Commit dacc1844 authored by Pithon Kabiro's avatar Pithon Kabiro
Browse files

Edit function: format observations scatter plot

Replace if/else block with ternary operator
parent 57668697
......@@ -36,20 +36,18 @@ const formatSensorThingsApiResponseForScatterPlot = function (
) {
// When our observation arrays have DIFFERENT lengths
if (obsArrayOne.length !== obsArrayTwo.length) {
// Check if our observation arrays have equal lengths,
// remove the unique observations, if necessary
const [obsArrayOneFinal, obsArrayTwoFinal] =
obsArrayOne.length !== obsArrayTwo.length
? checkForAndDeleteUniqueObservationsFromLargerArray(
: [obsArrayOne, obsArrayTwo];
// Create the combined observations array
return createCombinedObservationValues(obsArrayOneFinal, obsArrayTwoFinal);
// When our observation arrays already have SAME lengths
else {
return createCombinedObservationValues(obsArrayOne, obsArrayTwo);
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