/* SpacedeckSpaces This module contains functions dealing with Spaces UI. */ var SpacedeckSpaces = { data: { active_space: {advanced:{}}, active_space_loaded: false, active_space_role: "viewer", active_space_version_dirty: true, active_space_messages: [], active_space_memberships: [], active_folder_history_items: [], active_space_users: [], active_space_artifacts: [], active_space_path: [], access_settings_space: null, access_settings_memberships: [], duplicate_folders: [], duplicate_folder_id: "", pending_pdf_files: [], meta_visible: false, meta_unseen: 0, present_mode: false, space_editing_title: false, create_space_title: "", folder_reverse: 1, embedded: false, remix_cta: "Create Reply", publish_cta: "Publish", remix_copying: true, remix_style: "", guest_signup_enabled: false, space_embed_html: "", share_base: location.origin, share_base_url: location.origin+"/spaces/", share_base_url_enc: encodeURIComponent(location.origin+"/spaces/"), social_bar: true, can_add_comment: false, space_info_section: "access", editors_section: "list", selected_member: null, invite_member_role: 'viewer', invite_email_error: null, invite_email: "", invite_message: "", active_join_link: "", join_link_role: "viewer", mouse_state: "idle", // folders active_folder: null, folder_sorting: "updated_at", folder_spaces_filter: null, active_path_length : 0, space_comment: "", folder_spaces_search: "", // map of artifact IDs to medium rich text editor objects medium_for_object: {}, }, methods: { search_spaces: function() { var query = this.folder_spaces_search; console.log("search query: ",query); load_spaces_search(query, function(spaces) { console.log("results: ",spaces); this.active_profile_spaces = spaces; }.bind(this)); }, guest_logout: function() { if ("localStorage" in window && localStorage) { delete localStorage['guest_nickname']; } this.guest_nickname = ""; location.reload(); }, ask_guestname: function(dft, cb) { console.log("ask_guestname"); var team_name = "Spacedeck"; if(subdomainTeam) { team_name = subdomainTeam.name; } smoke.prompt(__('what_is_your_name', team_name) , function(content) { if (!content || (content.length === 0)) { this.ask_guestname(dft, cb); } else { this.guest_nickname = content; if ("localStorage" in window && localStorage) { try { localStorage['guest_nickname'] = this.guest_nickname; }catch(e) { console.error(e); } } if (cb) cb(); } }.bind(this), {value: dft || "Guest "+parseInt(10000*Math.random()), ok: __("ok"), cancel: __("cancel")}); }, load_space: function(space_id, on_success, on_error) { console.log("load space: ", space_id); this.folder_spaces_filter=""; this.folder_spaces_search=""; space_auth = get_query_param("spaceAuth"); var userReady = function() { if (get_query_param("embedded")) { this.embedded = true; this.guest_signup_enabled = true; if (get_query_param("publish_cta")) { this.publish_cta = get_query_param("publish_cta"); } if (get_query_param("nosocial")) { this.social_bar = false; } } if (get_query_param("confirm") && this.logged_in) { var token = get_query_param("confirm"); confirm_user(this.user, token, function() { this.redirect_to("/spaces/"+space_id+"?show_access=1"); }.bind(this), function() { alert("An error occured confirming your email with the given token."); }); return; } this.close_dropdown(); this.active_space_loaded = false; this.viewport_zoom = 1; this.viewport_zoom_percent = 100; this.loading_space_id = space_id; this.present_mode = false; this.active_space_is_readonly = true; this.opened_dialog = "none"; this.open_space_dialog = "none"; this.selected_artifacts_dict = {}; this.update_selection_metrics(); this.can_add_comment = false; var is_home = false; if (this.user) { is_home = (space_id == this.user.home_folder_id); } document.title = "Loading… | Spacedeck"; load_space(space_id, function(space, role) { document.title = space.name; this.active_space_role = role || "viewer"; //via req header from backend this.space_embed_html = ""; if (!is_home) { //console.log(space); load_members(space, function(members) { this.active_space_memberships = members; }.bind(this)); } console.log("[websocket] auth start"); if (space.space_type == "folder") { this.active_space = {advanced:{}}; document.title = "Spacedeck"; load_spaces(space_id, is_home, function(spaces) { space.children = spaces; this.loading_space_id = null; this.active_profile_spaces = space.children; this.active_folder = space; this.access_settings_space = space; this.auth_websocket(this.active_folder); this.load_space_path(this.active_folder); if (is_home) { this.root_folder = space; } load_history(space, function(history) { console.log("loaded digest", history); this.active_folder_history_items = history; this.meta_unseen = 0; if ("localStorage" in window && localStorage) { var last_seen = parseInt(localStorage[this.meta_last_seen_key()], 10); } else { var last_seen = 0; } for (var i=0; ilast_seen && !my_own) this.meta_unseen++; } }.bind(this)); this.active_view = "folders"; }.bind(this)); if ("localStorage" in