function prepRibbonData(jsonData) { var resList = []; const L = jsonData.length; var startVal = 2; var currentMonth = 0; var hourInMonth = 0; var x = []; var y = []; var z = []; for (var d = 0; d < L; d++) { let tmpDate = new Date(jsonData[d].x); // let datum = tmpDate.getDate(); // gets the day of the month 1...31 let hour = tmpDate.getHours(); let month = tmpDate.getUTCMonth(); // gets the month as numeric value if (currentMonth == month) { x.push([startVal, startVal + 1]); y.push([hourInMonth, hourInMonth]); z.push([jsonData[d].y, jsonData[d].y]); hourInMonth++; } else { resList.push({ x: x, y: y, z: z }); var x = []; var y = []; var z = []; currentMonth += 1; startVal += 2; hourInMonth = 0; x.push([startVal, startVal + 1]); y.push([hourInMonth, hourInMonth]); z.push([jsonData[d].y, jsonData[d].y]); } } // end of for loop // add results for last month as else statement will not be reached for the december // as the condition d < L will be true before the condition currentMonth === month can be evaluated // re-activate following line when i have more than one data point for the next month // resList.push({x:x, y:y, z:z } ); return resList; } function makeRibbonPlot(dat) { preppedData = prepRibbonData(dat); dat = preppedData; // var trace1 = { x: dat[0].x, y: dat[0].y, z: dat[0].z, name: "January", // colorscale: dat[0].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var trace2 = { name: "Feburary", x: dat[1].x, y: dat[1].y, z: dat[1].z, // colorscale: dat[1].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var trace3 = { name: "March", x: dat[2].x, y: dat[2].y, z: dat[2].z, // colorscale: dat[2].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var trace4 = { name: "April", x: dat[3].x, y: dat[3].y, z: dat[3].z, // colorscale: dat[3].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var trace5 = { name: "May", x: dat[4].x, y: dat[4].y, z: dat[4].z, // colorscale: dat[4].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var trace6 = { name: "June", x: dat[5].x, y: dat[5].y, z: dat[5].z, // colorscale: dat[5].colorscale, type: "surface", showscale: false, }; var data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6]; var layout = { title: "Inlet flow (per month)", showlegend: true, autosize: true, width: 1400, height: 800, xaxis: { tickmode: "array", tickvals: [2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5], ticktext: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"], }, hoverlabel: { bgcolor: "black", }, scene: { xaxis: { title: "Month ", tickmode: "array", tickvals: [2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5], ticktext: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"], }, yaxis: { title: "Hours in a month" }, zaxis: { title: "Temperature (°C)" }, }, }; Plotly.newPlot("RibbonPlot", data, layout); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function prepHeatmapData(jsonData) { const L = jsonData.length; var z = []; var hourCnt = 0; const maxH = 24; const incr = Math.round(L / maxH) + 1; // span up the matrix that holds my temperature values for (var d = 0; d < L; d += incr) { // z.push( [...Array(incr).keys(NaN)] ); z.push(Array(incr).fill(NaN)); } // now populate the empty (nan-filled) array with appropriate values var cnt = 0; var breakOut = false; for (var hour = 0; hour < z.length; hour++) { for (var day = 0; day < incr; day++) { idx = (day * maxH) + hour ; if (idx >= L) continue; z[hour][day] = jsonData[idx].y; cnt++; if (cnt >= L) { breakOut = true; break; } } if (breakOut) break; } // window.alert(cnt); return z; } ///////////////////////////////////// function makeHeatmap(dat) { z_data = prepHeatmapData(dat); layout = { // all "layout" attributes: #layout title: 'Inlet flow Overview of 2020 - 1st Jan - 30th Jun', // more about "layout.title": #layout-title showlegend: true, autosize: true, width: 1400, height: 800, xaxis: { // all "layout.xaxis" attributes: #layout-xaxis title: 'Number of the day of the year', tickmode: "array", tickvals: [0 , 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182], ticktext: ["1st. Jan", "1st Feb", "1st Mar", "1st Apr", "1st May", "1st Jun", "1st Jul"], // more about "layout.xaxis.title": #layout-xaxis-title }, yaxis: { title: "Hours of the day", tickmode: "array", tickvals: [...Array(24).keys()], ticktext: String([...Array(24).keys()]), }, annotations: [ // all "annotation" attributes: #layout-annotations // { // text: '1st of February', // #layout-annotations-text // x: 0, // #layout-annotations-x // xref: 'paper', // #layout-annotations-xref // y: 0, // #layout-annotations-y // yref: 'paper' // #layout-annotations-yref // } ] } var data = [ { // z: [ [1, 20, 30 , 20], [20, 1, 60, 10 ], [30, 60, 1, 5], [1, 20, 30 , 20], [20, 1, 60, 10 ], [30, 60, 1, 5] ], z: z_data, type: "heatmap", }, ]; Plotly.newPlot("heatmap2d", data, layout); } function make2dHistogram(dat) { ////////////////////////////// // make heatmap or 2d histogram plot var x = []; var y = []; for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { x[i] = Math.random(); y[i] = Math.random() + 1; } var data = [ { x: x, y: y, z: x, type: "histogram2d", // try this type as well 'histogram2dcontour' or this one 'histogram2d' }, ]; Plotly.newPlot("heatmap2d", data); }