z} {extruded_x} {extruded_y} {extruded_z} {x} {y} {z}" if i >= len(wall_surfaces)-1: # Create new wall surfaces for the additional edges new_wall_surface = copy.deepcopy(wall_surface) # Create a new element with the 'bldg' namespace prefix bounded_by = etree.Element('{}boundedBy') # change the id of the new wall surface to avoid duplicates; 0: # Assuming 'roof_surface' is the lxml Element representing the RoofSurface you want to remove boundedBy = roof_surface.getparent() grandparent = boundedBy.getparent() # Remove the boundedBy element, which also removes the RoofSurface child grandparent.remove(boundedBy) #print("Removed RoofSurface and its parent boundedBy.") # all polygon gml:id from the building surfaces are collected polygon_ids = [] for building_surface in building: polygon_ids.extend(building_surface.xpath('.//gml:Polygon/@gml:id', namespaces=namespaces)) # Create the root element lod2Solid = etree.Element('{}lod2Solid') # Create the gml:Solid element solid = etree.SubElement(lod2Solid, '{}Solid', attrib={'{}id': 'UUID_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}) # Create the gml:exterior and gml:CompositeSurface elements exterior = etree.SubElement(solid, '{}exterior') composite_surface = etree.SubElement(exterior, '{}CompositeSurface', attrib={'{}id': 'UUID_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}) # Create a gml:surfaceMember element for each polygon id for polygon_id in polygon_ids: etree.SubElement(composite_surface, '{}surfaceMember', attrib={'{}href': '#' + polygon_id}) # Append the lod2Solid to the building building.append(lod2Solid) else: print('function is not residential: '+function) pass # Write the modified CityGML back to a new file tree.write(output_file_path, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8') if building_id not in bldg_IDs: continue return print('Building extrusion completed and safed in:\n'+output_file_path)