# Building Physics Catalog Data Model and Editor **Important: This is a prototype and work in progress!!** ## How to Use 1. Ensure Java 11 or higher is available (if not, install AdoptOpenJDK 15) 2. Install Eclipse Modeling Tools, version 2020-09 or higher 3. Import all Eclipse projects in this GIT repository via `File -> Import... -> Projects from GIT -> Clone URI` 4. Refresh and clean/build projects 5. Open `de.hftstuttgart.buildingphysics.application.product` and in `Overview`, section `Testing` press `Synchronize` first and `Launch an Eclipse Application` second 6. Press `New...` to ceate a new empty Building Physics Catalog; Save and Load buttons are also available. ## How to Create Find background information about parameter catalogs for simulation and a tutorial on how to create them at [https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/neqmodplus/parameter-catalogs-for-simulation](https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/neqmodplus/parameter-catalogs-for-simulation).