"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.buildNamespaceInitStatements = buildNamespaceInitStatements; exports.ensureStatementsHoisted = ensureStatementsHoisted; Object.defineProperty(exports, "getModuleName", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _getModuleName.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "hasExports", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _normalizeAndLoadMetadata.hasExports; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isModule", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _helperModuleImports.isModule; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isSideEffectImport", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _normalizeAndLoadMetadata.isSideEffectImport; } }); exports.rewriteModuleStatementsAndPrepareHeader = rewriteModuleStatementsAndPrepareHeader; Object.defineProperty(exports, "rewriteThis", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _rewriteThis.default; } }); exports.wrapInterop = wrapInterop; var _assert = require("assert"); var _t = require("@babel/types"); var _template = require("@babel/template"); var _helperModuleImports = require("@babel/helper-module-imports"); var _rewriteThis = require("./rewrite-this"); var _rewriteLiveReferences = require("./rewrite-live-references"); var _normalizeAndLoadMetadata = require("./normalize-and-load-metadata"); var _getModuleName = require("./get-module-name"); const { booleanLiteral, callExpression, cloneNode, directive, directiveLiteral, expressionStatement, identifier, isIdentifier, memberExpression, stringLiteral, valueToNode, variableDeclaration, variableDeclarator } = _t; function rewriteModuleStatementsAndPrepareHeader(path, { loose, exportName, strict, allowTopLevelThis, strictMode, noInterop, importInterop = noInterop ? "none" : "babel", lazy, esNamespaceOnly, filename, constantReexports = loose, enumerableModuleMeta = loose, noIncompleteNsImportDetection }) { (0, _normalizeAndLoadMetadata.validateImportInteropOption)(importInterop); _assert((0, _helperModuleImports.isModule)(path), "Cannot process module statements in a script"); path.node.sourceType = "script"; const meta = (0, _normalizeAndLoadMetadata.default)(path, exportName, { importInterop, initializeReexports: constantReexports, lazy, esNamespaceOnly, filename }); if (!allowTopLevelThis) { (0, _rewriteThis.default)(path); } (0, _rewriteLiveReferences.default)(path, meta); if (strictMode !== false) { const hasStrict = path.node.directives.some(directive => { return directive.value.value === "use strict"; }); if (!hasStrict) { path.unshiftContainer("directives", directive(directiveLiteral("use strict"))); } } const headers = []; if ((0, _normalizeAndLoadMetadata.hasExports)(meta) && !strict) { headers.push(buildESModuleHeader(meta, enumerableModuleMeta)); } const nameList = buildExportNameListDeclaration(path, meta); if (nameList) { meta.exportNameListName = nameList.name; headers.push(nameList.statement); } headers.push(...buildExportInitializationStatements(path, meta, constantReexports, noIncompleteNsImportDetection)); return { meta, headers }; } function ensureStatementsHoisted(statements) { statements.forEach(header => { header._blockHoist = 3; }); } function wrapInterop(programPath, expr, type) { if (type === "none") { return null; } if (type === "node-namespace") { return callExpression(programPath.hub.addHelper("interopRequireWildcard"), [expr, booleanLiteral(true)]); } else if (type === "node-default") { return null; } let helper; if (type === "default") { helper = "interopRequireDefault"; } else if (type === "namespace") { helper = "interopRequireWildcard"; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown interop: ${type}`); } return callExpression(programPath.hub.addHelper(helper), [expr]); } function buildNamespaceInitStatements(metadata, sourceMetadata, constantReexports = false) { const statements = []; let srcNamespace = identifier(sourceMetadata.name); if (sourceMetadata.lazy) srcNamespace = callExpression(srcNamespace, []); for (const localName of sourceMetadata.importsNamespace) { if (localName === sourceMetadata.name) continue; statements.push(_template.default.statement`var NAME = SOURCE;`({ NAME: localName, SOURCE: cloneNode(srcNamespace) })); } if (constantReexports) { statements.push(...buildReexportsFromMeta(metadata, sourceMetadata, true)); } for (const exportName of sourceMetadata.reexportNamespace) { statements.push((sourceMetadata.lazy ? _template.default.statement` Object.defineProperty(EXPORTS, "NAME", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return NAMESPACE; } }); ` : _template.default.statement`EXPORTS.NAME = NAMESPACE;`)({ EXPORTS: metadata.exportName, NAME: exportName, NAMESPACE: cloneNode(srcNamespace) })); } if (sourceMetadata.reexportAll) { const statement = buildNamespaceReexport(metadata, cloneNode(srcNamespace), constantReexports); statement.loc = sourceMetadata.reexportAll.loc; statements.push(statement); } return statements; } const ReexportTemplate = { constant: _template.default.statement`EXPORTS.EXPORT_NAME = NAMESPACE_IMPORT;`, constantComputed: _template.default.statement`EXPORTS["EXPORT_NAME"] = NAMESPACE_IMPORT;`, spec: _template.default.statement` Object.defineProperty(EXPORTS, "EXPORT_NAME", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return NAMESPACE_IMPORT; }, }); ` }; const buildReexportsFromMeta = (meta, metadata, constantReexports) => { const