function vec2_add(a,b) { return {dx:a.dx+b.dx, dy:a.dy+b.dy}; } function vec2_sub(a,b) { return {dx:a.dx-b.dx, dy:a.dy-b.dy}; } function vec2_mul(a,f) { return {dx:a.dx*f, dy:a.dy*f}; } function vec2_magn(v) { return Math.sqrt(v.dx*v.dx + v.dy*v.dy); } function vec2_unit(v) { var m = vec2_magn(v); if (m == 0) return {dx:0, dy:0}; return {dx:v.dx/m, dy:v.dy/m}; } function vec2_angle(v) { if (v.dx==0) return Math.atan2(v.dx+0.01, v.dy); return Math.atan2(v.dx, v.dy); } function render_vector_drawing(a, padding) { var shape = a.shape || ""; var path = []; var p = a.control_points[0]; if (!p) return ""; path.push("M" + (p.dx + padding) + "," + (p.dy + padding) + " "); if (shape.match("arrow")) { var cps = a.control_points[0]; var cpe = a.control_points[1]; var cpm = a.control_points[2]; if (!cpm) cpm = cpe; var markerId = a._id; var origin = cps; var end = cpe; var vec = vec2_sub(end, origin); var length = vec2_magn(vec); var middleVec = vec2_mul(vec2_unit(vec),length / 2); var middlePoint = vec2_add(origin, middleVec); var ortho = vec2_sub(cpm, middlePoint); var scaledMiddlePoint = vec2_add(vec2_mul(ortho,2), middlePoint); var d = "M" + (cps.dx + padding) + "," + (cps.dy + padding) + " Q" + (scaledMiddlePoint.dx + padding) + "," + (scaledMiddlePoint.dy + padding) + " " + (cpe.dx + padding) + "," + (cpe.dy + padding); var tip = ""; tip += ""; var svg = tip + ""; return svg; } else if (false /*shape.match("scribble")*/) { var idx = 0; while (idx < a.control_points.length - 1) { var prevP = a.control_points[idx]; if (a.control_points.length > idx + 1) { var p = a.control_points[idx + 1]; } else { var p = prevP; } if (a.control_points.length > idx + 2) { var nextP = a.control_points[idx + 2]; } else { var nextP = p; } var dpy = (p.dy - prevP.dy); var dpx = (p.dx - prevP.dx); var dny = (nextP.dy - p.dy); var dnx = (nextP.dx - p.dx); var distToNext = Math.sqrt(dny * dny + dnx * dnx); var distToPrev = Math.sqrt(dpy * dpy + dpx * dpx); var r = Math.sqrt((distToNext + distToPrev) / 2) * 2; var prevAngle = Math.atan2(dpy, dpx); var nextAngle = Math.atan2(dny, dnx); var bisectAngle = (prevAngle + nextAngle) / 2; var tangentAngle = bisectAngle; var cp1x = p.dx + Math.cos(tangentAngle) * -r; var cp1y = p.dy + Math.sin(tangentAngle) * -r; var cp2x = p.dx + Math.cos(tangentAngle) * r; var cp2y = p.dy + Math.sin(tangentAngle) * r; var dcp1x = cp1x - nextP.dx; var dcp1y = cp1y - nextP.dy; var dcp2x = cp2x - nextP.dx; var dcp2y = cp2y - nextP.dy; var distToCp1 = Math.sqrt(dcp1x * dcp1x + dcp1y * dcp1y) / r; var distToCp2 = Math.sqrt(dcp2x * dcp2x + dcp2y * dcp2y) / r; if (distToCp1 > distToCp2) { var curve = "S" + (cp1x + padding) + "," + (cp1y + padding) + " " + (p.dx + padding) + "," + (p.dy + padding); } else { var curve = "S" + (cp2x + padding) + "," + (cp2y + padding) + " " + (p.dx + padding) + "," + (p.dy + padding); } path.push(curve); idx += 1; } } else { for (var idx=0; idx"; } function render_vector_star(tips,width,height,stroke) { //A 5-pointed (5 tips) regular star of radius from center to tip of 1 has a box around it of width = 2 cos(pi/10) and height = 1 + cos(pi/5) // assuming the star is oriented with one point directly above the center. // So the center of the star is at width * 1/2 and height * 0.552786 which is 1 / (1 + cos(pi/5)) (also assuming the y-axis is inverted). // The inner points are at