"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.anyTypeAnnotation = anyTypeAnnotation; exports.argumentPlaceholder = argumentPlaceholder; exports.arrayExpression = arrayExpression; exports.arrayPattern = arrayPattern; exports.arrayTypeAnnotation = arrayTypeAnnotation; exports.arrowFunctionExpression = arrowFunctionExpression; exports.assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression; exports.assignmentPattern = assignmentPattern; exports.awaitExpression = awaitExpression; exports.bigIntLiteral = bigIntLiteral; exports.binaryExpression = binaryExpression; exports.bindExpression = bindExpression; exports.blockStatement = blockStatement; exports.booleanLiteral = booleanLiteral; exports.booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.booleanTypeAnnotation = booleanTypeAnnotation; exports.breakStatement = breakStatement; exports.callExpression = callExpression; exports.catchClause = catchClause; exports.classAccessorProperty = classAccessorProperty; exports.classBody = classBody; exports.classDeclaration = classDeclaration; exports.classExpression = classExpression; exports.classImplements = classImplements; exports.classMethod = classMethod; exports.classPrivateMethod = classPrivateMethod; exports.classPrivateProperty = classPrivateProperty; exports.classProperty = classProperty; exports.conditionalExpression = conditionalExpression; exports.continueStatement = continueStatement; exports.debuggerStatement = debuggerStatement; exports.decimalLiteral = decimalLiteral; exports.declareClass = declareClass; exports.declareExportAllDeclaration = declareExportAllDeclaration; exports.declareExportDeclaration = declareExportDeclaration; exports.declareFunction = declareFunction; exports.declareInterface = declareInterface; exports.declareModule = declareModule; exports.declareModuleExports = declareModuleExports; exports.declareOpaqueType = declareOpaqueType; exports.declareTypeAlias = declareTypeAlias; exports.declareVariable = declareVariable; exports.declaredPredicate = declaredPredicate; exports.decorator = decorator; exports.directive = directive; exports.directiveLiteral = directiveLiteral; exports.doExpression = doExpression; exports.doWhileStatement = doWhileStatement; exports.emptyStatement = emptyStatement; exports.emptyTypeAnnotation = emptyTypeAnnotation; exports.enumBooleanBody = enumBooleanBody; exports.enumBooleanMember = enumBooleanMember; exports.enumDeclaration = enumDeclaration; exports.enumDefaultedMember = enumDefaultedMember; exports.enumNumberBody = enumNumberBody; exports.enumNumberMember = enumNumberMember; exports.enumStringBody = enumStringBody; exports.enumStringMember = enumStringMember; exports.enumSymbolBody = enumSymbolBody; exports.existsTypeAnnotation = existsTypeAnnotation; exports.exportAllDeclaration = exportAllDeclaration; exports.exportDefaultDeclaration = exportDefaultDeclaration; exports.exportDefaultSpecifier = exportDefaultSpecifier; exports.exportNamedDeclaration = exportNamedDeclaration; exports.exportNamespaceSpecifier = exportNamespaceSpecifier; exports.exportSpecifier = exportSpecifier; exports.expressionStatement = expressionStatement; exports.file = file; exports.forInStatement = forInStatement; exports.forOfStatement = forOfStatement; exports.forStatement = forStatement; exports.functionDeclaration = functionDeclaration; exports.functionExpression = functionExpression; exports.functionTypeAnnotation = functionTypeAnnotation; exports.functionTypeParam = functionTypeParam; exports.genericTypeAnnotation = genericTypeAnnotation; exports.identifier = identifier; exports.ifStatement = ifStatement; exports.import = _import; exports.importAttribute = importAttribute; exports.importDeclaration = importDeclaration; exports.importDefaultSpecifier = importDefaultSpecifier; exports.importNamespaceSpecifier = importNamespaceSpecifier; exports.importSpecifier = importSpecifier; exports.indexedAccessType = indexedAccessType; exports.inferredPredicate = inferredPredicate; exports.interfaceDeclaration = interfaceDeclaration; exports.interfaceExtends = interfaceExtends; exports.interfaceTypeAnnotation = interfaceTypeAnnotation; exports.interpreterDirective = interpreterDirective; exports.intersectionTypeAnnotation = intersectionTypeAnnotation; exports.jSXAttribute = exports.jsxAttribute = jsxAttribute; exports.jSXClosingElement = exports.jsxClosingElement = jsxClosingElement; exports.jSXClosingFragment = exports.jsxClosingFragment = jsxClosingFragment; exports.jSXElement = exports.jsxElement = jsxElement; exports.jSXEmptyExpression = exports.jsxEmptyExpression = jsxEmptyExpression; exports.jSXExpressionContainer = exports.jsxExpressionContainer = jsxExpressionContainer; exports.jSXFragment = exports.jsxFragment = jsxFragment; exports.jSXIdentifier = exports.jsxIdentifier = jsxIdentifier; exports.jSXMemberExpression = exports.jsxMemberExpression = jsxMemberExpression; exports.jSXNamespacedName = exports.jsxNamespacedName = jsxNamespacedName; exports.jSXOpeningElement = exports.jsxOpeningElement = jsxOpeningElement; exports.jSXOpeningFragment = exports.jsxOpeningFragment = jsxOpeningFragment; exports.jSXSpreadAttribute = exports.jsxSpreadAttribute = jsxSpreadAttribute; exports.jSXSpreadChild = exports.jsxSpreadChild = jsxSpreadChild; exports.jSXText = exports.jsxText = jsxText; exports.labeledStatement = labeledStatement; exports.logicalExpression = logicalExpression; exports.memberExpression = memberExpression; exports.metaProperty = metaProperty; exports.mixedTypeAnnotation = mixedTypeAnnotation; exports.moduleExpression = moduleExpression; exports.newExpression = newExpression; exports.noop = noop; exports.nullLiteral = nullLiteral; exports.nullLiteralTypeAnnotation = nullLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.nullableTypeAnnotation = nullableTypeAnnotation; exports.numberLiteral = NumberLiteral; exports.numberLiteralTypeAnnotation = numberLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.numberTypeAnnotation = numberTypeAnnotation; exports.numericLiteral = numericLiteral; exports.objectExpression = objectExpression; exports.objectMethod = objectMethod; exports.objectPattern = objectPattern; exports.objectProperty = objectProperty; exports.objectTypeAnnotation = objectTypeAnnotation; exports.objectTypeCallProperty = objectTypeCallProperty; exports.objectTypeIndexer = objectTypeIndexer; exports.objectTypeInternalSlot = objectTypeInternalSlot; exports.objectTypeProperty = objectTypeProperty; exports.objectTypeSpreadProperty = objectTypeSpreadProperty; exports.opaqueType = opaqueType; exports.optionalCallExpression = optionalCallExpression; exports.optionalIndexedAccessType = optionalIndexedAccessType; exports.optionalMemberExpression = optionalMemberExpression; exports.parenthesizedExpression = parenthesizedExpression; exports.pipelineBareFunction = pipelineBareFunction; exports.pipelinePrimaryTopicReference = pipelinePrimaryTopicReference; exports.pipelineTopicExpression = pipelineTopicExpression; exports.placeholder = placeholder; exports.privateName = privateName; exports.program = program; exports.qualifiedTypeIdentifier = qualifiedTypeIdentifier; exports.recordExpression = recordExpression; exports.regExpLiteral = regExpLiteral; exports.regexLiteral = RegexLiteral; exports.restElement = restElement; exports.restProperty = RestProperty; exports.returnStatement = returnStatement; exports.sequenceExpression = sequenceExpression; exports.spreadElement = spreadElement; exports.spreadProperty = SpreadProperty; exports.staticBlock = staticBlock; exports.stringLiteral = stringLiteral; exports.stringLiteralTypeAnnotation = stringLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.stringTypeAnnotation = stringTypeAnnotation; exports.super = _super; exports.switchCase = switchCase; exports.switchStatement = switchStatement; exports.symbolTypeAnnotation = symbolTypeAnnotation; exports.taggedTemplateExpression = taggedTemplateExpression; exports.templateElement = templateElement; exports.templateLiteral = templateLiteral; exports.thisExpression = thisExpression; exports.thisTypeAnnotation = thisTypeAnnotation; exports.throwStatement = throwStatement; exports.topicReference = topicReference; exports.tryStatement = tryStatement; exports.tSAnyKeyword = exports.tsAnyKeyword = tsAnyKeyword; exports.tSArrayType = exports.tsArrayType = tsArrayType; exports.tSAsExpression = exports.tsAsExpression = tsAsExpression; exports.tSBigIntKeyword = exports.tsBigIntKeyword = tsBigIntKeyword; exports.tSBooleanKeyword = exports.tsBooleanKeyword = tsBooleanKeyword; exports.tSCallSignatureDeclaration = exports.tsCallSignatureDeclaration = tsCallSignatureDeclaration; exports.tSConditionalType = exports.tsConditionalType = tsConditionalType; exports.tSConstructSignatureDeclaration = exports.tsConstructSignatureDeclaration = tsConstructSignatureDeclaration; exports.tSConstructorType = exports.tsConstructorType = tsConstructorType; exports.tSDeclareFunction = exports.tsDeclareFunction = tsDeclareFunction; exports.tSDeclareMethod = exports.tsDeclareMethod = tsDeclareMethod; exports.tSEnumDeclaration = exports.tsEnumDeclaration = tsEnumDeclaration; exports.tSEnumMember = exports.tsEnumMember = tsEnumMember; exports.tSExportAssignment = exports.tsExportAssignment = tsExportAssignment; exports.tSExpressionWithTypeArguments = exports.tsExpressionWithTypeArguments = tsExpressionWithTypeArguments; exports.tSExternalModuleReference = exports.tsExternalModuleReference = tsExternalModuleReference; exports.tSFunctionType = exports.tsFunctionType = tsFunctionType; exports.tSImportEqualsDeclaration = exports.tsImportEqualsDeclaration = tsImportEqualsDeclaration; exports.tSImportType = exports.tsImportType = tsImportType; exports.tSIndexSignature = exports.tsIndexSignature = tsIndexSignature; exports.tSIndexedAccessType = exports.tsIndexedAccessType = tsIndexedAccessType; exports.tSInferType = exports.tsInferType = tsInferType; exports.tSInstantiationExpression = exports.tsInstantiationExpression = tsInstantiationExpression; exports.tSInterfaceBody = exports.tsInterfaceBody = tsInterfaceBody; exports.tSInterfaceDeclaration = exports.tsInterfaceDeclaration = tsInterfaceDeclaration; exports.tSIntersectionType = exports.tsIntersectionType = tsIntersectionType; exports.tSIntrinsicKeyword = exports.tsIntrinsicKeyword = tsIntrinsicKeyword; exports.tSLiteralType = exports.tsLiteralType = tsLiteralType; exports.tSMappedType = exports.tsMappedType = tsMappedType; exports.tSMethodSignature = exports.tsMethodSignature = tsMethodSignature; exports.tSModuleBlock = exports.tsModuleBlock = tsModuleBlock; exports.tSModuleDeclaration = exports.tsModuleDeclaration = tsModuleDeclaration; exports.tSNamedTupleMember = exports.tsNamedTupleMember = tsNamedTupleMember; exports.tSNamespaceExportDeclaration = exports.tsNamespaceExportDeclaration = tsNamespaceExportDeclaration; exports.tSNeverKeyword = exports.tsNeverKeyword = tsNeverKeyword; exports.tSNonNullExpression = exports.tsNonNullExpression = tsNonNullExpression; exports.tSNullKeyword = exports.tsNullKeyword = tsNullKeyword; exports.tSNumberKeyword = exports.tsNumberKeyword = tsNumberKeyword; exports.tSObjectKeyword = exports.tsObjectKeyword = tsObjectKeyword; exports.tSOptionalType = exports.tsOptionalType = tsOptionalType; exports.tSParameterProperty = exports.tsParameterProperty = tsParameterProperty; exports.tSParenthesizedType = exports.tsParenthesizedType = tsParenthesizedType; exports.tSPropertySignature = exports.tsPropertySignature = tsPropertySignature; exports.tSQualifiedName = exports.tsQualifiedName = tsQualifiedName; exports.tSRestType = exports.tsRestType = tsRestType; exports.tSStringKeyword = exports.tsStringKeyword = tsStringKeyword; exports.tSSymbolKeyword = exports.tsSymbolKeyword = tsSymbolKeyword; exports.tSThisType = exports.tsThisType = tsThisType; exports.tSTupleType = exports.tsTupleType = tsTupleType; exports.tSTypeAliasDeclaration = exports.tsTypeAliasDeclaration = tsTypeAliasDeclaration; exports.tSTypeAnnotation = exports.tsTypeAnnotation = tsTypeAnnotation; exports.tSTypeAssertion = exports.tsTypeAssertion = tsTypeAssertion; exports.tSTypeLiteral = exports.tsTypeLiteral = tsTypeLiteral; exports.tSTypeOperator = exports.tsTypeOperator = tsTypeOperator; exports.tSTypeParameter = exports.tsTypeParameter = tsTypeParameter; exports.tSTypeParameterDeclaration = exports.tsTypeParameterDeclaration = tsTypeParameterDeclaration; exports.tSTypeParameterInstantiation = exports.tsTypeParameterInstantiation = tsTypeParameterInstantiation; exports.tSTypePredicate = exports.tsTypePredicate = tsTypePredicate; exports.tSTypeQuery = exports.tsTypeQuery = tsTypeQuery; exports.tSTypeReference = exports.tsTypeReference = tsTypeReference; exports.tSUndefinedKeyword = exports.tsUndefinedKeyword = tsUndefinedKeyword; exports.tSUnionType = exports.tsUnionType = tsUnionType; exports.tSUnknownKeyword = exports.tsUnknownKeyword = tsUnknownKeyword; exports.tSVoidKeyword = exports.tsVoidKeyword = tsVoidKeyword; exports.tupleExpression = tupleExpression; exports.tupleTypeAnnotation = tupleTypeAnnotation; exports.typeAlias = typeAlias; exports.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; exports.typeCastExpression = typeCastExpression; exports.typeParameter = typeParameter; exports.typeParameterDeclaration = typeParameterDeclaration; exports.typeParameterInstantiation = typeParameterInstantiation; exports.typeofTypeAnnotation = typeofTypeAnnotation; exports.unaryExpression = unaryExpression; exports.unionTypeAnnotation = unionTypeAnnotation; exports.updateExpression = updateExpression; exports.v8IntrinsicIdentifier = v8IntrinsicIdentifier; exports.variableDeclaration = variableDeclaration; exports.variableDeclarator = variableDeclarator; exports.variance = variance; exports.voidTypeAnnotation = voidTypeAnnotation; exports.whileStatement = whileStatement; exports.withStatement = withStatement; exports.yieldExpression = yieldExpression; var _validateNode = require("../validateNode"); function arrayExpression(elements = []) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ArrayExpression", elements }); } function assignmentExpression(operator, left, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "AssignmentExpression", operator, left, right }); } function binaryExpression(operator, left, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BinaryExpression", operator, left, right }); } function interpreterDirective(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "InterpreterDirective", value }); } function directive(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Directive", value }); } function directiveLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DirectiveLiteral", value }); } function blockStatement(body, directives = []) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BlockStatement", body, directives }); } function breakStatement(label = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BreakStatement", label }); } function callExpression(callee, _arguments) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "CallExpression", callee, arguments: _arguments }); } function catchClause(param = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "CatchClause", param, body }); } function conditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ConditionalExpression", test, consequent, alternate }); } function continueStatement(label = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ContinueStatement", label }); } function debuggerStatement() { return { type: "DebuggerStatement" }; } function doWhileStatement(test, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DoWhileStatement", test, body }); } function emptyStatement() { return { type: "EmptyStatement" }; } function expressionStatement(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExpressionStatement", expression }); } function file(program, comments = null, tokens = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "File", program, comments, tokens }); } function forInStatement(left, right, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ForInStatement", left, right, body }); } function forStatement(init = null, test = null, update = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ForStatement", init, test, update, body }); } function functionDeclaration(id = null, params, body, generator = false, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "FunctionDeclaration", id, params, body, generator, async }); } function functionExpression(id = null, params, body, generator = false, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "FunctionExpression", id, params, body, generator, async }); } function identifier(name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Identifier", name }); } function ifStatement(test, consequent, alternate = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "IfStatement", test, consequent, alternate }); } function labeledStatement(label, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "LabeledStatement", label, body }); } function stringLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "StringLiteral", value }); } function numericLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "NumericLiteral", value }); } function nullLiteral() { return { type: "NullLiteral" }; } function booleanLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BooleanLiteral", value }); } function regExpLiteral(pattern, flags = "") { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "RegExpLiteral", pattern, flags }); } function