From a860c7ec388166073b2bfc1a91295a88564bfe3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rosanny <> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:58:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] rename a page --- .../{newPages.pug => newInformation.pug} | 70 ++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) rename views/DE/account/{newPages.pug => newInformation.pug} (63%) diff --git a/views/DE/account/newPages.pug b/views/DE/account/newInformation.pug similarity index 63% rename from views/DE/account/newPages.pug rename to views/DE/account/newInformation.pug index 00f11d21..4b6c48a6 100644 --- a/views/DE/account/newPages.pug +++ b/views/DE/account/newInformation.pug @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ html(lang="de") title= "Setup a new website" meta(charset="UTF-8") meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no") - link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="/css/bootstrap.min.css") - link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="/css/m4lab.css") + link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="") + link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="") link(rel="stylesheet", href="", integrity="sha384-oS3vJWv+0UjzBfQzYUhtDYW+Pj2yciDJxpsK1OYPAYjqT085Qq/1cq5FLXAZQ7Ay", crossorigin="anonymous") body div(class="container") @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ html(lang="de") ul(class="flex-md-column flex-row navbar-nav w-100 justify-content-between") li(class="nav-item") a(class="nav-link pl-0 text-nowrap" href="/account/") - span(class="font-weight-bold" style="color:black;") #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName} + span(class="font-weight-bold" style="color:black;") #{user.fullName} li(class="nav-item") a(class="nav-link pl-0" href="/account/profile") i(class="fa fa-user fa-fw") @@ -35,15 +35,13 @@ html(lang="de") i(class="fa fa-sign-out-alt fa-fw") span(class="d-none d-md-inline") Logout main(class="col bg-faded py-3 flex-grow-1") - if successes - for success in successes - div.alert.alert-success.alert-dismissible #{ success } - a(class="close", href="#", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="close") × - if errors - for error, i in errors - #{ error } - a(class="close", href="#", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="close") × - h3(class="pb-2") New Website + if flash.success + div.alert.alert-success.alert-dismissible #{flash.success} + a(class="close", href="#", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="close") × + if flash.error + #{flash.error} + a(class="close", href="#", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="close") × + h3(class="pb-2") New Information div(class="mx-4") h4(class="pb-1") Step 1: Setup p Please fill-in all fields @@ -51,45 +49,33 @@ html(lang="de") div(class='form-group row') label(for="name", class="col-sm-2") Name div(class="col-sm-8") - input#name(name="name", type="text", class="form-control",, placeholder="Name", maxlength="75" required) + input#name(name="name", type="text", class="form-control", placeholder="Name", maxlength="75" required) | <p id="nameInfo" class="font-italic font-weight-light"><small>your website will be published on this URL: <strong><span id="websiteName"></span></strong></small></p> div(class="form-group row") label(for="description", class="col-sm-2") Description div(class="col-sm-8") - textarea#description(name="description", type="text", class="form-control", placeholder="Description", maxlength="500" required) #{project.description} + textarea#description(name="description", type="text", class="form-control", placeholder="Description", maxlength="500" required) div(class="form-group row") label(for="logo", class="col-sm-2") Logo div(class="col-sm-8") - input#logo(name="logo", class="form-control-file", value=project.avatar, type="file" required) - input(type="submit", class="btn btn-primary", value="Set") + input#logo(name="logo", class="form-control-file", type="file" required) + input(type="submit", class="btn btn-primary", value="Submit") hr - if project.webUrl - div#step2(class="mx-4") - h4(class="pb-1") Step 2: Complete - //p Your website has been created, but not yet published. Please make sure you have completed the following before you publish your website. - p Please make sure you have completed the following before you publish your website. - ul - li project name, link, logo: setting.js - li contact person: kontakt.html - else - div#step2(class="mx-4", style="color: gray;") - h4(class="pb-1") Step 2: Complete - //p Your website has been created, but not yet published. Please make sure you have completed the following before you publish your website. - p Please make sure you have completed the following before you publish your website. - ul - li project name, link, logo: setting.js - li contact person: kontakt.html + div(class="mx-4", style="color: gray;") + h4(class="pb-1") Step 2: Complete + p Please make sure you have completed the following before you publish your website. + ul + li project name, link, logo: setting.js + li contact person: kontakt.html hr - if project.webUrl - div#step3(class="mx-4") - h4(class="pb-1") Step 3: Publish - p bla bla bla - input(type="submit", class="btn btn-primary", value="Publish") - else - div#step3(class="mx-4", style="color: gray;") - h4(class="pb-1") Step 3: Publish - p bla bla bla - input(type="submit", class="btn btn-primary", value="Publish" disabled) + div(class="mx-4", style="color: gray;") + h4(class="pb-1") Step 3: Publish + p The following request email will be sent to the Transferportal Admin to publish your new website/information: + table(class="table-secondary") + tr + td Guten Tag, <br><br> hiermit beantrage Ich die Freischaltung einer Webseite auf dem Transferportal für folgendes Projekt:<br>project-name.<br><br>Vielen Dank,<br> #{user.fullName} + br + input(type="submit", class="btn btn-primary", value="Send Request" disabled) // jQuery script(src="") -- GitLab