radius 0.381966 = sin(pi/10)/cos(pi/5). // Fortunately with simple transformations with matrices, we can do rotations and scales easily. // See for details. // But because the stroke is done after scaling (it's not scaled), we have to adjust the points after the rotation and scaling happens. //A 10-pointed regular star is simpler because it is vertically symmetrical. //NOTE: for very thick stroke widths, and small stars, the star might render very strangely! var xcenter = width/2; var ycenter = 0; var inner_radius = 0; if (tips == 5) { ycenter = height * 0.552786; inner_radius = 0.381966; //scale compared to outer_radius of 1.0 } else { //tips == 10 ycenter = height/2; inner_radius = 0.7; //scale compared to outer_radius of 1.0 } // Coordinates of the first tip, and the first inner corner var xtip = 1; // radius 1 var ytip = 0; var xinner = inner_radius * Math.cos(Math.PI/(tips==5?5:10)); var yinner = inner_radius * Math.sin(Math.PI/(tips==5?5:10)); var points = []; // var tmp_outside_points = []; // uncomment to see the calculated edge of the star (outside the stroke width) var angle = 2*Math.PI / tips; // generate points without offset from stroke width first for (var i=0; i < tips; i++) { var a = i * angle - Math.PI/2; // Tip first... // Rotate the outer tip around the origin: var x = xtip * Math.cos(a); // because ytip = 0 we don't include: - ytip * Math.sin(a); var y = xtip * Math.sin(a); // because ytip = 0 we don't include: + ytip * Math.cos(a); // Scale for the bounding box: x = x * width / (2 * Math.cos(Math.PI/10)); y = y * height / (tips==5?(1 + Math.cos(Math.PI/5)):2); points.push([x,y]); // tmp_outside_points.push(x+" "+y); // uncomment to see the calculated edge of the star (outside the stroke width) // Now the inner corner... // Rotate the inner corner around the origin: x = xinner * Math.cos(a) - yinner * Math.sin(a); y = xinner * Math.sin(a) + yinner * Math.cos(a); // Scale for the bounding box: x = x * width / (2 * Math.cos(Math.PI/10)); y = y * height / (tips==5?(1 + Math.cos(Math.PI/5)):2); points.push([x,y]); // tmp_outside_points.push(x+" "+y); // uncomment to see the calculated edge of the star (outside the stroke width) } var inset_points = []; for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) { var pA = points[(((i-1)%points.length)+points.length)%points.length]; // Javascript modulus "bug" var p0 = points[i]; var pB = points[(i+1)%points.length]; var dAx = p0[0] - pA[0]; var dAy = p0[1] - pA[1]; var dBx = p0[0] - pB[0]; var dBy = p0[1] - pB[1]; var dBLength = Math.sqrt(dBx**2 + dBy**2); // The trig here is a bit hairy. Basically, finding the inset points is done by finding the angle (theta) // between the tips and the neighboring inner corners (or vice versa). Then, that angle is used to // calculate vector scaling factors for half the thickness of the stroked path. Which then is used to find // the actual inset points for the tips and inner corners. var theta = Math.atan2(dAx*dBy-dAy*dBx, dAx*dBx + dAy*dBy); // angle between the vectors var theta = (i%2? Math.PI * 2 - theta : theta); var stroke_prime = dBLength * Math.tan(theta/2); // this is really a scaling factor var xprime = p0[0] + (i%2?-1:1)*((stroke/2)/stroke_prime)*dBx + dBy*(stroke/2)/dBLength; var yprime = p0[1] + (i%2?