logicalExpression(operator, left, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "LogicalExpression", operator, left, right }); } function memberExpression(object, property, computed = false, optional = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "MemberExpression", object, property, computed, optional }); } function newExpression(callee, _arguments) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "NewExpression", callee, arguments: _arguments }); } function program(body, directives = [], sourceType = "script", interpreter = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Program", body, directives, sourceType, interpreter, sourceFile: null }); } function objectExpression(properties) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectExpression", properties }); } function objectMethod(kind = "method", key, params, body, computed = false, generator = false, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectMethod", kind, key, params, body, computed, generator, async }); } function objectProperty(key, value, computed = false, shorthand = false, decorators = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectProperty", key, value, computed, shorthand, decorators }); } function restElement(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "RestElement", argument }); } function returnStatement(argument = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ReturnStatement", argument }); } function sequenceExpression(expressions) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "SequenceExpression", expressions }); } function parenthesizedExpression(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ParenthesizedExpression", expression }); } function switchCase(test = null, consequent) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "SwitchCase", test, consequent }); } function switchStatement(discriminant, cases) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "SwitchStatement", discriminant, cases }); } function thisExpression() { return { type: "ThisExpression" }; } function throwStatement(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ThrowStatement", argument }); } function tryStatement(block, handler = null, finalizer = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TryStatement", block, handler, finalizer }); } function unaryExpression(operator, argument, prefix = true) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "UnaryExpression", operator, argument, prefix }); } function updateExpression(operator, argument, prefix = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "UpdateExpression", operator, argument, prefix }); } function variableDeclaration(kind, declarations) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "VariableDeclaration", kind, declarations }); } function variableDeclarator(id, init = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "VariableDeclarator", id, init }); } function whileStatement(test, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "WhileStatement", test, body }); } function withStatement(object, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "WithStatement", object, body }); } function assignmentPattern(left, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "AssignmentPattern", left, right }); } function arrayPattern(elements) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ArrayPattern", elements }); } function arrowFunctionExpression(params, body, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ArrowFunctionExpression", params, body, async, expression: null }); } function classBody(body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassBody", body }); } function classExpression(id = null, superClass = null, body, decorators = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassExpression", id, superClass, body, decorators }); } function classDeclaration(id, superClass = null, body, decorators = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassDeclaration", id, superClass, body, decorators }); } function exportAllDeclaration(source) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportAllDeclaration", source }); } function exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration", declaration }); } function exportNamedDeclaration(declaration = null, specifiers = [], source = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportNamedDeclaration", declaration, specifiers, source }); } function exportSpecifier(local, exported) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportSpecifier", local, exported }); } function forOfStatement(left, right, body, _await = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ForOfStatement", left, right, body, await: _await }); } function importDeclaration(specifiers, source) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ImportDeclaration", specifiers, source }); } function importDefaultSpecifier(local) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier", local }); } function importNamespaceSpecifier(local) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier", local }); } function importSpecifier(local, imported) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ImportSpecifier", local, imported }); } function metaProperty(meta, property) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "MetaProperty", meta, property }); } function classMethod(kind = "method", key, params, body, computed = false, _static = false, generator = false, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassMethod", kind, key, params, body, computed, static: _static, generator, async }); } function objectPattern(properties) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectPattern", properties }); } function spreadElement(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "SpreadElement", argument }); } function _super() { return { type: "Super" }; } function