Commit 8be8f752 authored by Pithon Kabiro's avatar Pithon Kabiro
Browse files

Move function that loads gltf files

parent fcb749b0
......@@ -46,33 +46,32 @@ const loadNonDetailed = function () {
// Function for loading 3DTiles + glTF models
const loadDetailed = function () {
// Paths to data sources
const URL_3DTILES = "data_3d/3dtiles/2_partial/tileset.json";
const URL_GLTF = "data_3d/gltf";
// Tileset without building 225
// Function for loading glTFs
const gltfLoad = function (gltfId, gltfUrl) {
const modelMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(
Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(9.083385, 48.881342, 0)
const gltfLoad = function (gltfId) {
url: `${URL_GLTF}/${gltfId}.gltf`,
url: `${gltfUrl}/${gltfId}.gltf`,
modelMatrix: modelMatrix,
scale: 0.0254,
allowPicking: true,
// Function for loading 3DTiles + glTF models
const loadDetailed = function () {
// Paths to data sources
const URL_3DTILES = "data_3d/3dtiles/2_partial/tileset.json";
const URL_GLTF = "data_3d/gltf";
// Tileset without building 225
// Load Building 225
gltfLoad("bosch_si225_3", URL_GLTF);
// Load sensors in Building 225
const gltfArray = [
......@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ const loadDetailed = function () {
gltfArray.forEach((val) => gltfLoad(val));
gltfArray.forEach((sensor) => gltfLoad(sensor, URL_GLTF));
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