namespace = metadata.lazy ? callExpression(identifier(metadata.name), []) : identifier(metadata.name); const { stringSpecifiers } = meta; return Array.from(metadata.reexports, ([exportName, importName]) => { let NAMESPACE_IMPORT = cloneNode(namespace); if (importName === "default" && metadata.interop === "node-default") {} else if (stringSpecifiers.has(importName)) { NAMESPACE_IMPORT = memberExpression(NAMESPACE_IMPORT, stringLiteral(importName), true); } else { NAMESPACE_IMPORT = memberExpression(NAMESPACE_IMPORT, identifier(importName)); } const astNodes = { EXPORTS: meta.exportName, EXPORT_NAME: exportName, NAMESPACE_IMPORT }; if (constantReexports || isIdentifier(NAMESPACE_IMPORT)) { if (stringSpecifiers.has(exportName)) { return ReexportTemplate.constantComputed(astNodes); } else { return ReexportTemplate.constant(astNodes); } } else { return ReexportTemplate.spec(astNodes); } }); }; function buildESModuleHeader(metadata, enumerableModuleMeta = false) { return (enumerableModuleMeta ? _template.default.statement` EXPORTS.__esModule = true; ` : _template.default.statement` Object.defineProperty(EXPORTS, "__esModule", { value: true, }); `)({ EXPORTS: metadata.exportName }); } function buildNamespaceReexport(metadata, namespace, constantReexports) { return (constantReexports ? _template.default.statement` Object.keys(NAMESPACE).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; VERIFY_NAME_LIST; if (key in EXPORTS && EXPORTS[key] === NAMESPACE[key]) return; EXPORTS[key] = NAMESPACE[key]; }); ` : _template.default.statement` Object.keys(NAMESPACE).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; VERIFY_NAME_LIST; if (key in EXPORTS && EXPORTS[key] === NAMESPACE[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(EXPORTS, key, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return NAMESPACE[key]; }, }); }); `)({ NAMESPACE: namespace, EXPORTS: metadata.exportName, VERIFY_NAME_LIST: metadata.exportNameListName ? (0, _template.default)` if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(EXPORTS_LIST, key)) return; `({ EXPORTS_LIST: metadata.exportNameListName }) : null }); } function buildExportNameListDeclaration(programPath, metadata) { const exportedVars = Object.create(null); for (const data of metadata.local.values()) { for (const name of data.names) { exportedVars[name] = true; } } let hasReexport = false; for (const data of metadata.source.values()) { for (const exportName of data.reexports.keys()) { exportedVars[exportName] = true; } for (const exportName of data.reexportNamespace) { exportedVars[exportName] = true; } hasReexport = hasReexport || !!data.reexportAll; } if (!hasReexport || Object.keys(exportedVars).length === 0) return null; const name = programPath.scope.generateUidIdentifier("exportNames"); delete exportedVars.default; return { name: name.name, statement: variableDeclaration("var", [variableDeclarator(name, valueToNode(exportedVars))]) }; } function buildExportInitializationStatements(programPath, metadata, constantReexports = false, noIncompleteNsImportDetection = false) { const initStatements = []; for (const [localName, data] of metadata.local) { if (data.kind === "import") {} else if (data.kind === "hoisted") { initStatements.push([data.names[0], buildInitStatement(metadata, data.names, identifier(localName))]); } else if (!noIncompleteNsImportDetection) { for (const exportName of data.names) { initStatements.push([exportName, null]); } } } for (const data of metadata.source.values()) { if (!constantReexports) { const reexportsStatements = buildReexportsFromMeta(metadata, data, false); const reexports = [...data.reexports.keys()]; for (let i = 0; i < reexportsStatements.length; i++) { initStatements.push([reexports[i], reexportsStatements[i]]); } } if (!noIncompleteNsImportDetection) { for (const exportName of data.reexportNamespace) { initStatements.push([exportName, null]); } } } initStatements.sort(([a], [b]) => { if (a < b) return -1; if (b < a) return 1; return 0; }); const results = []; if (noIncompleteNsImportDetection) { for (const [, initStatement] of initStatements) { results.push(initStatement); } } else { const chunkSize = 100; for (let i = 0; i < initStatements.length; i += chunkSize) { let uninitializedExportNames = []; for (let j = 0; j < chunkSize && i + j < initStatements.length; j++) { const [exportName, initStatement] = initStatements[i + j]; if (initStatement !== null) { if (uninitializedExportNames.length > 0) { results.push(buildInitStatement(metadata, uninitializedExportNames, programPath.scope.buildUndefinedNode())); uninitializedExportNames = []; } results.push(initStatement); } else { uninitializedExportNames.push(exportName); } } if (uninitializedExportNames.length > 0) { results.push(buildInitStatement(metadata, uninitializedExportNames, programPath.scope.buildUndefinedNode())); } } } return results; } const InitTemplate = { computed: _template.default.expression`EXPORTS["NAME"] = VALUE`, default: _template.default.expression`EXPORTS.NAME = VALUE` }; function buildInitStatement(metadata, exportNames, initExpr) { const { stringSpecifiers, exportName: EXPORTS } = metadata; return expressionStatement(exportNames.reduce((acc, exportName) => { const params = { EXPORTS, NAME: exportName, VALUE: acc }; if (stringSpecifiers.has(exportName)) { return InitTemplate.computed(params); } else { return InitTemplate.default(params); } }, initExpr)); }