taggedTemplateExpression(tag, quasi) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TaggedTemplateExpression", tag, quasi }); } function templateElement(value, tail = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TemplateElement", value, tail }); } function templateLiteral(quasis, expressions) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TemplateLiteral", quasis, expressions }); } function yieldExpression(argument = null, delegate = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "YieldExpression", argument, delegate }); } function awaitExpression(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "AwaitExpression", argument }); } function _import() { return { type: "Import" }; } function bigIntLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BigIntLiteral", value }); } function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportNamespaceSpecifier", exported }); } function optionalMemberExpression(object, property, computed = false, optional) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "OptionalMemberExpression", object, property, computed, optional }); } function optionalCallExpression(callee, _arguments, optional) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "OptionalCallExpression", callee, arguments: _arguments, optional }); } function classProperty(key, value = null, typeAnnotation = null, decorators = null, computed = false, _static = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassProperty", key, value, typeAnnotation, decorators, computed, static: _static }); } function classAccessorProperty(key, value = null, typeAnnotation = null, decorators = null, computed = false, _static = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassAccessorProperty", key, value, typeAnnotation, decorators, computed, static: _static }); } function classPrivateProperty(key, value = null, decorators = null, _static = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassPrivateProperty", key, value, decorators, static: _static }); } function classPrivateMethod(kind = "method", key, params, body, _static = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassPrivateMethod", kind, key, params, body, static: _static }); } function privateName(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "PrivateName", id }); } function staticBlock(body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "StaticBlock", body }); } function anyTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "AnyTypeAnnotation" }; } function arrayTypeAnnotation(elementType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ArrayTypeAnnotation", elementType }); } function booleanTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "BooleanTypeAnnotation" }; } function booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation", value }); } function nullLiteralTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" }; } function classImplements(id, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ClassImplements", id, typeParameters }); } function declareClass(id, typeParameters = null, _extends = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareClass", id, typeParameters, extends: _extends, body }); } function declareFunction(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareFunction", id }); } function declareInterface(id, typeParameters = null, _extends = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareInterface", id, typeParameters, extends: _extends, body }); } function declareModule(id, body, kind = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareModule", id, body, kind }); } function declareModuleExports(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareModuleExports", typeAnnotation }); } function declareTypeAlias(id, typeParameters = null, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareTypeAlias", id, typeParameters, right }); } function declareOpaqueType(id, typeParameters = null, supertype = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareOpaqueType", id, typeParameters, supertype }); } function declareVariable(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareVariable", id }); } function declareExportDeclaration(declaration = null, specifiers = null, source = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareExportDeclaration", declaration, specifiers, source }); } function declareExportAllDeclaration(source) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclareExportAllDeclaration", source }); } function declaredPredicate(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DeclaredPredicate", value }); } function existsTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "ExistsTypeAnnotation" }; } function functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters = null, params, rest = null, returnType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "FunctionTypeAnnotation", typeParameters, params, rest, returnType }); } function functionTypeParam(name = null, typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "FunctionTypeParam", name, typeAnnotation }); } function genericTypeAnnotation(id, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "GenericTypeAnnotation", id, typeParameters }); } function inferredPredicate() { return { type: "InferredPredicate" }; } function interfaceExtends(id, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "InterfaceExtends", id, typeParameters }); } function interfaceDeclaration(id, typeParameters = null, _extends = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "InterfaceDeclaration", id, typeParameters, extends: _extends, body }); } function interfaceTypeAnnotation(_extends = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "InterfaceTypeAnnotation", extends: _extends, body }); } function intersectionTypeAnnotation(types) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "IntersectionTypeAnnotation", types }); } function mixedTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "MixedTypeAnnotation" }; } function emptyTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "EmptyTypeAnnotation" }; } function nullableTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "NullableTypeAnnotation", typeAnnotation }); } function numberLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation", value }); } function numberTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "NumberTypeAnnotation" }; } function objectTypeAnnotation(properties, indexers = [], callProperties = [], internalSlots = [], exact = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeAnnotation", properties, indexers, callProperties, internalSlots, exact }); } function objectTypeInternalSlot(id, value, optional, _static, method) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeInternalSlot", id, value, optional, static: _static, method }); } function objectTypeCallProperty(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeCallProperty", value, static: null }); } function objectTypeIndexer(id = null, key, value, variance = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeIndexer", id, key, value, variance, static: null }); } function objectTypeProperty(key, value, variance = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeProperty", key, value, variance, kind: null, method: null, optional: null, proto: null, static: null }); } function objectTypeSpreadProperty(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty", argument }); } function opaqueType(id, typeParameters = null, supertype = null, impltype) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "OpaqueType", id, typeParameters, supertype, impltype }); } function qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id, qualification) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "QualifiedTypeIdentifier", id, qualification }); } function stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation", value }); } function stringTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "StringTypeAnnotation" }; } function symbolTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "SymbolTypeAnnotation" }; } function thisTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "ThisTypeAnnotation" }; } function tupleTypeAnnotation(types) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TupleTypeAnnotation", types }); } function typeofTypeAnnotation(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeofTypeAnnotation", argument }); } function typeAlias(id, typeParameters = null, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeAlias", id, typeParameters, right }); } function typeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeAnnotation", typeAnnotation }); } function typeCastExpression(expression, typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeCastExpression", expression, typeAnnotation }); } function typeParameter(bound = null, _default = null, variance = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeParameter", bound, default: _default, variance, name: null }); } function typeParameterDeclaration(params) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeParameterDeclaration", params }); } function typeParameterInstantiation(params) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TypeParameterInstantiation", params }); } function unionTypeAnnotation(types) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "UnionTypeAnnotation", types }); } function variance(kind) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Variance", kind }); } function voidTypeAnnotation() { return { type: "VoidTypeAnnotation" }; } function enumDeclaration(id, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumDeclaration", id, body }); } function enumBooleanBody(members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumBooleanBody", members, explicitType: null, hasUnknownMembers: null }); } function enumNumberBody(members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumNumberBody", members, explicitType: null, hasUnknownMembers: null }); } function enumStringBody(members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumStringBody", members, explicitType: null, hasUnknownMembers: null }); } function enumSymbolBody(members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumSymbolBody", members, hasUnknownMembers: null }); } function enumBooleanMember(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumBooleanMember", id, init: null }); } function enumNumberMember(id, init) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumNumberMember", id, init }); } function enumStringMember(id, init) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumStringMember", id, init }); } function enumDefaultedMember(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "EnumDefaultedMember", id }); } function indexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "IndexedAccessType", objectType, indexType }); } function optionalIndexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "OptionalIndexedAccessType", objectType, indexType, optional: null }); } function jsxAttribute(name, value = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXAttribute", name, value }); } function jsxClosingElement(name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXClosingElement", name }); } function jsxElement(openingElement, closingElement = null, children, selfClosing = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXElement", openingElement, closingElement, children, selfClosing }); } function jsxEmptyExpression() { return { type: "JSXEmptyExpression" }; } function jsxExpressionContainer(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXExpressionContainer", expression }); } function jsxSpreadChild(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXSpreadChild", expression }); } function