"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = removeTypeDuplicates; var _generated = require("../../validators/generated"); function getQualifiedName(node) { return (0, _generated.isIdentifier)(node) ? node.name : `${node.id.name}.${getQualifiedName(node.qualification)}`; } function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) { const generics = new Map(); const bases = new Map(); const typeGroups = new Set(); const types = []; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (!node) continue; if (types.indexOf(node) >= 0) { continue; } if ((0, _generated.isAnyTypeAnnotation)(node)) { return [node]; } if ((0, _generated.isFlowBaseAnnotation)(node)) { bases.set(node.type, node); continue; } if ((0, _generated.isUnionTypeAnnotation)(node)) { if (!typeGroups.has(node.types)) { nodes = nodes.concat(node.types); typeGroups.add(node.types); } continue; } if ((0, _generated.isGenericTypeAnnotation)(node)) { const name = getQualifiedName(node.id); if (generics.has(name)) { let existing = generics.get(name); if (existing.typeParameters) { if (node.typeParameters) { existing.typeParameters.params = removeTypeDuplicates(existing.typeParameters.params.concat(node.typeParameters.params)); } } else { existing = node.typeParameters; } } else { generics.set(name, node); } continue; } types.push(node); } for (const [, baseType] of bases) { types.push(baseType); } for (const [, genericName] of generics) { types.push(genericName); } return types; }