Unverified Commit 09b42f24 authored by mntmn's avatar mntmn
Browse files

remove stray character in toolbar template

parent a8b8e36a
'<div class="toolbar toolbar-properties" v-cloak v-show="active_space_loaded && !is_active_space_role('viewer')" v-bind:class="{in:toolbar_props_in,out:!toolbar_props_in}" v-if="active_space_loaded">
<div class="toolbar toolbar-properties" v-cloak v-show="active_space_loaded && !is_active_space_role('viewer')" v-bind:class="{in:toolbar_props_in,out:!toolbar_props_in}" v-if="active_space_loaded">
<div class="btn-group light vertical">
<div class="dropdown top right light"
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