/* SpacedeckUsers This module contains functions dealing with Users and Authentication. */ SpacedeckUsers = { data: { user_forms_email: "", user_forms_name: "", invitation_token: null, login_email: "", login_password: "", signup_password: "", signup_invite_code: "", signup_password_confirmation: "", account_remove_error: null, loading_user: false, password_reset_confirm_error: "", password_reset_error: "", }, methods:{ load_user: function(on_success, on_error) { this.loading_user = true; load_current_user(function(user) { this.user = user; this.loading_user = false; this.logged_in = true; if (on_success) { on_success(user); } }.bind(this), function() { // error this.loading_user = false; this.logout(); if (on_error) { on_error(); } }.bind(this)); }, finalize_login: function(session_token, on_success) { this.load_user(function(user) { if (this.invitation_token) { accept_invitation(this.invitation_token, function(memberships){ this.redirect_to("/spaces/"+memberships.space_id); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); alert("Could not accept invitation. Maybe it was already accepted?"); this.redirect_to("/spaces"); }.bind(this)); } else { if (on_success) { on_success(this.user); } else { if (get_query_param("space_id") && get_query_param("space_id").length==24) { this.redirect_to("/spaces/"+get_query_param("space_id")); } else { this.redirect_to("/spaces", function() {}); } } } }.bind(this)); }, login_with_token: function(token) { create_session_for_oauthtoken(token, function(session) { this.session = session; this.finalize_login(session.token); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ // FIXME: handle error }.bind(this)); }, login_submit: function(email, password, $event, on_success) { this.loading_user = true; this.login_error = null; if ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); } create_session(email, password, function(session) { console.log("session: ", session); this.loading_user = false; this.session = session; this.finalize_login(session.token, on_success); }.bind(this), function(req) { this.loading_user = false; var msg = ""; if (req.status>=403) { var msg = "error_unknown_email"; } else { try { var msg = "error_"+(JSON.parse(req.responseText).error); } catch (e) { var msg = (req.responseText||"Unknown Error.").replace(/,/g," "); } } this.login_error = __(msg); }.bind(this)); }, login_submit_modal: function(email, password) { this.login_submit(email, password, null, function() { location.reload(); }); }, signup_guest: function(on_success) { }, signup_submit: function($event, name, email, password, password_confirmation, invite_code, on_success) { this.creating_user = true; this.signup_error = null; if (("localStorage" in window) && localStorage) { localStorage["sd_api_token"] = null; } api_token = null; if ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); } create_user(name, email, password, password_confirmation, invite_code, function(session) { this.creating_user = false; this.login_submit(email, password, null, on_success); }.bind(this), function(req) { this.creating_user = false; try { var msg = "error_"+(JSON.parse(req.responseText).error); } catch (e) { var msg = (req.responseText||"Unknown Error.").replace(/,/g," "); } var msg = __(msg); this.signup_error = msg; }.bind(this)); }, signup_submit_modal: function($event, name, email, password, password_confirmation, invite_code) { this.signup_submit($event, name, email, password, password_confirmation, invite_code, function() { alert("Success."); location.reload(); }); }, password_reset_submit: function(evt, email) { if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } this.password_reset_error = null; this.password_reset_send = false; if (email === undefined || email.length < 3) { this.password_reset_error = "This is not a valid email address"; return; } create_password_reset(email, function(parsed,req) { if(req.status==201) { this.password_reset_send = true; } }.bind(this), function(req) { console.log(req.status); if (req.status==404) { var msg = "error_unknown_email"; } else { try { var msg = "error_"+(JSON.parse(req.responseText).error); } catch (e) { var msg = (req.responseText||"Unknown Error.").replace(/,/g," "); } } this.password_reset_error = __(msg); }.bind(this)); }, password_reset_confirm: function(evt, password, password_confirmation) { if (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } this.password_reset_confirm_error = null; this.password_reset_send = false; if(password != password_confirmation) { this.password_reset_confirm_error = "Passwords do not match."; return; } if(password.length < 5) { this.password_reset_confirm_error = "Password too short (must have at least 5 characters)."; return; } confirm_password_reset(password, this.reset_token, function(parsed,req) { if(req.status==201){ this.active_view = "login"; } }.bind(this), function(req) { if (req.status==404) { var msg = "user not found"; } else { var msg = "error: " + req.statusText; } this.password_reset_confirm_error = msg; }.bind(this)); }, logout: function() { this.active_view="login"; this.logged_in = false; delete_session(function() { this.active_space = {advanced:{}}; this.active_space_loaded = false; this.active_sidebar_item = "none"; this.sidebar_state = "closed"; this.loading_user = false; api_token = null; this.user = {}; this.active_content_type = "login"; this.redirect_to("/"); }.bind(this)); }, send_feedback: function(text) { if (text.length>0) { create_feedback(this.user, text, function(xhr) { alert(__("feedback_sent")); this.close_modal() }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }); } }, remove_account: function(password, reason) { this.account_remove_error = null; if (reason && reason.length && (reason.length > 1)) { create_feedback(this.user, reason, function(xhr) { console.log("feedback sent"); }, function(xhr){}); } if (!password) { this.account_remove_error = "Password not correct"; return; } delete_user(this.user, password, function(xhr) { alert("Sorry to see you go. Goodbye!"); this.logout(); }.bind(this), function(xhr) { this.account_remove_error = "Password not correct ("+xhr.status+")"; }.bind(this)); }, user_avatar_image: function(user) { return user.avatar_thumb_uri; }, user_initials: function(user) { var parts = (user?(user.nickname||user.email):"anonymous").replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g,' ').replace(/ +/g,' ').split(' '); if (parts.length>1) { return parts[0][0]+parts[1][0]; } return parts[0].substring(0,2); }, has_avatar_image: function(user) { return !!(user && user.avatar_thumb_uri && user.avatar_thumb_uri.length>0); }, is_pro: function(user) { return true; }, } }