Commit 1d6c6eb2 authored by Ratnadeep Rajendra Kharade's avatar Ratnadeep Rajendra Kharade
Browse files

Added new launch icon for android app

parent 43fffe7e
......@@ -278,7 +278,9 @@ export class HirebikePage implements OnInit {
finalNoGoAreas = [ Set(allNoGoAreas)];
//finalNoGoAreas = [ Set(allNoGoAreas)];
let x = (allNoGoAreas) => allNoGoAreas.filter((v,i) => allNoGoAreas.indexOf(v) === i)
finalNoGoAreas = x(allNoGoAreas);
//let group = new;
for (let i = 0; i < finalNoGoAreas.length; i++){
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