var globalActions = []; var items = []; var currentActions = []; var currentHtmlID = null; var globalChainID = 0; var disableMovement = false; var allowMapSwitch = false; var loadStoryConfig = function (url, callback) { $.ajax({ dataType:"json", url: url, success:callback, }); }; var setupStartHandler = function(data){ if(data.startButton) { $("#" + data.startButton).click(startStory); } if(data.disableMovement) { framework.subscribe("MAP_ACTIVATED", function(map) { setMapMovement(false); }); } }; var tourActive = true; var startStory = function() { $("#story-frame").removeClass("startscreen", 1000); $("#balloon-startscreen").hide(); $("#story-frame").addClass("tour"); $("#tour-frame").show(); $("#story-box").scroll(function(){ var contentOffset = $("#story-box").offset().top; var contentHeight = $("#story-box").height(); $(".story-content").removeClass("active").each(function() { var offset = $(this).offset().top; var height = $(this).height(); var localoffset = offset - contentOffset; var localbottom = localoffset + height; var localHeight = localbottom - localoffset; if(localoffset > 0 || (localbottom > 100 )) { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $(this).addClass("active"); if(id !== currentHtmlID) { currentHtmlID = id; var item = getItemForHtmlID(id); if (item && item.doScroll) { item.doScroll(); } } return false; } }); }); $("#story-box").children().first().scroll(); if(allowMapSwitch) { $("#tour-button").click(function () { if (tourActive) { tourActive = false; showMap(); } else { tourActive = true; showTour(); } }); } else { $("#tour-button").hide(); } showMap(); }; var setupItems = function(data) { items = data.items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var htmlID = item.htmlID; if(!htmlID) { console.log('could not load ITEM ', item); continue; } if($(htmlID).length <= 0) { console.log('could not find HTML Element ', htmlID); continue; } if(item.clickInteraction && Array.isArray(item.clickInteraction) && item.clickInteraction.length > 0) { $(htmlID).click(function(item) { var actions = []; globalChainID++; var chainID = globalChainID; for(var j = 0; j < item.clickInteraction.length; j++) { var action = item.clickInteraction[j]; actions.push(doAction.bind(this, action, true)); } function chain(fn) { if(fn && chainID === globalChainID) { fn(function() {chain(actions.shift()) }); } } chain(actions.shift()); }.bind(null, item)); } if(item.scrollInteraction && Array.isArray(item.scrollInteraction) && item.scrollInteraction.length > 0) { item.doScroll = function(item) { var actions = []; globalChainID++; var chainID = globalChainID; clearActions(); for(var j = 0; j < item.scrollInteraction.length; j++) { var action = item.scrollInteraction[j]; currentActions.push(action); actions.push(doAction.bind(this, action, true)); } function chain(fn) { if(fn && chainID === globalChainID) { fn(function() {chain(actions.shift()) }); } } chain(actions.shift()); }.bind(null, item); } } }; vcs.vcm.Framework.getInstance().subscribe("MAP_LOADED", function() { }); var framework = vcs.vcm.Framework.getInstance(); if (checkagent() == true && is_touch_device() == true && checkIpad() == true){ vcs.vcm.Framework.loadConfig("config_mobile.json") var drop = document.getElementById("dropdownMain") drop.classList.add('can-touch') = "none"; // add "can-touch" class to document root using classList API switchArea(true); changeColor(true); } else if (checkagent() == true && framework.isMobile() == false) { vcs.vcm.Framework.loadConfig("config_safari.json") } else{ framework.isMobile() ? vcs.vcm.Framework.loadConfig("config_mobile.json") : vcs.vcm.Framework.loadConfig("config.json") } if (framework.isMobile() == true){ var drop = document.getElementById("dropdownMain") drop.classList.add('can-touch') = "none"; // add "can-touch" class to document root using classList API var uone = document.getElementById("UmfrageOne"); = "90% !important" var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); = "88% !important" } // vcs.vcm.Framework.loadConfig("config.json"); loadStoryConfig("templates/items.json", function(data) { console.log(data); globalActions = data.actions; disableMovement = data.disableMovement; allowMapSwitch = data.allowMapSwitch; setupStartHandler(data); setupItems(data); }); var clearActions = function() { for(var i = 0; i < currentActions.length; i++) { clearAction(currentActions[i]); } currentActions = []; }; var getItemForHtmlID = function(id) { var jqueryID = "#" + id; for(var i =0; i < items.length; i++ ) { if(items[i].htmlID && items[i].htmlID === jqueryID) { return items[i]; } } } var getAction = function(action) { if(typeof action === 'string') { for(var i = 0; i < globalActions.length; i++) { if( globalActions[i].id === action) { return globalActions[i]; } } } return action; }; var clearAction = function(action) { var actionObject = getAction(action); if(typeof actionObject === 'object') { var type = actionObject.type; switch(type) { case 'viewpoint': // do nothing break; case 'highlight': clearHighlight(actionObject); break; case 'hide': clearHide(actionObject); break; case 'layer': deactivateLayer(actionObject); break; case 'geojson': deactivateGeojson(actionObject); break; case 'model': deactivateModel(actionObject); break; case 'rotate': stopRotation(actionObject); break; default: console.log(type + ' is not a defined action'); } } else { console.log(action + ' is not a valid action'); } }; var doAction = function(action, clearOnActive, callback) { var actionObject = getAction(action); if(typeof actionObject === 'object') { var type = actionObject.type; switch(type) { case 'viewpoint': gotoViewPoint(actionObject, callback); break; case 'highlight': if(clearOnActive && { clearHighlight(actionObject); } else { highlight(actionObject); } callback(); break; case 'hide': if(clearOnActive && { clearHide(actionObject); } else { hide(actionObject); } callback(); break; case 'layer': if(clearOnActive && { deactivateLayer(actionObject); } else { activateLayer(actionObject); } callback(); break; case 'geojson': if(clearOnActive && { deactivateGeojson(actionObject); } else { activateGeojson(actionObject); } callback(); break; case 'model': if(clearOnActive && { deactivateModel(actionObject); } else { activateModel(actionObject); } callback(); break; case 'rotate': if(clearOnActive && { stopRotation(actionObject); } else { rotate(actionObject); } callback(); break; default: console.log(type + ' is not a defined action'); } } else { console.log(action + ' is not a valid action'); } }; var gotoViewPoint = function(viewpointObject, callback) { if(!viewpointObject.viewpoint) { console.log('Could not goto Viewpoint ', viewpointObject); return; } var viewpoint = new vcs.vcm.util.ViewPoint(viewpointObject.viewpoint); framework.getActiveMap().gotoViewPoint(viewpoint, null, null, callback); }; var highlight = function(action) { if (action.ids) { var layerNames = action.layerNames; var layers = framework.getLayers(); var highlightIDs = action.ids; for (var key in highlightIDs) { if(highlightIDs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var color = highlightIDs[key]; if(!(color instanceof Cesium.Color)) { var cesiumColor = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color); highlightIDs[key] = cesiumColor; } } } for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layer instanceof vcs.vcm.layer.cesium.Buildings) { if(!layerNames || layerNames.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.highlight(highlightIDs); } } } = true; } }; var clearHighlight = function(action) { if (action.ids) { var layerNames = action.layerNames; var layers = framework.getLayers(); var highlightIDs = action.ids; var toUnhighlight = []; for (var key in highlightIDs) { toUnhighlight.push(key); } for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layer instanceof vcs.vcm.layer.cesium.Buildings) { if(!layerNames || layerNames.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.unHighlight(toUnhighlight); } } } = false; } }; var hide = function(action) { if (action.ids) { var layerNames = action.layerNames; var layers = framework.getLayers(); var idsToHide = action.ids; for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layer instanceof vcs.vcm.layer.cesium.Buildings) { if(!layerNames || layerNames.