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Extremely fast and lightweight [double-ended queue]( implementation with zero dependencies. Double-ended queues can also be used as a: - [Stack](\(abstract_data_type\)) - [Queue](\(data_structure\)) This implementation is currently the fastest available, even faster than `double-ended-queue`, see the [benchmarks](#benchmarks) Every queue operation is done at a constant `O(1)` - including random access from `.peekAt(index)`. **Works on all node versions >= v0.10** # Quick Start npm install denque ```js const Denque = require("denque"); const denque = new Denque([1,2,3,4]); denque.shift(); // 1 denque.pop(); // 4 ``` # API - [`new Denque()`](#new-denque---denque) - [`new Denque(Array items)`](#new-denquearray-items---denque) - [`push(item)`](#pushitem---int) - [`unshift(item)`](#unshiftitem---int) - [`pop()`](#pop---dynamic) - [`shift()`](#shift---dynamic) - [`toArray()`](#toarray---array) - [`peekBack()`](#peekback---dynamic) - [`peekFront()`](#peekfront---dynamic) - [`peekAt(int index)`](#peekAtint-index---dynamic) - [`remove(int index, int count)`](#remove) - [`removeOne(int index)`](#removeOne) - [`splice(int index, int count, item1, item2, ...)`](#splice) - [`isEmpty()`](#isempty---boolean) - [`clear()`](#clear---void) #### `new Denque()` -> `Denque` Creates an empty double-ended queue with initial capacity of 4. ```js var denque = new Denque(); denque.push(1); denque.push(2); denque.push(3); denque.shift(); //1 denque.pop(); //3 ```
#### `new Denque(Array items)` -> `Denque` Creates a double-ended queue from `items`. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3,4]); denque.shift(); // 1 denque.pop(); // 4 ```
#### `push(item)` -> `int` Push an item to the back of this queue. Returns the amount of items currently in the queue after the operation. ```js var denque = new Denque(); denque.push(1); denque.pop(); // 1 denque.push(2); denque.push(3); denque.shift(); // 2 denque.shift(); // 3 ```
#### `unshift(item)` -> `int` Unshift an item to the front of this queue. Returns the amount of items currently in the queue after the operation. ```js var denque = new Denque([2,3]); denque.unshift(1); denque.toString(); // "1,2,3" denque.unshift(-2); denque.toString(); // "-2,-1,0,1,2,3" ```
#### `pop()` -> `dynamic` Pop off the item at the back of this queue. Note: The item will be removed from the queue. If you simply want to see what's at the back of the queue use [`peekBack()`](#peekback---dynamic) or [`.peekAt(-1)`](#peekAtint-index---dynamic). If the queue is empty, `undefined` is returned. If you need to differentiate between `undefined` values in the queue and `pop()` return value - check the queue `.length` before popping. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.pop(); // 3 denque.pop(); // 2 denque.pop(); // 1 denque.pop(); // undefined ``` **Aliases:** `removeBack`
#### `shift()` -> `dynamic` Shifts off the item at the front of this queue. Note: The item will be removed from the queue. If you simply want to see what's at the front of the queue use [`peekFront()`](#peekfront---dynamic) or [`.peekAt(0)`](#peekAtint-index---dynamic). If the queue is empty, `undefined` is returned. If you need to differentiate between `undefined` values in the queue and `shift()` return value - check the queue `.length` before shifting. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.shift(); // 1 denque.shift(); // 2 denque.shift(); // 3 denque.shift(); // undefined ```
#### `toArray()` -> `Array` Returns the items in the queue as an array. Starting from the item in the front of the queue and ending to the item at the back of the queue. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.push(4); denque.unshift(0); denque.toArray(); // [0,1,2,3,4] ```
#### `peekBack()` -> `dynamic` Returns the item that is at the back of this queue without removing it. If the queue is empty, `undefined` is returned. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.push(4); denque.peekBack(); // 4 ```
#### `peekFront()` -> `dynamic` Returns the item that is at the front of this queue without removing it. If the queue is empty, `undefined` is returned. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.push(4); denque.peekFront(); // 1 ```
#### `peekAt(int index)` -> `dynamic` Returns the item that is at the given `index` of this queue without removing it. The index is zero-based, so `.peekAt(0)` will return the item that is at the front, `.peekAt(1)` will return the item that comes after and so on. The index can be negative to read items at the back of the queue. `.peekAt(-1)` returns the item that is at the back of the queue, `.peekAt(-2)` will return the item that comes before and so on. Returns `undefined` if `index` is not a valid index into the queue. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.peekAt(0); //1 denque.peekAt(1); //2 denque.peekAt(2); //3 denque.peekAt(-1); // 3 denque.peekAt(-2); // 2 denque.peekAt(-3); // 1 ``` **Note**: The implementation has O(1) random access using `.peekAt()`. **Aliases:** `get`
#### `remove(int index, int count)` -> `array` Remove number of items from the specified index from the list. Returns array of removed items. Returns undefined if the list is empty. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); denque.remove(0,3); //[1,2,3] denque.remove(1,2); //[5,6] var denque1 = new Denque([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); denque1.remove(4, 100); //[5,6,7] ```
#### `removeOne(int index)` -> `dynamic` Remove and return the item at the specified index from the list. Returns undefined if the list is empty. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); denque.removeOne(4); // 5 denque.removeOne(3); // 4 denque1.removeOne(1); // 2 ```
#### `splice(int index, int count, item1, item2, ...)` -> `array` Native splice implementation. Remove number of items from the specified index from the list and/or add new elements. Returns array of removed items or empty array if count == 0. Returns undefined if the list is empty. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); denque.splice(denque.length, 0, 8, 9, 10); // [] denque.toArray() // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] denque.splice(3, 3, 44, 55, 66); // [4,5,6] denque.splice(5,4, 666,667,668,669); // [ 66, 7, 8, 9 ] denque.toArray() // [ 1, 2, 3, 44, 55, 666, 667, 668, 669, 10 ] ```
#### `isEmpty()` -> `boolean` Return `true` if this queue is empty, `false` otherwise. ```js var denque = new Denque(); denque.isEmpty(); // true denque.push(1); denque.isEmpty(); // false ```
#### `clear()` -> `void` Remove all items from this queue. Does not change the queue's capacity. ```js var denque = new Denque([1,2,3]); denque.toString(); // "1,2,3" denque.clear(); denque.toString(); // "" ```
## Benchmarks #### Platform info: ``` Darwin 17.0.0 x64 Node.JS 9.4.0 V8 6.2.414.46-node.17 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz × 8 ``` #### 1000 items in queue (3 x shift + 3 x push ops per 'op') denque x 64,365,425 ops/sec ±0.69% (92 runs sampled) double-ended-queue x 26,646,882 ops/sec ±0.47% (94 runs sampled) #### 2 million items in queue (3 x shift + 3 x push ops per 'op') denque x 61,994,249 ops/sec ±0.26% (95 runs sampled) double-ended-queue x 26,363,500 ops/sec ±0.42% (91 runs sampled) #### Splice (1 x splice per 'op') - initial size of 100,000 items denque.splice x 925,749 ops/sec ±22.29% (77 runs sampled) native array splice x 7,777 ops/sec ±8.35% (50 runs sampled) #### Remove (1 x remove + 10 x push per 'op') - initial size of 100,000 items denque.remove x 2,635,275 ops/sec ±0.37% (95 runs sampled) native array splice - Fails to complete: "JavaScript heap out of memory" #### Remove One (1 x removeOne + 10 x push per 'op') - initial size of 100,000 items denque.removeOne x 1,088,240 ops/sec ±0.21% (93 runs sampled) native array splice x 5,300 ops/sec ±0.41% (96 runs sampled) --- Built and maintained with 💛 by [Invertase]( - [💼 Hire Us]( - [☕️ Sponsor Us]( - [👩‍💻 Work With Us](