var unconstrainedSlider = document.getElementById('unconstrained'); var unconstrainedValues = document.getElementById('unconstrained-values'); var value01html = document.getElementById('One') var value02html = document.getElementById('Two') var value03html = document.getElementById('Three') var value04html = document.getElementById('Four') var value05html = document.getElementById('Five') noUiSlider.create(unconstrainedSlider, { start: [100, 200, 300, 400], // behaviour: 'unconstrained-tap', connect: [true, true, true, true, true], range: { 'min': 0, 'max': 500 } }); var connect = unconstrainedSlider.querySelectorAll('.noUi-connect'); var classes = ['c-1-color', 'c-2-color', 'c-3-color', 'c-4-color', 'c-5-color']; for (var i = 0; i < connect.length; i++) { connect[i].classList.add(classes[i]); } unconstrainedSlider.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values) { // unconstrainedValues.innerHTML = values.join(' :: '); value01html.innerHTML = "min - " + values[0]; value02html.innerHTML = values[0] + " - " + values[1]; value03html.innerHTML = values[1] + " - " + values[2]; value04html.innerHTML = values[2] + " - " + values[3]; value05html.innerHTML = values[3] + " - max"; var chk_ceil= document.getElementById("chxboxDemand"); if (typeof chk_ceil === 'undefined'|| chk_ceil === null) { // the variable is defined }else{ if(chk_ceil.checked == true){ heatdemVal01 = values[0]; heatdemVal02 = values[1]; heatdemVal03 = values[2]; heatdemVal04 = values[3]; highlightEnergy(); }} }); var unconstrainedSlider2 = document.getElementById('unconstrained2'); var unconstrainedValues2 = document.getElementById('unconstrained-values2'); var value01html2 = document.getElementById('One2') var value02html2 = document.getElementById('Two2') var value03html2 = document.getElementById('Three2') var value04html2 = document.getElementById('Four2') var value05html2 = document.getElementById('Five2') noUiSlider.create(unconstrainedSlider2, { start: [100, 200, 300, 400], // behaviour: 'unconstrained-tap', connect: [true, true, true, true, true], range: { 'min': 0, 'max': 500 } }); var connect2 = unconstrainedSlider2.querySelectorAll('.noUi-connect'); var classes2 = ['c-1-color', 'c-2-color', 'c-3-color', 'c-4-color', 'c-5-color']; for (var i = 0; i < connect.length; i++) { connect2[i].classList.add(classes2[i]); } unconstrainedSlider2.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values) { // unconstrainedValues.innerHTML = values.join(' :: '); value01html2.innerHTML = "min - " + values[0]; value02html2.innerHTML = values[0] + " - " + values[1]; value03html2.innerHTML = values[1] + " - " + values[2]; value04html2.innerHTML = values[2] + " - " + values[3]; value05html2.innerHTML = values[3] + " - max"; var chk_ceil2= document.getElementById("chxboxDemand"); if (typeof chk_ceil2 === 'undefined'|| chk_ceil2 === null) { // the variable is defined }else{ if(chk_ceil2.checked == true){ heatdemVal01 = values[0]; heatdemVal02 = values[1]; heatdemVal03 = values[2]; heatdemVal04 = values[3]; highlightEnergy(); }} });