import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { Geolocation } from '@ionic-native/geolocation/ngx'; import { RestService } from '../rest.service'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage'; import { ToastService } from '../services/toast.service'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; declare var H: any; @Component({ selector: 'app-myreservation', templateUrl: './', styleUrls: ['./'], }) export class MyreservationPage implements OnInit { private platform: any; private map: any; // Get an instance of the routing service: private mapRouter: any; reservedBike: any = {}; bikeDetails: any = {}; isBikeHired = false; address="sample"; noReservation = true; private currentLocation = { lat: 0, lng: 0 }; // Create the parameters for the routing request: private routingParameters = { // The routing mode: mode: 'shortest;pedestrian', // The start point of the route: waypoint0: 'geo!50.1120423728813,8.68340740740811', // The end point of the route: waypoint1: 'geo!52.5309916298853,13.3846220493377', // To retrieve the shape of the route we choose the route // representation mode 'display' representation: 'display' }; @ViewChild("mapElement", { static: false }) public mapElement: ElementRef; constructor(private geolocation: Geolocation, public restService: RestService, public httpClient: HttpClient, private storage: Storage, private toastService: ToastService, private router: Router) { this.platform = new H.service.Platform({ 'apikey': 'tiVTgBnPbgV1spie5U2MSy-obhD9r2sGiOCbBzFY2_k' }); this.mapRouter = this.platform.getRoutingService(); } ngOnInit() { this.getReservedBike(); } ngAfterViewInit() { } getReservedBike() {'token').then((token) => { const headers = new HttpHeaders().set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); //call reserved bike api let reserveUrl = ''; let bikeReservationStatusApi = this.httpClient.get(reserveUrl, { headers }); bikeReservationStatusApi.subscribe((resp: any) => { console.log('Reserved Bike', resp); if ( { this.reservedBike =; this.isBikeHired = this.reservedBike.rented; //Call Bike Details api let bikeDetailsUrl = '' + this.reservedBike.bikeId; let bikeDetailsApi = this.httpClient.get(bikeDetailsUrl, { headers }); bikeDetailsApi.subscribe((resp: any) => { console.log('Bike Details', resp); this.bikeDetails =; this.reverseGeocode(this.platform,, this.bikeDetails.lon); this.noReservation = false; // display map setTimeout(() => { this.loadmap(); }, 1000); window.addEventListener('resize', () =>; }, (reservedBikeError) => console.log(reservedBikeError)); } }, (bikeDetailsError) => console.log(bikeDetailsError)); }); } cancelReservation() {'token').then((token) => { let url = '' + '?bikeId=' +; const headers = new HttpHeaders().set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); let bikeApi = this.httpClient.delete(url, { headers }); bikeApi.subscribe((resp) => { console.log('Reservation Cancelled: ', resp); this.toastService.showToast("Bike Reservation successfully cancelled."); this.router.navigateByUrl('/home'); }, (error) => console.log(error)); }); } loadmap() { var defaultLayers = this.platform.createDefaultLayers(); = new H.Map( this.mapElement.nativeElement,, { zoom: 17, pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1 } ); var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(; var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(, defaultLayers); ui.removeControl("mapsettings"); // create custom one var ms = new H.ui.MapSettingsControl({ baseLayers: [{ label: "3D", layer: }, { label: "Normal", layer: }, { label: "Satellite", layer: }, { label: "Terrain", layer: } ], layers: [{ label: "layer.traffic", layer: defaultLayers.vector.normal.traffic }, { label: "layer.incidents", layer: defaultLayers.vector.normal.trafficincidents } ] }); ui.addControl("customized", ms); var mapSettings = ui.getControl('customized'); var zoom = ui.getControl('zoom'); mapSettings.setAlignment('top-right'); zoom.setAlignment('left-top'); //get user location this.getLocation(; var img = ['../../../assets/images/100_percent.png', '../../../assets/images/75_percent.png', '../../../assets/images/50_percent.png', '../../../assets/images/25_percent.png', '../../../assets/images/0_percent.png']; if (this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage < 100 && this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage >= 75) { this.addMarker(Number(, Number(this.bikeDetails.lon), img[0]); } else if (this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage < 75 && this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage >= 50) { this.addMarker(Number(, Number(this.bikeDetails.lon), img[1]); } else if (this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage < 50 && this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage >= 25) { this.addMarker(Number(, Number(this.bikeDetails.lon), img[2]); } else if (this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage < 25 && this.bikeDetails.batteryPercentage >= 0) { this.addMarker(Number(, Number(this.bikeDetails.lon), img[3]); } } getLocation(map) { this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( { maximumAge: 1000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true } ).then((resp) => { let lat = resp.coords.latitude let lng = resp.coords.longitude = resp.coords.latitude; this.currentLocation.lng = resp.coords.longitude; this.moveMapToGiven(map, lat, lng); // set routing params this.routingParameters.waypoint1 = 'geo!' + + ',' + this.bikeDetails.lon; this.routingParameters.waypoint0 = 'geo!' + + ',' + this.currentLocation.lng; // show route on map this.mapRouter.calculateRoute(this.routingParameters, this.onResult.bind(this), (error) => { alert(error.message); }); }, er => { console.log('Can not retrieve Location'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Error getting location - ' + JSON.stringify(error)); }); } moveMapToGiven(map, lat, lng) { var icon = new'../../../assets/images/current_location.png'); // Create a marker using the previously instantiated icon: var marker = new{ lat: lat, lng: lng }, { icon: icon }); // Add the marker to the map: map.addObject(marker); map.setCenter({ lat: lat, lng: lng }); } addMarker(lat, lng, img) { var icon = new; // Create a marker using the previously instantiated icon: var marker = new{ lat: lat, lng: lng }, { icon: icon }); // Add the marker to the map:; } reverseGeocode(platform, lat, lng) { var prox = lat + ',' + lng + ',56'; var geocoder = platform.getGeocodingService(), parameters = { prox: prox, mode: 'retrieveAddresses', maxresults: '1', gen: '9' }; geocoder.reverseGeocode(parameters, result => { console.log(result); var streets = result.Response.View[0].Result[0].Location.Address.Street; var houseNumber = result.Response.View[0].Result[0].Location.Address.HouseNumber; var zipcode = result.Response.View[0].Result[0].Location.Address.PostalCode; this.address = streets; }, (error) => { alert(error); }); } // Define a callback function to process the routing response: onResult(result) { var route, routeShape, startPoint, endPoint, linestring; if (result.response.route) { // Pick the first route from the response: route = result.response.route[0]; // Pick the route's shape: routeShape = route.shape; // Create a linestring to use as a point source for the route line linestring = new H.geo.LineString(); // Push all the points in the shape into the linestring: routeShape.forEach(function (point) { var parts = point.split(','); linestring.pushLatLngAlt(parts[0], parts[1]); }); // Retrieve the mapped positions of the requested waypoints: startPoint = route.waypoint[0].mappedPosition; endPoint = route.waypoint[1].mappedPosition; // Create a polyline to display the route: var routeLine = new, { /* style: { lineWidth: 10, fillColor: 'white', strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', lineDash: [0, 2], lineTailCap: 'arrow-tail', lineHeadCap: 'arrow-head' } */ style: { lineWidth: 6, strokeColor: 'rgba(0, 72, 255, 0.8)', lineDash: [0, 2] } }); // Add the route polyline and the two markers to the map:[routeLine]); // Set the map's viewport to make the whole route visible:{ bounds: routeLine.getBoundingBox() }); // - 4.3, true); } }; hireBike() { if (this.isBikeHired) this.toastService.showToast("You already Hired this bike"); else this.router.navigateByUrl('/hirebike'); } }