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.hideObjects(idsToHide); } } } = true; } }; var clearHide = function(action) { if (action.ids) { var layerNames = action.layerNames; var layers = framework.getLayers(); var idsToHide = action.ids; for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layer instanceof vcs.vcm.layer.cesium.Buildings) { if(!layerNames || layerNames.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.showObjects(idsToHide); } } } = false; } }; var activateLayer = function(action) { if (action.layerNames || action.layerNamesInactive) { var layerNamesToActivate = action.layerNames || []; var layerNamesToDeactivate = action.layerNamesInactive || []; var layers = framework.getLayers(); for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layerNamesToActivate.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.activate(true); } else if(layerNamesToDeactivate.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.activate(false); } } if(!action.subscription) { action.subscription = true; framework.subscribe("LAYER_CHANGED", function(layer){ var layerNames = this.layerNames; if(layerNames.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { if(layer.isActive() !== { = layer.isActive(); } } }.bind(action)); } framework.subscribe = true; } }; var deactivateLayer = function(action) { if (action.layerNames || action.layerNamesInactive) { var layerNamesToActivate = action.layerNamesInactive || []; var layerNamesToDeactivate = action.layerNames || []; var layers = framework.getLayers(); for (var i = 0; i< layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; if(layerNamesToActivate.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.activate(true); } else if(layerNamesToDeactivate.indexOf(layer.getName()) >= 0) { layer.activate(false); } } = false; } }; var activateGeojson = function(action) { if(action.featureUrl) { if(!action.layer) { action.layer = new vcs.vcm.layer.GeoJSON( { url: action.featureUrl, projection: { epsg: 4326 }, }); framework.addLayer(action.layer); } action.layer.activate(true); = true; } }; var deactivateGeojson = function(action) { if(action.layer) { action.layer.activate(false); = false; } }; var activateModel = function(action) { if(action.models) { if(!action.layer) { action.layer = new vcs.vcm.layer.cesium.Gltf({ projection: {epsg: 4326}, allowPicking: false, models: action.models }); framework.addLayer(action.layer); } action.layer.activate(true); = true } }; var deactivateModel = function(action) { if(action.layer) { action.layer.activate(false); = false; } }; var rotate = function(action) { if(action) { var map = framework.getActiveMap(); var widget = framework.getWidgetByType("vcs.vcm.widgets.NavigationControls"); if(widget) { widget.rotateAroundCenterPosition(map, true); } = true } }; var stopRotation = function(action) { if(action) { var map = framework.getActiveMap(); var widget = framework.getWidgetByType("vcs.vcm.widgets.NavigationControls"); if(widget) { widget.rotateAroundCenterPosition(map, false); } = false; } }; var showMap = function() { $("#vcs_map_container").addClass("tour-inactive"); $("#story-frame").addClass("tour-inactive"); $("#widget-box").removeClass("hidden"); $(".mapControls").removeClass("hidden"); // $(".tool-box").addClass("hidden"); //Commenting tool-box and tool-header to hide the vcm header to avoid menu from getting overrided behind header //$(".tour-header").addClass("hidden"); $(".dropdown").removeClass("hidden"); setMapMovement(true); }; var showTour = function() { $("#vcs_map_container").removeClass("tour-inactive"); $("#story-frame").removeClass("tour-inactive"); $("#widget-box").addClass("hidden"); $(".mapControls").addClass("hidden"); $("#tour-button").show(); //$(".tool-box").addClass("hidden"); //$(".tour-header").removeClass("hidden"); if(disableMovement) { setMapMovement(false); } }; var setMapMovement = function(value) { var map = vcs.vcm.Framework.getInstance().getActiveMap(); if(map instanceof vcs.vcm.maps.Cesium) { var scene = map.getScene(); scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableRotate = value; scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableTranslate = value; scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableZoom = value; scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableTilt = value; scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableLook = value; } }