"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.isAccessor = isAccessor; exports.isAnyTypeAnnotation = isAnyTypeAnnotation; exports.isArgumentPlaceholder = isArgumentPlaceholder; exports.isArrayExpression = isArrayExpression; exports.isArrayPattern = isArrayPattern; exports.isArrayTypeAnnotation = isArrayTypeAnnotation; exports.isArrowFunctionExpression = isArrowFunctionExpression; exports.isAssignmentExpression = isAssignmentExpression; exports.isAssignmentPattern = isAssignmentPattern; exports.isAwaitExpression = isAwaitExpression; exports.isBigIntLiteral = isBigIntLiteral; exports.isBinary = isBinary; exports.isBinaryExpression = isBinaryExpression; exports.isBindExpression = isBindExpression; exports.isBlock = isBlock; exports.isBlockParent = isBlockParent; exports.isBlockStatement = isBlockStatement; exports.isBooleanLiteral = isBooleanLiteral; exports.isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.isBooleanTypeAnnotation = isBooleanTypeAnnotation; exports.isBreakStatement = isBreakStatement; exports.isCallExpression = isCallExpression; exports.isCatchClause = isCatchClause; exports.isClass = isClass; exports.isClassAccessorProperty = isClassAccessorProperty; exports.isClassBody = isClassBody; exports.isClassDeclaration = isClassDeclaration; exports.isClassExpression = isClassExpression; exports.isClassImplements = isClassImplements; exports.isClassMethod = isClassMethod; exports.isClassPrivateMethod = isClassPrivateMethod; exports.isClassPrivateProperty = isClassPrivateProperty; exports.isClassProperty = isClassProperty; exports.isCompletionStatement = isCompletionStatement; exports.isConditional = isConditional; exports.isConditionalExpression = isConditionalExpression; exports.isContinueStatement = isContinueStatement; exports.isDebuggerStatement = isDebuggerStatement; exports.isDecimalLiteral = isDecimalLiteral; exports.isDeclaration = isDeclaration; exports.isDeclareClass = isDeclareClass; exports.isDeclareExportAllDeclaration = isDeclareExportAllDeclaration; exports.isDeclareExportDeclaration = isDeclareExportDeclaration; exports.isDeclareFunction = isDeclareFunction; exports.isDeclareInterface = isDeclareInterface; exports.isDeclareModule = isDeclareModule; exports.isDeclareModuleExports = isDeclareModuleExports; exports.isDeclareOpaqueType = isDeclareOpaqueType; exports.isDeclareTypeAlias = isDeclareTypeAlias; exports.isDeclareVariable = isDeclareVariable; exports.isDeclaredPredicate = isDeclaredPredicate; exports.isDecorator = isDecorator; exports.isDirective = isDirective; exports.isDirectiveLiteral = isDirectiveLiteral; exports.isDoExpression = isDoExpression; exports.isDoWhileStatement = isDoWhileStatement; exports.isEmptyStatement = isEmptyStatement; exports.isEmptyTypeAnnotation = isEmptyTypeAnnotation; exports.isEnumBody = isEnumBody; exports.isEnumBooleanBody = isEnumBooleanBody; exports.isEnumBooleanMember = isEnumBooleanMember; exports.isEnumDeclaration = isEnumDeclaration; exports.isEnumDefaultedMember = isEnumDefaultedMember; exports.isEnumMember = isEnumMember; exports.isEnumNumberBody = isEnumNumberBody; exports.isEnumNumberMember = isEnumNumberMember; exports.isEnumStringBody = isEnumStringBody; exports.isEnumStringMember = isEnumStringMember; exports.isEnumSymbolBody = isEnumSymbolBody; exports.isExistsTypeAnnotation = isExistsTypeAnnotation; exports.isExportAllDeclaration = isExportAllDeclaration; exports.isExportDeclaration = isExportDeclaration; exports.isExportDefaultDeclaration = isExportDefaultDeclaration; exports.isExportDefaultSpecifier = isExportDefaultSpecifier; exports.isExportNamedDeclaration = isExportNamedDeclaration; exports.isExportNamespaceSpecifier = isExportNamespaceSpecifier; exports.isExportSpecifier = isExportSpecifier; exports.isExpression = isExpression; exports.isExpressionStatement = isExpressionStatement; exports.isExpressionWrapper = isExpressionWrapper; exports.isFile = isFile; exports.isFlow = isFlow; exports.isFlowBaseAnnotation = isFlowBaseAnnotation; exports.isFlowDeclaration = isFlowDeclaration; exports.isFlowPredicate = isFlowPredicate; exports.isFlowType = isFlowType; exports.isFor = isFor; exports.isForInStatement = isForInStatement; exports.isForOfStatement = isForOfStatement; exports.isForStatement = isForStatement; exports.isForXStatement = isForXStatement; exports.isFunction = isFunction; exports.isFunctionDeclaration = isFunctionDeclaration; exports.isFunctionExpression = isFunctionExpression; exports.isFunctionParent = isFunctionParent; exports.isFunctionTypeAnnotation = isFunctionTypeAnnotation; exports.isFunctionTypeParam = isFunctionTypeParam; exports.isGenericTypeAnnotation = isGenericTypeAnnotation; exports.isIdentifier = isIdentifier; exports.isIfStatement = isIfStatement; exports.isImmutable = isImmutable; exports.isImport = isImport; exports.isImportAttribute = isImportAttribute; exports.isImportDeclaration = isImportDeclaration; exports.isImportDefaultSpecifier = isImportDefaultSpecifier; exports.isImportNamespaceSpecifier = isImportNamespaceSpecifier; exports.isImportSpecifier = isImportSpecifier; exports.isIndexedAccessType = isIndexedAccessType; exports.isInferredPredicate = isInferredPredicate; exports.isInterfaceDeclaration = isInterfaceDeclaration; exports.isInterfaceExtends = isInterfaceExtends; exports.isInterfaceTypeAnnotation = isInterfaceTypeAnnotation; exports.isInterpreterDirective = isInterpreterDirective; exports.isIntersectionTypeAnnotation = isIntersectionTypeAnnotation; exports.isJSX = isJSX; exports.isJSXAttribute = isJSXAttribute; exports.isJSXClosingElement = isJSXClosingElement; exports.isJSXClosingFragment = isJSXClosingFragment; exports.isJSXElement = isJSXElement; exports.isJSXEmptyExpression = isJSXEmptyExpression; exports.isJSXExpressionContainer = isJSXExpressionContainer; exports.isJSXFragment = isJSXFragment; exports.isJSXIdentifier = isJSXIdentifier; exports.isJSXMemberExpression = isJSXMemberExpression; exports.isJSXNamespacedName = isJSXNamespacedName; exports.isJSXOpeningElement = isJSXOpeningElement; exports.isJSXOpeningFragment = isJSXOpeningFragment; exports.isJSXSpreadAttribute = isJSXSpreadAttribute; exports.isJSXSpreadChild = isJSXSpreadChild; exports.isJSXText = isJSXText; exports.isLVal = isLVal; exports.isLabeledStatement = isLabeledStatement; exports.isLiteral = isLiteral; exports.isLogicalExpression = isLogicalExpression; exports.isLoop = isLoop; exports.isMemberExpression = isMemberExpression; exports.isMetaProperty = isMetaProperty; exports.isMethod = isMethod; exports.isMiscellaneous = isMiscellaneous; exports.isMixedTypeAnnotation = isMixedTypeAnnotation; exports.isModuleDeclaration = isModuleDeclaration; exports.isModuleExpression = isModuleExpression; exports.isModuleSpecifier = isModuleSpecifier; exports.isNewExpression = isNewExpression; exports.isNoop = isNoop; exports.isNullLiteral = isNullLiteral; exports.isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation = isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.isNullableTypeAnnotation = isNullableTypeAnnotation; exports.isNumberLiteral = isNumberLiteral; exports.isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.isNumberTypeAnnotation = isNumberTypeAnnotation; exports.isNumericLiteral = isNumericLiteral; exports.isObjectExpression = isObjectExpression; exports.isObjectMember = isObjectMember; exports.isObjectMethod = isObjectMethod; exports.isObjectPattern = isObjectPattern; exports.isObjectProperty = isObjectProperty; exports.isObjectTypeAnnotation = isObjectTypeAnnotation; exports.isObjectTypeCallProperty = isObjectTypeCallProperty; exports.isObjectTypeIndexer = isObjectTypeIndexer; exports.isObjectTypeInternalSlot = isObjectTypeInternalSlot; exports.isObjectTypeProperty = isObjectTypeProperty; exports.isObjectTypeSpreadProperty = isObjectTypeSpreadProperty; exports.isOpaqueType = isOpaqueType; exports.isOptionalCallExpression = isOptionalCallExpression; exports.isOptionalIndexedAccessType = isOptionalIndexedAccessType; exports.isOptionalMemberExpression = isOptionalMemberExpression; exports.isParenthesizedExpression = isParenthesizedExpression; exports.isPattern = isPattern; exports.isPatternLike = isPatternLike; exports.isPipelineBareFunction = isPipelineBareFunction; exports.isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference = isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference; exports.isPipelineTopicExpression = isPipelineTopicExpression; exports.isPlaceholder = isPlaceholder; exports.isPrivate = isPrivate; exports.isPrivateName = isPrivateName; exports.isProgram = isProgram; exports.isProperty = isProperty; exports.isPureish = isPureish; exports.isQualifiedTypeIdentifier = isQualifiedTypeIdentifier; exports.isRecordExpression = isRecordExpression; exports.isRegExpLiteral = isRegExpLiteral; exports.isRegexLiteral = isRegexLiteral; exports.isRestElement = isRestElement; exports.isRestProperty = isRestProperty; exports.isReturnStatement = isReturnStatement; exports.isScopable = isScopable; exports.isSequenceExpression = isSequenceExpression; exports.isSpreadElement = isSpreadElement; exports.isSpreadProperty = isSpreadProperty; exports.isStandardized = isStandardized; exports.isStatement = isStatement; exports.isStaticBlock = isStaticBlock; exports.isStringLiteral = isStringLiteral; exports.isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation = isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.isStringTypeAnnotation = isStringTypeAnnotation; exports.isSuper = isSuper; exports.isSwitchCase = isSwitchCase; exports.isSwitchStatement = isSwitchStatement; exports.isSymbolTypeAnnotation = isSymbolTypeAnnotation; exports.isTSAnyKeyword = isTSAnyKeyword; exports.isTSArrayType = isTSArrayType; exports.isTSAsExpression = isTSAsExpression; exports.isTSBaseType = isTSBaseType; exports.isTSBigIntKeyword = isTSBigIntKeyword; exports.isTSBooleanKeyword = isTSBooleanKeyword; exports.isTSCallSignatureDeclaration = isTSCallSignatureDeclaration; exports.isTSConditionalType = isTSConditionalType; exports.isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration = isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration; exports.isTSConstructorType = isTSConstructorType; exports.isTSDeclareFunction = isTSDeclareFunction; exports.isTSDeclareMethod = isTSDeclareMethod; exports.isTSEntityName = isTSEntityName; exports.isTSEnumDeclaration = isTSEnumDeclaration; exports.isTSEnumMember = isTSEnumMember; exports.isTSExportAssignment = isTSExportAssignment; exports.isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments = isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments; exports.isTSExternalModuleReference = isTSExternalModuleReference; exports.isTSFunctionType = isTSFunctionType; exports.isTSImportEqualsDeclaration = isTSImportEqualsDeclaration; exports.isTSImportType = isTSImportType; exports.isTSIndexSignature = isTSIndexSignature; exports.isTSIndexedAccessType = isTSIndexedAccessType; exports.isTSInferType = isTSInferType; exports.isTSInstantiationExpression = isTSInstantiationExpression; exports.isTSInterfaceBody = isTSInterfaceBody; exports.isTSInterfaceDeclaration = isTSInterfaceDeclaration; exports.isTSIntersectionType = isTSIntersectionType; exports.isTSIntrinsicKeyword = isTSIntrinsicKeyword; exports.isTSLiteralType = isTSLiteralType; exports.isTSMappedType = isTSMappedType; exports.isTSMethodSignature = isTSMethodSignature; exports.isTSModuleBlock = isTSModuleBlock; exports.isTSModuleDeclaration = isTSModuleDeclaration; exports.isTSNamedTupleMember = isTSNamedTupleMember; exports.isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration = isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration; exports.isTSNeverKeyword = isTSNeverKeyword; exports.isTSNonNullExpression = isTSNonNullExpression; exports.isTSNullKeyword = isTSNullKeyword; exports.isTSNumberKeyword = isTSNumberKeyword; exports.isTSObjectKeyword = isTSObjectKeyword; exports.isTSOptionalType = isTSOptionalType; exports.isTSParameterProperty = isTSParameterProperty; exports.isTSParenthesizedType = isTSParenthesizedType; exports.isTSPropertySignature = isTSPropertySignature; exports.isTSQualifiedName = isTSQualifiedName; exports.isTSRestType = isTSRestType; exports.isTSStringKeyword = isTSStringKeyword; exports.isTSSymbolKeyword = isTSSymbolKeyword; exports.isTSThisType = isTSThisType; exports.isTSTupleType = isTSTupleType; exports.isTSType = isTSType; exports.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration = isTSTypeAliasDeclaration; exports.isTSTypeAnnotation = isTSTypeAnnotation; exports.isTSTypeAssertion = isTSTypeAssertion; exports.isTSTypeElement = isTSTypeElement; exports.isTSTypeLiteral = isTSTypeLiteral; exports.isTSTypeOperator = isTSTypeOperator; exports.isTSTypeParameter = isTSTypeParameter; exports.isTSTypeParameterDeclaration = isTSTypeParameterDeclaration; exports.isTSTypeParameterInstantiation = isTSTypeParameterInstantiation; exports.isTSTypePredicate = isTSTypePredicate; exports.isTSTypeQuery = isTSTypeQuery; exports.isTSTypeReference = isTSTypeReference; exports.isTSUndefinedKeyword = isTSUndefinedKeyword; exports.isTSUnionType = isTSUnionType; exports.isTSUnknownKeyword = isTSUnknownKeyword; exports.isTSVoidKeyword = isTSVoidKeyword; exports.isTaggedTemplateExpression = isTaggedTemplateExpression; exports.isTemplateElement = isTemplateElement; exports.isTemplateLiteral = isTemplateLiteral; exports.isTerminatorless = isTerminatorless; exports.isThisExpression = isThisExpression; exports.isThisTypeAnnotation = isThisTypeAnnotation; exports.isThrowStatement = isThrowStatement; exports.isTopicReference = isTopicReference; exports.isTryStatement = isTryStatement; exports.isTupleExpression = isTupleExpression; exports.isTupleTypeAnnotation = isTupleTypeAnnotation; exports.isTypeAlias = isTypeAlias; exports.isTypeAnnotation = isTypeAnnotation; exports.isTypeCastExpression = isTypeCastExpression; exports.isTypeParameter = isTypeParameter; exports.isTypeParameterDeclaration = isTypeParameterDeclaration; exports.isTypeParameterInstantiation = isTypeParameterInstantiation; exports.isTypeScript = isTypeScript; exports.isTypeofTypeAnnotation = isTypeofTypeAnnotation; exports.isUnaryExpression = isUnaryExpression; exports.isUnaryLike = isUnaryLike; exports.isUnionTypeAnnotation = isUnionTypeAnnotation; exports.isUpdateExpression = isUpdateExpression; exports.isUserWhitespacable = isUserWhitespacable; exports.isV8IntrinsicIdentifier = isV8IntrinsicIdentifier; exports.isVariableDeclaration = isVariableDeclaration; exports.isVariableDeclarator = isVariableDeclarator; exports.isVariance = isVariance; exports.isVoidTypeAnnotation = isVoidTypeAnnotation; exports.isWhile = isWhile; exports.isWhileStatement = isWhileStatement; exports.isWithStatement = isWithStatement; exports.isYieldExpression = isYieldExpression; var _shallowEqual = require("../../utils/shallowEqual"); function isArrayExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAssignmentExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AssignmentExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBinaryExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BinaryExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterpreterDirective(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterpreterDirective") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDirective(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Directive") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDirectiveLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DirectiveLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlockStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BlockStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBreakStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BreakStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCallExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "CallExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCatchClause(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "CatchClause") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isConditionalExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ConditionalExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isContinueStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ContinueStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDebuggerStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DebuggerStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDoWhileStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DoWhileStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEmptyStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EmptyStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpressionStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExpressionStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFile(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "File") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForInStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForInStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Identifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIfStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IfStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLabeledStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "LabeledStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumericLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumericLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRegExpLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RegExpLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLogicalExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "LogicalExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNewExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NewExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isProgram(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Program") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRestElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RestElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isReturnStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ReturnStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSequenceExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SequenceExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isParenthesizedExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ParenthesizedExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSwitchCase(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SwitchCase") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSwitchStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SwitchStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThisExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThisExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThrowStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThrowStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTryStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TryStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnaryExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UnaryExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUpdateExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UpdateExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariableDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VariableDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariableDeclarator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VariableDeclarator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWhileStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "WhileStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWithStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "WithStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAssignmentPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AssignmentPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrayPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrowFunctionExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrowFunctionExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportAllDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDefaultDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportNamedDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportNamedDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForOfStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForOfStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportDefaultSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMetaProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MetaProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSpreadElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SpreadElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSuper(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Super") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTaggedTemplateExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TaggedTemplateExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTemplateElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TemplateElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTemplateLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TemplateLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isYieldExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "YieldExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAwaitExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AwaitExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImport(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Import") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBigIntLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BigIntLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportNamespaceSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalMemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalCallExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalCallExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassAccessorProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassAccessorProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassPrivateProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassPrivateProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassPrivateMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassPrivateMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPrivateName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PrivateName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStaticBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StaticBlock") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAnyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AnyTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrayTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassImplements(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassImplements") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareClass(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareClass") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareInterface(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareInterface") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareModule(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareModule") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareModuleExports(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareModuleExports") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareTypeAlias(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareTypeAlias") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareOpaqueType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareOpaqueType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareVariable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareVariable") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareExportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareExportAllDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclaredPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclaredPredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExistsTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExistsTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionTypeParam(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionTypeParam") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isGenericTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "GenericTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInferredPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InferredPredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceExtends(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceExtends") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMixedTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MixedTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEmptyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EmptyTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullableTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullableTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeInternalSlot(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeInternalSlot") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeCallProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeCallProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeIndexer(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeIndexer") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOpaqueType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OpaqueType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "QualifiedTypeIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSymbolTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SymbolTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThisTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThisTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTupleTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TupleTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeofTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeofTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeAlias(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeAlias") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeCastExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeCastExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameter(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameter") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameterDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameterInstantiation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UnionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariance(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Variance") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVoidTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VoidTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBooleanBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumBooleanBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumNumberBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumNumberBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumStringBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumStringBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumSymbolBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumSymbolBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBooleanMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumBooleanMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumNumberMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumNumberMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumStringMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumStringMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumDefaultedMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumDefaultedMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalIndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXClosingElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXClosingElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXEmptyExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXEmptyExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXExpressionContainer(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXExpressionContainer") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXSpreadChild(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXSpreadChild") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXMemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXNamespacedName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXNamespacedName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXOpeningElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXOpeningElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXSpreadAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXSpreadAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXText(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXText") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXOpeningFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXOpeningFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXClosingFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXClosingFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNoop(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Noop") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPlaceholder(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Placeholder") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "V8IntrinsicIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArgumentPlaceholder(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArgumentPlaceholder") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBindExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BindExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDecorator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Decorator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDoExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DoExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRecordExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RecordExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTupleExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TupleExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDecimalLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DecimalLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ModuleExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTopicReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TopicReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelineTopicExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelineTopicExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelineBareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelineBareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSParameterProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSParameterProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSDeclareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSDeclareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSDeclareMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSDeclareMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSQualifiedName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSQualifiedName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSCallSignatureDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSPropertySignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSPropertySignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSMethodSignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSMethodSignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIndexSignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIndexSignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSAnyKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSAnyKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBooleanKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSBooleanKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBigIntKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSBigIntKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIntrinsicKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIntrinsicKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNeverKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNeverKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNullKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNullKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNumberKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNumberKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSObjectKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSObjectKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSStringKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSStringKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSSymbolKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSSymbolKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUndefinedKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUndefinedKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUnknownKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUnknownKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSVoidKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSVoidKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSThisType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSThisType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSFunctionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSFunctionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConstructorType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConstructorType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypePredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypePredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeQuery(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeQuery") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSArrayType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSArrayType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTupleType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTupleType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSOptionalType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSOptionalType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSRestType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSRestType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNamedTupleMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNamedTupleMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUnionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUnionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIntersectionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIntersectionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConditionalType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConditionalType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInferType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInferType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSParenthesizedType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSParenthesizedType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeOperator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeOperator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSMappedType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSMappedType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSLiteralType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSLiteralType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInterfaceDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInterfaceBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInterfaceBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAliasDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInstantiationExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInstantiationExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSAsExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSAsExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAssertion(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAssertion") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSEnumDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEnumMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSEnumMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSModuleDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSModuleBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSModuleBlock") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSImportType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSImportType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSImportEqualsDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExternalModuleReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExternalModuleReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNonNullExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNonNullExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExportAssignment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExportAssignment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameterInstantiation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameterDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameter(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameter") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStandardized(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ArrayExpression" === nodeType || "AssignmentExpression" === nodeType || "BinaryExpression" === nodeType || "InterpreterDirective" === nodeType || "Directive" === nodeType || "DirectiveLiteral" === nodeType || "BlockStatement" === nodeType || "BreakStatement" === nodeType || "CallExpression" === nodeType || "CatchClause" === nodeType || "ConditionalExpression" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "DebuggerStatement" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "EmptyStatement" === nodeType || "ExpressionStatement" === nodeType || "File" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Identifier" === nodeType || "IfStatement" === nodeType || "LabeledStatement" === nodeType || "StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "LogicalExpression" === nodeType || "MemberExpression" === nodeType || "NewExpression" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "ObjectExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectProperty" === nodeType || "RestElement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "SequenceExpression" === nodeType || "ParenthesizedExpression" === nodeType || "SwitchCase" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "ThisExpression" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType || "TryStatement" === nodeType || "UnaryExpression" === nodeType || "UpdateExpression" === nodeType || "VariableDeclaration" === nodeType || "VariableDeclarator" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "WithStatement" === nodeType || "AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassBody" === nodeType || "ClassExpression" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportSpecifier" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType || "ImportDefaultSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportSpecifier" === nodeType || "MetaProperty" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || "SpreadElement" === nodeType || "Super" === nodeType || "TaggedTemplateExpression" === nodeType || "TemplateElement" === nodeType || "TemplateLiteral" === nodeType || "YieldExpression" === nodeType || "AwaitExpression" === nodeType || "Import" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "OptionalMemberExpression" === nodeType || "OptionalCallExpression" === nodeType || "ClassProperty" === nodeType || "ClassAccessorProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "PrivateName" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Identifier" === node.expectedNode || "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode || "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode || "ClassBody" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ArrayExpression" === nodeType || "AssignmentExpression" === nodeType || "BinaryExpression" === nodeType || "CallExpression" === nodeType || "ConditionalExpression" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Identifier" === nodeType || "StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "LogicalExpression" === nodeType || "MemberExpression" === nodeType || "NewExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectExpression" === nodeType || "SequenceExpression" === nodeType || "ParenthesizedExpression" === nodeType || "ThisExpression" === nodeType || "UnaryExpression" === nodeType || "UpdateExpression" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassExpression" === nodeType || "MetaProperty" === nodeType || "Super" === nodeType || "TaggedTemplateExpression" === nodeType || "TemplateLiteral" === nodeType || "YieldExpression" === nodeType || "AwaitExpression" === nodeType || "Import" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "OptionalMemberExpression" === nodeType || "OptionalCallExpression" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "BindExpression" === nodeType || "DoExpression" === nodeType || "RecordExpression" === nodeType || "TupleExpression" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || "ModuleExpression" === nodeType || "TopicReference" === nodeType || "PipelineTopicExpression" === nodeType || "PipelineBareFunction" === nodeType || "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" === nodeType || "TSInstantiationExpression" === nodeType || "TSAsExpression" === nodeType || "TSTypeAssertion" === nodeType || "TSNonNullExpression" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Expression" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode || "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBinary(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BinaryExpression" === nodeType || "LogicalExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isScopable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "CatchClause" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassExpression" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlockParent(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "CatchClause" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "DebuggerStatement" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "EmptyStatement" === nodeType || "ExpressionStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "IfStatement" === nodeType || "LabeledStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType || "TryStatement" === nodeType || "VariableDeclaration" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "WithStatement" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "EnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSDeclareFunction" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSEnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSModuleDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSExportAssignment" === nodeType || "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Statement" === node.expectedNode || "Declaration" === node.expectedNode || "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTerminatorless(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType || "YieldExpression" === nodeType || "AwaitExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCompletionStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isConditional(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ConditionalExpression" === nodeType || "IfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLoop(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWhile(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpressionWrapper(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ExpressionStatement" === nodeType || "ParenthesizedExpression" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFor(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForXStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionParent(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPureish(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "VariableDeclaration" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "EnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSDeclareFunction" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSEnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSModuleDeclaration" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Declaration" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPatternLike(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "RestElement" === nodeType || "AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || "TSAsExpression" === nodeType || "TSTypeAssertion" === nodeType || "TSNonNullExpression" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Pattern" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLVal(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "MemberExpression" === nodeType || "RestElement" === nodeType || "AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || "TSParameterProperty" === nodeType || "TSAsExpression" === nodeType || "TSTypeAssertion" === nodeType || "TSNonNullExpression" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Pattern" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEntityName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "TSQualifiedName" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Identifier" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "TemplateLiteral" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImmutable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "JSXAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXClosingElement" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXExpressionContainer" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadChild" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningElement" === nodeType || "JSXText" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningFragment" === nodeType || "JSXClosingFragment" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUserWhitespacable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeCallProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeIndexer" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectProperty" === nodeType || "ClassProperty" === nodeType || "ClassAccessorProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnaryLike(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("UnaryExpression" === nodeType || "SpreadElement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Pattern" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClass(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ClassExpression" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportDefaultSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportSpecifier" === nodeType || "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultSpecifier" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAccessor(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ClassAccessorProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPrivate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("ClassPrivateProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "PrivateName" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlow(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ArrayTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ClassImplements" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclaredPredicate" === nodeType || "ExistsTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeParam" === nodeType || "GenericTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "InferredPredicate" === nodeType || "InterfaceExtends" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullableTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeCallProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeIndexer" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" === nodeType || "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TupleTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeofTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "TypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType || "TypeParameter" === nodeType || "TypeParameterDeclaration" === nodeType || "TypeParameterInstantiation" === nodeType || "UnionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "Variance" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "EnumBooleanBody" === nodeType || "EnumNumberBody" === nodeType || "EnumStringBody" === nodeType || "EnumSymbolBody" === nodeType || "EnumBooleanMember" === nodeType || "EnumNumberMember" === nodeType || "EnumStringMember" === nodeType || "EnumDefaultedMember" === nodeType || "IndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "OptionalIndexedAccessType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ArrayTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ExistsTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "GenericTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullableTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TupleTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeofTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "UnionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "OptionalIndexedAccessType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowBaseAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("DeclaredPredicate" === nodeType || "InferredPredicate" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("EnumBooleanBody" === nodeType || "EnumNumberBody" === nodeType || "EnumStringBody" === nodeType || "EnumSymbolBody" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("EnumBooleanMember" === nodeType || "EnumNumberMember" === nodeType || "EnumStringMember" === nodeType || "EnumDefaultedMember" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSX(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("JSXAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXClosingElement" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXEmptyExpression" === nodeType || "JSXExpressionContainer" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadChild" === nodeType || "JSXIdentifier" === nodeType || "JSXMemberExpression" === nodeType || "JSXNamespacedName" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningElement" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXText" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningFragment" === nodeType || "JSXClosingFragment" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMiscellaneous(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("Noop" === nodeType || "Placeholder" === nodeType || "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeScript(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("TSParameterProperty" === nodeType || "TSDeclareFunction" === nodeType || "TSDeclareMethod" === nodeType || "TSQualifiedName" === nodeType || "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSPropertySignature" === nodeType || "TSMethodSignature" === nodeType || "TSIndexSignature" === nodeType || "TSAnyKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBooleanKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBigIntKeyword" === nodeType || "TSIntrinsicKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNeverKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNullKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNumberKeyword" === nodeType || "TSObjectKeyword" === nodeType || "TSStringKeyword" === nodeType || "TSSymbolKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUndefinedKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUnknownKeyword" === nodeType || "TSVoidKeyword" === nodeType || "TSThisType" === nodeType || "TSFunctionType" === nodeType || "TSConstructorType" === nodeType || "TSTypeReference" === nodeType || "TSTypePredicate" === nodeType || "TSTypeQuery" === nodeType || "TSTypeLiteral" === nodeType || "TSArrayType" === nodeType || "TSTupleType" === nodeType || "TSOptionalType" === nodeType || "TSRestType" === nodeType || "TSNamedTupleMember" === nodeType || "TSUnionType" === nodeType || "TSIntersectionType" === nodeType || "TSConditionalType" === nodeType || "TSInferType" === nodeType || "TSParenthesizedType" === nodeType || "TSTypeOperator" === nodeType || "TSIndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "TSMappedType" === nodeType || "TSLiteralType" === nodeType || "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceBody" === nodeType || "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSInstantiationExpression" === nodeType || "TSAsExpression" === nodeType || "TSTypeAssertion" === nodeType || "TSEnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSEnumMember" === nodeType || "TSModuleDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || "TSImportType" === nodeType || "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSExternalModuleReference" === nodeType || "TSNonNullExpression" === nodeType || "TSExportAssignment" === nodeType || "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" === nodeType || "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeParameter" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("TSCallSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSPropertySignature" === nodeType || "TSMethodSignature" === nodeType || "TSIndexSignature" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("TSAnyKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBooleanKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBigIntKeyword" === nodeType || "TSIntrinsicKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNeverKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNullKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNumberKeyword" === nodeType || "TSObjectKeyword" === nodeType || "TSStringKeyword" === nodeType || "TSSymbolKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUndefinedKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUnknownKeyword" === nodeType || "TSVoidKeyword" === nodeType || "TSThisType" === nodeType || "TSFunctionType" === nodeType || "TSConstructorType" === nodeType || "TSTypeReference" === nodeType || "TSTypePredicate" === nodeType || "TSTypeQuery" === nodeType || "TSTypeLiteral" === nodeType || "TSArrayType" === nodeType || "TSTupleType" === nodeType || "TSOptionalType" === nodeType || "TSRestType" === nodeType || "TSUnionType" === nodeType || "TSIntersectionType" === nodeType || "TSConditionalType" === nodeType || "TSInferType" === nodeType || "TSParenthesizedType" === nodeType || "TSTypeOperator" === nodeType || "TSIndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "TSMappedType" === nodeType || "TSLiteralType" === nodeType || "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" === nodeType || "TSImportType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBaseType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if ("TSAnyKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBooleanKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBigIntKeyword" === nodeType || "TSIntrinsicKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNeverKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNullKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNumberKeyword" === nodeType || "TSObjectKeyword" === nodeType || "TSStringKeyword" === nodeType || "TSSymbolKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUndefinedKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUnknownKeyword" === nodeType || "TSVoidKeyword" === nodeType || "TSThisType" === nodeType || "TSLiteralType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type NumberLiteral has been renamed to NumericLiteral"); if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRegexLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RegexLiteral has been renamed to RegExpLiteral"); if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RegexLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRestProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RestProperty has been renamed to RestElement"); if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RestProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSpreadProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type SpreadProperty has been renamed to SpreadElement"); if (!node) return false; const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SpreadProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; }