var tocRoot, tocBranch, tocSel, tocLoading, tocLastID, tableSel = null, tabHead, data, tocTab, tocInitRoot, tocMemToc, rFStatus, oldData, tableSelTable; var prevPage = ""; var initI; var icon = new Array(); var preloadIcons = new Array(1, 10, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 11, 113, 116, 118, 16, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 34, 4, 5, 52, 53, 56, 57, 6, 60, 68, 69, 7, 8, 82, 9, 99); var browser = browserCheck(); var content = 0; var Linkguid = ""; function browserCheck() { browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (browser.indexOf('msie') != -1) { if (browser.substring(browser.indexOf('msie') + 5, browser.indexOf('.', browser.indexOf('msie'))) > 6) return ("ie7"); if (browser.substring(browser.indexOf('msie') + 5, browser.indexOf('.', browser.indexOf('msie'))) > 5) return ("ie6"); else return ("ie_old"); } else if (browser.indexOf('firefox') != -1) return ("ff"); else if (browser.indexOf('opera') != -1) return ("op"); else if (browser.indexOf('gecko') != -1) return ("ff"); } function changeCSS(theClass, element, value, target) { var cssRules; target = eval(target + '.document.styleSheets'); if (browser == 'ie6' || browser == 'ie7') { cssRules = 'rules'; } else { cssRules = 'cssRules'; } for (var S = 0; S < target.length; S++) { for (var R = 0; R < target[S][cssRules].length; R++) { if (target[S][cssRules][R].selectorText == theClass) { try { target[S][cssRules][R].style[element] = value; } catch (e) { } } } } } function initItem(item) { if (prevPage != cont.document.location.href) tableSel = null; if (tableSel == null) { if (cont.document.getElementById('TableGroup') != null) { toggleItem(cont.document.getElementById('TableGroup').getElementsByTagName('li')[0].id.replace("Title", "")); } prevPage = cont.document.location.href; } } function initLoad(src, toc, home) { var qs =; if (qs.substring(0, qs.indexOf('=')) == 'goto') { var gotoPage = qs.substring(qs.indexOf('=') + 1).split(':'); var fExt = home.substring(home.lastIndexOf('.')); var home = "./EARoot/"; for (var i = 0; i < gotoPage.length; i++) { home += "EA" + gotoPage[i]; if (i != gotoPage.length - 1) home += "/"; else home += fExt; } } content = document.createElement('div'); content.className = "IndexBody"; content.innerHTML = " \n"; if (qs.substring(0, qs.indexOf('=')) == 'guid') { Linkguid = qs.substring(qs.indexOf('=') + 1).split('?guid='); var sGuid = new String(Linkguid); if (sGuid.substring(0, 1) == "{" && sGuid.substring(sGuid.length, sGuid.length - 1) == "}") sGuid = sGuid.substring(1, sGuid.length - 1); Linkguid = sGuid; LoadGuidMap(OnReadyLoadGuidMap); } else { // We don't have a guid in the address bar, so set the default homepage and continue content.innerHTML += " "; content.innerHTML += "
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"; //Make sure memory for the string is cleared. The browser should do this anyway but just in case. Home = null; // Continue loading the rest of the page. initPreLoad(content); } catch (e) { return; } } } function GetPageAddressFromMapString(MapString) { var LG = new String(Linkguid); var Page = new String(MapString); LG = LG.toLowerCase(); //Make searching case insensitive. Page = Page.toLowerCase(); var Pos1 =; // Search the the guid in the string and return the position. Page = Page.slice(Pos1); // Remove the top half of the string. var Pos2 ="/"); //Search for the start of the web address. var Pos3 =";"); //Search for the end of the web address. Page = Page.slice(Pos2 + 1, Pos3); // extract the web address. // Leave the page address in the original case as Linux is case sensitive. var sExt = ".html"; Pos1 =; if (Pos1 == -1) { sExt = ".htm"; Pos1 =; } Page = Page.slice(0, Pos1); Page = Page.toUpperCase(); Page = "EARoot/" + Page + sExt; // At the root back onto the page. return Page; } function guidLink(guid, qs) { guid = guid.substring(1, guid.length - 1); //Remove the brakets Linkguid = guid; LoadGuidMap(OnReadyGuidLink); } function OnReadyGuidLink() { if (data.readyState == 4) { try { // Get the page location from the guid map. var Page = GetPageAddressFromMapString(data.responseText); cont.location = Page; //Make sure memory for the string is cleared. The browser should do this anyway but just in case. Page = null; Linkguid = null; } catch (e) { return; } } } function RequestPage(Page, ResponseFunc) { try { data = new XMLHttpRequest(); data.onreadystatechange = ResponseFunc;"GET", Page, true); data.send(null); } catch (e) { data = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); if (data) { data.onreadystatechange = ResponseFunc;"GET", Page, true); data.send(); } } } function initPage(src) { if (browser == "ie_old") return; if (toc.document != top.frames[0].document) { toc = top.frames[0]; } if (cont.document != top.frames[1].document) { cont = top.frames[1]; } if (!cont.document) { setTimeout("initPage('" + src + "')", "1000"); return; } var curPage = cont.document.location + ""; if (curPage.indexOf('EARoot') != -1) curPage = curPage.substring(curPage.indexOf('EARoot')); else curPage = curPage.substring(curPage.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); for (var j = 0; j < cont.document.getElementsByTagName('div').length; j++) { if (cont.document.getElementsByTagName('div')[j].className == "ObjectDetailsNotes") { var tmpStr = cont.document.getElementsByTagName('div')[j].innerHTML; 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return; } else { var parTree = curPage.substr(0, curPage.lastIndexOf('/')).substr(curPage.indexOf('/') + 1).replace(/EA/g, "").replace(/\//g, "."); if (parTree) { if (parTree.indexOf('0') != 0) parTree = "0." + parTree; parTree = parTree.split('.'); var tocTmp; for (var j = 0; parTree.length > j; j++) { if (j >= 1) tocTmp += "." + parTree[j]; else tocTmp = parTree[j]; if (toc.document.getElementById('toc' + tocTmp) == null) { setTimeout("initPage('" + src + "')", "1"); return; } var tmpCurToc = toc.document.getElementById('toc' + tocTmp).parentNode.childNodes; toc.tocMemToc = parTree.length - j; if (tmpCurToc.length > 3 && tmpCurToc[tmpCurToc.length - 4].src.substring(tmpCurToc[tmpCurToc.length - 4].src.lastIndexOf('images')).indexOf('plus') != -1) { toc.tocClick(tmpCurToc[tmpCurToc.length - 4]); } } } if (toc.document.getElementById(curPage) == null) { setTimeout("initPage('"+src+"')","1"); return; } if (toc.document.getElementById(curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode && toc.document.getElementById(curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes.length > 3) { if (toc.document.getElementById( curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[toc.document.getElementById( curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes.length - 4].src.indexOf('plus') != -1) { toc.tocClick(toc.document.getElementById( curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[toc.document.getElementById( curPage).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes.length - 4]); 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tocText.href = tocTab[i][3]; = top.frames[1].name; if (tocTab[i][9]) = tocTab[i][9]; else if (tocTab[i][7]) = tocTab[i][7]; } else tocText = tocBranch; var j = 0; var nodeText; //Replace values while (tocTab[i][2].indexOf('"') != -1) tocTab[i][2] = tocTab[i][2].replace('"', '\"'); while (tocTab[i][2].indexOf('
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