jsxIdentifier(name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXIdentifier", name }); } function jsxMemberExpression(object, property) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXMemberExpression", object, property }); } function jsxNamespacedName(namespace, name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXNamespacedName", namespace, name }); } function jsxOpeningElement(name, attributes, selfClosing = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXOpeningElement", name, attributes, selfClosing }); } function jsxSpreadAttribute(argument) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXSpreadAttribute", argument }); } function jsxText(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXText", value }); } function jsxFragment(openingFragment, closingFragment, children) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "JSXFragment", openingFragment, closingFragment, children }); } function jsxOpeningFragment() { return { type: "JSXOpeningFragment" }; } function jsxClosingFragment() { return { type: "JSXClosingFragment" }; } function noop() { return { type: "Noop" }; } function placeholder(expectedNode, name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Placeholder", expectedNode, name }); } function v8IntrinsicIdentifier(name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "V8IntrinsicIdentifier", name }); } function argumentPlaceholder() { return { type: "ArgumentPlaceholder" }; } function bindExpression(object, callee) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "BindExpression", object, callee }); } function importAttribute(key, value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ImportAttribute", key, value }); } function decorator(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "Decorator", expression }); } function doExpression(body, async = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DoExpression", body, async }); } function exportDefaultSpecifier(exported) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ExportDefaultSpecifier", exported }); } function recordExpression(properties) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "RecordExpression", properties }); } function tupleExpression(elements = []) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TupleExpression", elements }); } function decimalLiteral(value) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "DecimalLiteral", value }); } function moduleExpression(body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "ModuleExpression", body }); } function topicReference() { return { type: "TopicReference" }; } function pipelineTopicExpression(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "PipelineTopicExpression", expression }); } function pipelineBareFunction(callee) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "PipelineBareFunction", callee }); } function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference() { return { type: "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" }; } function tsParameterProperty(parameter) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSParameterProperty", parameter }); } function tsDeclareFunction(id = null, typeParameters = null, params, returnType = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSDeclareFunction", id, typeParameters, params, returnType }); } function tsDeclareMethod(decorators = null, key, typeParameters = null, params, returnType = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSDeclareMethod", decorators, key, typeParameters, params, returnType }); } function tsQualifiedName(left, right) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSQualifiedName", left, right }); } function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters = null, parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSCallSignatureDeclaration", typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters = null, parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration", typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsPropertySignature(key, typeAnnotation = null, initializer = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSPropertySignature", key, typeAnnotation, initializer, kind: null }); } function tsMethodSignature(key, typeParameters = null, parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSMethodSignature", key, typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation, kind: null }); } function tsIndexSignature(parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSIndexSignature", parameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsAnyKeyword() { return { type: "TSAnyKeyword" }; } function tsBooleanKeyword() { return { type: "TSBooleanKeyword" }; } function tsBigIntKeyword() { return { type: "TSBigIntKeyword" }; } function tsIntrinsicKeyword() { return { type: "TSIntrinsicKeyword" }; } function tsNeverKeyword() { return { type: "TSNeverKeyword" }; } function tsNullKeyword() { return { type: "TSNullKeyword" }; } function tsNumberKeyword() { return { type: "TSNumberKeyword" }; } function tsObjectKeyword() { return { type: "TSObjectKeyword" }; } function tsStringKeyword() { return { type: "TSStringKeyword" }; } function tsSymbolKeyword() { return { type: "TSSymbolKeyword" }; } function tsUndefinedKeyword() { return { type: "TSUndefinedKeyword" }; } function tsUnknownKeyword() { return { type: "TSUnknownKeyword" }; } function tsVoidKeyword() { return { type: "TSVoidKeyword" }; } function tsThisType() { return { type: "TSThisType" }; } function tsFunctionType(typeParameters = null, parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSFunctionType", typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsConstructorType(typeParameters = null, parameters, typeAnnotation = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSConstructorType", typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsTypeReference(typeName, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeReference", typeName, typeParameters }); } function tsTypePredicate(parameterName, typeAnnotation = null, asserts = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypePredicate", parameterName, typeAnnotation, asserts }); } function tsTypeQuery(exprName, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeQuery", exprName, typeParameters }); } function tsTypeLiteral(members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeLiteral", members }); } function tsArrayType(elementType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSArrayType", elementType }); } function tsTupleType(elementTypes) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTupleType", elementTypes }); } function tsOptionalType(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSOptionalType", typeAnnotation }); } function tsRestType(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSRestType", typeAnnotation }); } function tsNamedTupleMember(label, elementType, optional = false) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSNamedTupleMember", label, elementType, optional }); } function tsUnionType(types) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSUnionType", types }); } function tsIntersectionType(types) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSIntersectionType", types }); } function tsConditionalType(checkType, extendsType, trueType, falseType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSConditionalType", checkType, extendsType, trueType, falseType }); } function tsInferType(typeParameter) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSInferType", typeParameter }); } function tsParenthesizedType(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSParenthesizedType", typeAnnotation }); } function tsTypeOperator(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeOperator", typeAnnotation, operator: null }); } function tsIndexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSIndexedAccessType", objectType, indexType }); } function tsMappedType(typeParameter, typeAnnotation = null, nameType = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSMappedType", typeParameter, typeAnnotation, nameType }); } function tsLiteralType(literal) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSLiteralType", literal }); } function tsExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", expression, typeParameters }); } function tsInterfaceDeclaration(id, typeParameters = null, _extends = null, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSInterfaceDeclaration", id, typeParameters, extends: _extends, body }); } function tsInterfaceBody(body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSInterfaceBody", body }); } function tsTypeAliasDeclaration(id, typeParameters = null, typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeAliasDeclaration", id, typeParameters, typeAnnotation }); } function tsInstantiationExpression(expression, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSInstantiationExpression", expression, typeParameters }); } function tsAsExpression(expression, typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSAsExpression", expression, typeAnnotation }); } function tsTypeAssertion(typeAnnotation, expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeAssertion", typeAnnotation, expression }); } function tsEnumDeclaration(id, members) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSEnumDeclaration", id, members }); } function tsEnumMember(id, initializer = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSEnumMember", id, initializer }); } function tsModuleDeclaration(id, body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSModuleDeclaration", id, body }); } function tsModuleBlock(body) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSModuleBlock", body }); } function tsImportType(argument, qualifier = null, typeParameters = null) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSImportType", argument, qualifier, typeParameters }); } function tsImportEqualsDeclaration(id, moduleReference) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSImportEqualsDeclaration", id, moduleReference, isExport: null }); } function tsExternalModuleReference(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSExternalModuleReference", expression }); } function tsNonNullExpression(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSNonNullExpression", expression }); } function tsExportAssignment(expression) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSExportAssignment", expression }); } function tsNamespaceExportDeclaration(id) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration", id }); } function tsTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeAnnotation", typeAnnotation }); } function tsTypeParameterInstantiation(params) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation", params }); } function tsTypeParameterDeclaration(params) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", params }); } function tsTypeParameter(constraint = null, _default = null, name) { return (0, _validateNode.default)({ type: "TSTypeParameter", constraint, default: _default, name }); } function NumberLiteral(value) { console.trace("The node type NumberLiteral has been renamed to NumericLiteral"); return numericLiteral(value); } function RegexLiteral(pattern, flags = "") { console.trace("The node type RegexLiteral has been renamed to RegExpLiteral"); return regExpLiteral(pattern, flags); } function RestProperty(argument) { console.trace("The node type RestProperty has been renamed to RestElement"); return restElement(argument); } function SpreadProperty(argument) { console.trace("The node type SpreadProperty has been renamed to SpreadElement"); return spreadElement(argument); }