-1:1)*((stroke/2)/stroke_prime)*dBy + -1 * dBx*(stroke/2)/dBLength;; inset_points.push(xprime+","+yprime); } // NOTE: use svg transformations to center the thing return ""; // Append these if you want to see what is being calculated. // The cyan dashed line is the outside of the star including the stroke width. // The red dashed line is just the star polygon points themselves. // "" + // ""; } function transform_vector_template(cmds, xr, yr, offset) { var cmd_str = ""; for (var i = 0; i"; return svg; } function render_vector_cloud(xr, yr, offset) { var cmds = ['M',[17.544,99.729], 'c',[0,0,-17.544,6.929,-17.544,-36.699], 'c',[0,-18.698,19.298,-28.047,19.298,-9.35], 'c',[0,0,-3.508,-54.46,26.316,-53.672], 'C',[71.93,0.704,68.421,34.983,68.421,34.983], 'S',[100,25.634,100,72.379], 'c',[0,28.047,-21.053,27.351,-21.053,27.351], 'z',[]]; svg =""; return svg; } function render_vector_ellipse(xr, yr, offset) { svg = ""; return svg; } function render_vector_speechbubble(xr, yr, offset) { var cmds = ['M',[100,50], 'c',[0,9.5,-2.7,18,-7.4,26], 'C',[90,80,100,100,100,100], 's',[-23.194,-6.417,-28,-4.162], 'c',[-6.375,3,-13.5,4.7,-21,4.7], 'C',[23,100,0.5,77,0.5,50], 'C',[0.5,23,23,0.5,50,0.5], 'C',[77,0.5,100,23,100,50], 'z',[]]; svg =""; return svg; } function render_vector_ngon(edges,xradius,yradius,offset) { var points = []; var degrees = 360 / edges; for (var i=0; i < edges; i++) { var a = i * degrees - 90; var x = offset + xradius + xradius * Math.cos(a * Math.PI / 180); var y = offset + yradius + yradius * Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 180); points.push(x+","+y); } return ""; } function render_vector_rect(xradius,yradius,offset) { return ""; } function render_vector_shape(a) { var stroke = parseInt(a.stroke) + 4; var offset = stroke / 2; var xr = (a.w-stroke) / 2; var yr = (a.h-stroke) / 2; var shape_renderers = { ellipse: function() { return render_vector_ellipse(xr, yr, offset); }, pentagon: function() { return render_vector_ngon(5, xr, yr, offset); }, hexagon: function() { return render_vector_ngon(6, xr, yr, offset); }, octagon: function() { return render_vector_ngon(8, xr, yr, offset); }, diamond: function() { return render_vector_ngon(4, xr, yr, offset); }, square: function() { return "" }, triangle: function() { return render_vector_ngon(3, xr, yr, offset); }, star: function() { return render_vector_star(5, a.w, a.h, a.stroke); }, burst: function() { return render_vector_star(10, a.w, a.h, a.stroke); }, speechbubble: function() { return render_vector_speechbubble(xr, yr, offset); }, heart: function() { return render_vector_heart(xr, yr, offset); }, cloud: function() { return render_vector_cloud(xr, yr, offset); }, } var render_func = shape_renderers[a.shape]; if (!render_func) return ""; return render_func(); } function simplify_scribble_points(control_points) { var filtered_points = []; var thresh = 2; var idx=0; for (var i=0; i0) { var prev = control_points[i-1]; } if (next && prev) { dprev = vec2_sub(cp, prev); dnext = vec2_sub(next, cp); aprev = vec2_angle(dprev); anext = vec2_angle(dnext); delta = Math.abs(Math.abs(aprev)-Math.abs(anext)); delta2 = vec2_magn(vec2_sub(cp,prev)); if (delta2>thresh && delta>0.1) { filtered_points.push(cp); } } else { filtered_points.push(cp); } } return filtered_points; } if (typeof(window) == 'undefined') { exports.render_vector_shape = render_vector_shape; exports.render_vector_drawing = render_vector_drawing; }