diff --git a/FWEADE.html b/FWEADE.html
index 1980e15a5a42e33606b8dc823e2424318abb449f..2b86fa7be745e14202a6a08de0817bba62d336c2 100644
--- a/FWEADE.html
+++ b/FWEADE.html
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Keeping in mind the challenges of data availability and its granularity, FWE ADE
         <span class="center"><img src="img/FWEADE1.png" alt="FWE ADE concept" width="90%" height="90%" /></span>    
       <p>An example implementation workflow using FWE ADE enriched CityGML LandUse dataset with SimStadt biomass workflow using <a href="https://www.safe.com/">Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)</a> can be represented as below.</p>
         <span class="center"><img src="img/FWEADE2.png" alt="FWE ADE concept" width="90%" height="90%" /></span>
-      <p>As shown in the above diagram, as a first step, using FME software,  CityGML LandUse dataset will be enriched with the required input parameters of surfaceArea, surfaceAreaUnit and vegetationCoverCategory available in the FWE ADE XSD (as defined in the parameters list under chapter B). surfaceAreas can be calculated using FME while vegetationCoverCateogry is custom codelist which is based on land cover satellite images. For the German case study of Landkreis Ludwigsburg, vegetationCoverCategory is derived from the 2016 national scale crop and land cover map of Germany based on imagery acquired by Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8 <a href="https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.893195">(Griffiths et al., 2018)</a>. These input parameters are mandatory for calculating biomass potential from the CityGML LandUse datasets using SimStadt. The enriched CityGML LandUse is then inputted to the SimStadt’s biomass workflow. The output CityGML LandUse file with output parameters from the FWE ADE XSD will be directly added to the 3DCityDB which is already extended to store the FWE ADE parameters. From 3DCityDB, based on the user needs either the enriched CityGML LandUse file with biomass potential can be extracted or the enriched CityGML FWEArea/FWESystem file with biomass potential values can also be extracted. Below image shows an exemplary visualisation of the above process.</p> 
+      <p>As shown in the above diagram, as a first step, using FME software,  CityGML LandUse dataset will be enriched with the required input parameters of surfaceArea, surfaceAreaUnit and vegetationCoverCategory available in the FWE ADE XSD (as defined in the parameters list under chapter B). surfaceAreas can be calculated using FME while vegetationCoverCateogry is custom codelist which is based on land cover satellite images. For the German case study of Landkreis Ludwigsburg, vegetationCoverCategory is derived from the 2016 national scale crop and land cover map of Germany based on imagery acquired by Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8 <a href="https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.893195">(Griffiths et al., 2018)</a>. These input parameters are mandatory for calculating biomass potential from the CityGML LandUse datasets using SimStadt. The enriched CityGML LandUse is then inputted to the SimStadt biomass workflow. The output CityGML LandUse file with output parameters from the FWE ADE XSD will be directly added to the 3DCityDB which is already extended to store the FWE ADE parameters. From 3DCityDB, based on the user needs either the enriched CityGML LandUse file with biomass potential can be extracted or the enriched CityGML FWEArea/FWESystem file with biomass potential values can also be extracted. Below image shows an exemplary visualisation of the above process.</p> 
         <span class="center"><img src="img/FWEADE3.jpg" alt="FWE ADE concept" width="90%" height="90%" /></span>