// DEBUG: for testing without a browser // const axios = require("axios").default; // Request parameters const BASE_URL = ""; const PARAM_RESULT_FORMAT = "dataArray"; const PARAM_ORDER_BY = "phenomenonTime asc"; const PARAM_FILTER = "resultTime ge 2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and resultTime le 2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z"; const PARAM_SELECT = "result,phenomenonTime"; /** * Helper function for converting the observation time from a string to Unix epoch * @param {*} obsArray */ const formatObservationTime = function (obsArray) { const dataSTAFormatted = []; obsArray.forEach((result) => { const timestampObs = new Date(result[0].slice(0, -1)).getTime(); // slice() removes trailing "Z" character in timestamp const valueObs = result[1]; dataSTAFormatted.push([timestampObs, valueObs]); }); return dataSTAFormatted; }; /** * Function draws chart using Highcharts library * @param {*} dataArr */ const drawLineChartHC = function (dataArr) { // Create the chart Highcharts.stockChart("chart-highcharts", { rangeSelector: { selected: 1, }, title: { text: "AAPL Stock Price", }, series: [ { name: "AAPL", data: dataArr, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, }, // turboThreshold: 10000, // Disable this option; otherwise throws error if our array has a length > 1000 }, ], }); }; /** * Function draws chart using Apexcharts library * @param {*} dataArr */ const drawLineChartAC = function (dataArr) { // Chart constants const CHART_HTML_ELEMENT = document.querySelector("#chart-apex-line"); const CHART_NAME = "Temperature"; const TITLE_TEXT = "Inlet flow (Vorlauf)"; const Y_AXIS_TITLE = "Temperature"; const options = { series: [ { name: CHART_NAME, data: dataArr, }, ], chart: { type: "area", stacked: false, height: 350, zoom: { type: "x", enabled: true, autoScaleYaxis: true, }, toolbar: { autoSelected: "zoom", }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, markers: { size: 0, }, title: { text: TITLE_TEXT, align: "left", }, fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, stops: [0, 90, 100], }, }, yaxis: { labels: { formatter: function (val) { return val.toFixed(2); }, }, title: { text: Y_AXIS_TITLE, }, }, xaxis: { type: "datetime", }, tooltip: { shared: false, y: { formatter: function (val) { return val.toFixed(2); }, }, }, }; const chart = new ApexCharts(CHART_HTML_ELEMENT, options); chart.render(); }; /** * Function follows "@iot.nextLink" links * Appends new results to existing results * @param {*} responsePromise */ const followNextLink = function (responsePromise) { return responsePromise .then(function (lastSuccess) { if (lastSuccess.data["@iot.nextLink"]) { return followNextLink( axios.get(lastSuccess.data["@iot.nextLink"]) ).then(function (nextLinkSuccess) { nextLinkSuccess.data.value = lastSuccess.data.value.concat( nextLinkSuccess.data.value ); return nextLinkSuccess; }); } else { return lastSuccess; } }) .catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); }; // Get "ALL" the Observations that satisfy our query followNextLink( axios.get(BASE_URL, { params: { "$resultFormat": PARAM_RESULT_FORMAT, "$orderBy": PARAM_ORDER_BY, "$filter": PARAM_FILTER, "$select": PARAM_SELECT, }, }) ) .then((success) => { const successValue = success.data.value; // Array that will hold the combined observations const combinedObservations = []; successValue.forEach((dataObj) => { // Each page of results will have a dataArray that holds the observations const dataArrays = dataObj.dataArray; combinedObservations.push(...dataArrays); }); // DEBUG: Check total number of observations console.log(combinedObservations.length); return combinedObservations; }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }) .then((observationArr) => { const formattedObservations = formatObservationTime(observationArr); console.log(formattedObservations); drawLineChartAC(observationArr); });