window) { var key = "folder_sorting_"+space_id; var key2 = "folder_reverse_"+space_id; if (localStorage[key] && localStorage[key2]) { this.folder_sorting = localStorage[key]; this.folder_reverse = parseInt(localStorage[key2]); console.log("loaded folder sorting: ",this.folder_sorting,this.folder_reverse); } } // legacy fix if (this.folder_sorting == "opened_at") { this.folder_sorting = "name"; } } else if (space.space_type == "space") { this.artifacts = []; this.loading_space_id = null; document.title = space.name; if (space_auth || this.logged_in) { this.can_add_comment = true; } this.setup_watches(); load_artifacts(space._id, function(artifacts) { // FIXME: how to cleanly handle this error? if (!artifacts) { artifacts = []; } // FIXME: remove kludge for (var i=0; ilast_seen && !my_own) this.meta_unseen++; } }, go_to_next_space: function() { var space_ids = this.active_folder.children.map(function(s){return s._id}); var idx = space_ids.indexOf(this.active_space._id); console.log("index: ",idx); var cur_idx = idx; var done = false; while (!done) { var next = this.active_folder.children[(idx+1)%space_ids.length]; if (next.space_type == "folder") { done = false; idx++; } else { done = true; } if (cur_idx == idx) done = true; // wraparound } this.load_space(next._id); }, go_to_previous_space: function() { var space_ids = this.active_folder.children.map(function(s){return s._id}); var idx = space_ids.indexOf(this.active_space._id); console.log("index: ",idx); var cur_idx = idx; var done = false; while (!done) { var idx = (idx<1?space_ids.length:idx)-1; var prev = this.active_folder.children[idx]; if (prev.space_type == "folder") { done = false; idx--; } else { done = true; } if (cur_idx == idx) done = true; // wraparound } this.load_space(prev._id); }, filtered_folder_children: function(type){ var type = type || "space"; return _.filter(this.active_folder.children, function(s){ return s.space_type == type; }) }, load_space_path: function(space) { if (!space) return []; load_space_path(space._id, function(path) { this.active_space_path = path; }.bind(this), function() { console.log("could not load folder path")}); }, is_active_space_role: function(rolename) { if(!this.active_space) return false; return this.active_space_role == rolename; }, create_space: function(space_type) { if (!this.active_folder) return; this.close_modal(); this.folder_spaces_filter=""; if (!this.active_folder.children) { this.active_folder.children = []; } if (!space_type) space_type = "space"; var s = { name: space_type == "space" ? __("untitled_space") : __("untitled_folder") , artifacts: [], space_type: space_type, parent_space_id: this.active_folder._id }; if (this.create_space_title.length) { s.name = this.create_space_title; } save_space(s, function(saved_space) { this.active_folder.children.push(saved_space); if (space_type != "folder") { this.redirect_to("/"+saved_space.space_type+"s/"+saved_space._id, function(succ) { }); } else { this.rename_folder(saved_space); } }.bind(this), function(xhr) { alert("Error: Could not create Space ("+xhr.status+")."); }.bind(this)); }, save_space: function(s) { save_space(s); }, create_space_version: function() { if (!this.is_pro(this.user)) { // pro feature smoke.confirm(__("spacedeck_pro_ad_versions"), function(confirmed) { if (confirmed) this.show_upgrade_modal(); }.bind(this)); return; } this.version_saving = true; this.present_mode = false; var s = this.active_space.draft_space; console.log("create_space_version:", s); duplicate_space(s, null, function(new_version_space) { load_spaces(this.active_space._id, false, function(space) { this.version_saving = false; this.activate_space_version(space, space.draft_space); alert("Version saved."); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, finalize_folder_profile_edit: function() { save_space(this.active_folder, function(saved_space) { this.close_modal(); }.bind(this)); }, finalize_space_profile_edit: function() { save_space(this.active_space, function(saved_space) { this.close_modal(); }.bind(this)); }, delete_space: function(space) { smoke.confirm("Really delete "+space.name+"?", function(confirmed) { if (!confirmed) return; var idx = this.active_folder.children.indexOf(space); delete_space(space, function() { if (space.parent_space_id){ this.redirect_to("/folders/"+space.parent_space_id, function(succ) {}); } else { this.redirect_to("/spaces", function(succ) {}); } this.close_modal(); this.active_folder.children.splice(idx,1); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, duplicate_space: function(space) { duplicate_space(space, null, function(new_space) { //alert("Space duplicated."); this.active_folder.children.push(new_space); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, remove_avatar: function(space) { remove_avatar_file("space", space, function(s) { this.active_space = s; }.bind(this)); }, rename_space: function(space) { this.close_dropdown(); if (space.space_type == "folder") return