(function () { var defaultPrecision = { km: 2, ha: 2, m: 0, mi: 2, ac: 2, yd: 0, ft: 0, nm: 2 }; /** * @class L.GeometryUtil * @aka GeometryUtil */ L.GeometryUtil = L.extend(L.GeometryUtil || {}, { // Ported from the OpenLayers implementation. See https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/master/lib/OpenLayers/Geometry/LinearRing.js#L270 // @method geodesicArea(): number geodesicArea: function (latLngs) { var pointsCount = latLngs.length, area = 0.0, d2r = Math.PI / 180, p1, p2; if (pointsCount > 2) { for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++) { p1 = latLngs[i]; p2 = latLngs[(i + 1) % pointsCount]; area += ((p2.lng - p1.lng) * d2r) * (2 + Math.sin(p1.lat * d2r) + Math.sin(p2.lat * d2r)); } area = area * 6378137.0 * 6378137.0 / 2.0; } return Math.abs(area); }, // @method formattedNumber(n, precision): string // Returns n in specified number format (if defined) and precision formattedNumber: function (n, precision) { var formatted = parseFloat(n).toFixed(precision), format = L.drawLocal.format && L.drawLocal.format.numeric, delimiters = format && format.delimiters, thousands = delimiters && delimiters.thousands, decimal = delimiters && delimiters.decimal; if (thousands || decimal) { var splitValue = formatted.split('.'); formatted = thousands ? splitValue[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + thousands) : splitValue[0]; decimal = decimal || '.'; if (splitValue.length > 1) { formatted = formatted + decimal + splitValue[1]; } } return formatted; }, // @method readableArea(area, isMetric, precision): string // Returns a readable area string in yards or metric. // The value will be rounded as defined by the precision option object. readableArea: function (area, isMetric, precision) { var areaStr, units, precision = L.Util.extend({}, defaultPrecision, precision); if (isMetric) { units = ['ha', 'm']; type = typeof isMetric; if (type === 'string') { units = [isMetric]; } else if (type !== 'boolean') { units = isMetric; } if (area >= 1000000 && units.indexOf('km') !== -1) { areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area * 0.000001, precision['km']) + ' km²'; } else if (area >= 10000 && units.indexOf('ha') !== -1) { areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area * 0.0001, precision['ha']) + ' ha'; } else { areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area, precision['m']) + ' m²'; } } else { area /= 0.836127; // Square yards in 1 meter if (area >= 3097600) { //3097600 square yards in 1 square mile areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area / 3097600, precision['mi']) + ' mi²'; } else if (area >= 4840) { //4840 square yards in 1 acre areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area / 4840, precision['ac']) + ' acres'; } else { areaStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(area, precision['yd']) + ' yd²'; } } return areaStr; }, // @method readableDistance(distance, units): string // Converts a metric distance to one of [ feet, nauticalMile, metric or yards ] string // // @alternative // @method readableDistance(distance, isMetric, useFeet, isNauticalMile, precision): string // Converts metric distance to distance string. // The value will be rounded as defined by the precision option object. readableDistance: function (distance, isMetric, isFeet, isNauticalMile, precision) { var distanceStr, units, precision = L.Util.extend({}, defaultPrecision, precision); if (isMetric) { units = typeof isMetric == 'string' ? isMetric : 'metric'; } else if (isFeet) { units = 'feet'; } else if (isNauticalMile) { units = 'nauticalMile'; } else { units = 'yards'; } switch (units) { case 'metric': // show metres when distance is < 1km, then show km if (distance > 1000) { distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance / 1000, precision['km']) + ' km'; } else { distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance, precision['m']) + ' m'; } break; case 'feet': distance *= 1.09361 * 3; distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance, precision['ft']) + ' ft'; break; case 'nauticalMile': distance *= 0.53996; distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance / 1000, precision['nm']) + ' nm'; break; case 'yards': default: distance *= 1.09361; if (distance > 1760) { distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance / 1760, precision['mi']) + ' miles'; } else { distanceStr = L.GeometryUtil.formattedNumber(distance, precision['yd']) + ' yd'; } break; } return distanceStr; }, // @method isVersion07x(): boolean // Returns true if the Leaflet version is 0.7.x, false otherwise. isVersion07x: function () { var version = L.version.split('.'); //If Version is == 0.7.* return parseInt(version[0], 10) === 0 && parseInt(version[1], 10) === 7; }, }); })();