this.rename_folder(space); smoke.prompt(__("new_space_title"), function(title) { if (title && title.length) { space.name = title; save_space(space); } }.bind(this), {value: space.name}); }, rename_folder: function(folder) { this.close_dropdown(); smoke.prompt(__("new_folder_title"), function(title) { if (title && title.length) { folder.name = title; save_space(folder); } }.bind(this), {value: folder.name}); }, edit_space_title: function() { this.close_dropdown(); if (this.active_space_role=="editor" || this.active_space_role=="admin") { this.space_editing_title = true; $("#space-title").focus(); } }, save_space_title: function(name) { this.active_space.name = name; save_space(this.active_space, function() { this.space_editing_title = false; }.bind(this)); }, save_space_keydown: function($event) { if ($event) { if ($event.keyCode != 13) { this.space_editing_title = true; return; } $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $event.target.blur(); } save_space(this.active_space, function(updated_space) { this.active_space.edit_slug = updated_space.edit_slug; this.space_editing_title = false; }.bind(this)); }, save_space_description: function($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); var val = $event.target.innerText; $event.target.blur(); this.active_space.description = val; save_space(this.active_space); }, save_space_domain: function($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); var val = $event.target.innerText; $event.target.blur(); this.active_space.domain = val; save_space(this.active_space); }, download_space: function() { smoke.quiz(__("download_space"), function(e, test) { if (e == "PDF"){ this.download_space_as_pdf(this.active_space); }else if (e == "ZIP"){ this.download_space_as_zip(this.active_space); }else if (e == "TXT"){ this.download_space_as_list(this.active_space); } }.bind(this), { button_1: "PDF", button_2: "ZIP", button_3: "TXT", button_cancel:__("cancel") }); }, download_space_as_png: function(space) { window.open(ENV.apiEndpoint + "/api/spaces/" + space._id + "/png"); }, download_space_as_pdf: function(space) { this.global_spinner = true; get_resource("/spaces/" + space._id + "/pdf", function(o) { this.global_spinner = false; location.href = o.url; }.bind(this), function(xhr) { this.global_spinner = false; alert("PDF export problem (" + xhr.status + ")."); }.bind(this)); }, download_space_as_zip: function(space) { this.global_spinner = true; get_resource("/spaces/" + space._id + "/zip", function(o) { this.global_spinner = false; location.href = o.url; }.bind(this), function(xhr) { this.global_spinner = false; alert("ZIP export problem (" + xhr.status + ")."); }.bind(this)); }, download_space_as_list: function(space) { this.global_spinner = true; location.href = "/api/spaces/" + space._id + "/list"; }, duplicate_space_into_folder: function() { load_writable_folders( function(folders){ this.duplicate_folders = _.sortBy(folders, function (folder) { return folder.name; }); }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }); }, duplicate_folder_confirm: function() { var folderId = this.duplicate_folder_id; var idx = _.findIndex(this.duplicate_folders, function(s) { return s._id == folderId;}); if (idx<0) idx = 0; var folder = this.duplicate_folders[idx]; console.log("df f",folder); if (!folder) return; duplicate_space(this.active_space, folder._id, function(new_space) { this.duplicate_folders = []; this.duplicate_folder = null; smoke.quiz(__("duplicate_success", this.active_space.name, folder.name), function(e, test){ if (e == __("goto_space", new_space.name)){ this.redirect_to("/spaces/" + new_space._id); }else if (e == __("goto_folder", folder.name)){ this.redirect_to("/folders/" + folder._id); } }.bind(this), { button_1: __("goto_space", new_space.name), button_2: __("goto_folder", folder.name), button_cancel:__("stay_here") }); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); smoke.prompt("error: " + xhr.statusText); }.bind(this)); }, toggle_follow_mode: function() { this.deselect(); this.follow_mode = !this.follow_mode; }, toggle_present_mode: function() { this.deselect(); this.present_mode = !this.present_mode; if (this.present_mode) { //this.go_to_first_zone(); } }, meta_last_seen_key: function() { var seen_key = "meta-seen-"; if (this.active_view == 'space') { if (!this.active_space) return "invalid"; seen_key += this.active_space._id; } else if (this.active_view == 'folders') { if (!this.active_folder) return "invalid"; seen_key += this.active_folder._id; } return seen_key; }, toggle_meta: function() { this.meta_visible = !this.meta_visible; if (this.meta_visible) { var seen_key = this.meta_last_seen_key(); if ("localStorage" in window && localStorage) { localStorage[seen_key] = new Date().getTime(); console.log("seen_key: ",seen_key,localStorage[seen_key]); this.meta_last_seen = localStorage[seen_key]; } this.meta_unseen = 0; } }, toggle_space_access_mode: function() { this.access_settings_space.access_mode = (this.access_settings_space.access_mode=="public")?"private":"public"; save_space(this.access_settings_space); }, save_space_access_mode: function(evt) { // FIXME really bad that i have to do this manually. why is the // value not already updated when v-on="change" is fired?! this.access_settings_space.access_mode = evt.currentTarget.value; save_space(this.access_settings_space); }, save_space_editors_locking: function(evt) { // FIXME same issue as above this.access_settings_space.editors_locking = evt.currentTarget.checked; save_space(this.access_settings_space); }, create_join_link: function() { create_join_link(this.active_space._id, this.join_link_role, function(result) { this.active_join_link = "https://"+location.host+"/invitations/"+result.code+"/accept"; }.bind(this)); }, delete_join_link: function() { get_join_link(this.active_space._id, function(result) { if (result && result.length) { delete_join_link(result[result.length-1]._id, function() { this.active_join_link = ""; }.bind(this)); } }.bind(this)); }, invite_member: function(space, emails_text, txt, role) { this.invite_email_error = null; var emails = emails_text.split(","); var displayed_success = false; _.each(emails, function(email) { email = email.trim(); if (!validateEmail(email)) { this.invite_email_error = "Please enter a valid address." return; } var m = { email_invited: email, personal_message: txt, role: role } create_membership(space, m, function(m) { this.access_settings_memberships.push(m); console.log("membership created:", m); this.editors_section="list"; if (!displayed_success) { displayed_success = true; smoke.alert("Invitation(s) sent."); this.invite_email = ""; this.invite_message = ""; } }.bind(this), function(xhr){ text = JSON.stringify(xhr.responseText); smoke.alert("Error: "+text); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, update_member: function(space, m, role) { m.role = role; save_membership(space, m, function() { console.log("saved") }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, // revoke remove_member: function(space, m) { delete_membership(space, m, function() { this.access_settings_memberships.splice(this.access_settings_memberships.indexOf(m), 1); }.bind(this), function(xhr) { console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, history_back: function() { window.history.back(); }, create_space_comment: function(comment) { if (!comment.length) return; var data = { space: this.active_space._id, message: comment, editor_name: this.guest_nickname, user: this.user }; save_comment(this.active_space._id, data, function(comment) { console.log("comment saved: ",comment.created_at); this.active_space_messages.push(comment); this.space_comment = ""; }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, remove_space_comment: function(comment) { delete_comment(this.active_space._id, comment._id, function() { console.log("comment id:",comment._id); this.active_space_messages = _.filter(this.active_space_messages, function(c){return c._id!=comment._id;}); }.bind(this), function(xhr){ console.error(xhr); }.bind(this)); }, emojified_comment: function(comment) { return twemoji.parse(comment); }, set_folder_sorting: function(key,reverse) { this.folder_sorting = key; this.folder_reverse = reverse?-1:1; console.log(key, reverse); if ("localStorage" in window) { localStorage["folder_sorting_"+this.active_folder._id] = this.folder_sorting; localStorage["folder_reverse_"+this.active_folder._id] = this.folder_reverse; } }, activate_space_info_section: function(id) { this.space_info_section = id; this.editors_section = "list"; if (id == "versions") { // load space versions load_spaces(this.active_space._id, null, function(space_with_children) { this.active_space.children = space_with_children.children; console.log("loaded: ",space_with_children); }.bind(this)); } else if (id == "info") { // load replies } }, handle_folder_drop: function(evt, dest) { try { var source = JSON.parse(evt.dataTransfer.getData("application/json")); } catch (e) { return; } if (!source || !source._id || !source.parent_space_id || !dest._id) return; if (source._id==dest._id) return; if (dest.space_type!="folder") { alert("Spaces can only be moved into folders."); return; } source.parent_space_id = dest._id; save_space(source, function() { var idx = _.findIndex(this.active_folder.children, function(s) { return s._id == source._id;}); if (idx>=0) { this.active_folder.children.splice(idx,1); console.log("spliced: ",idx); } }.bind(this)); }, activate_access: function() { this.activate_modal("access"); //this.meta_visible = false; if (this.active_space._id) { this.access_settings_space = this.active_space; } else if (this.active_folder && this.active_folder._id) { this.access_settings_space = this.active_folder; } else { return; } this.access_settings_memberships = this.active_space_memberships; }, close_access: function() { this.close_modal(); }, show_offline_help: function() { smoke.confirm(__('was_offline'), function(confirmed) { if (!confirmed) return; location.reload(); }); } } }