# de.hftstuttgart.cityunits Create Eclipse P2 repository with Ecore data type `Quantity` for units based on Indriya reference implementation of Units of Measurement Java specification (JSR 385) and some special units for urban simulation. Also adds another Ecore data type `TimeOfDay` useful to model schedules and the like. To install this feature in an Eclipse application add site [https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/neqmodplus/de.hft-stuttgart.cityunits/p2repo]() via `Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software...` and select _City Units_. For an introduction on dealing with units in Java, see [Baeldung: Introduction to javax.measure](https://www.baeldung.com/javax-measure). Find demos on how to define new dimensions and units, e.g. in the energy domain under [github.com/unitsofmeasurement](https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/uom-demos/tree/master/domain). Some examples for valid units: | Symbol | Dimension | -------- | ------------------- | Hz | 1/[T] | Bq | 1/[T] | A | [I] | F | [I]²·[T]^4/([L]²·[M]) | S | [I]²·[T]³/([L]²·[M]) | C | [I]·[T] | cd | [J] | lm | [J] | lx | [J]/[L]² | m | [L] | m/s | [L]/[T] | km/h | [L]/[T] | m/s² | [L]/[T]² | m² | [L]² | Sv | [L]²/[T]² | Gy | [L]²/[T]² | H | [L]²·[M]/([I]²·[T]²) | Ω | [L]²·[M]/([I]²·[T]³) | Wb | [L]²·[M]/([I]·[T]²) | V | [L]²·[M]/([I]·[T]³) | J | [L]²·[M]/[T]² | W | [L]²·[M]/[T]³ | l | [L]³ | m³ | [L]³ | N | [L]·[M]/[T]² | kg | [M] | g | [M] | T | [M]/([I]·[T]²) | Pa | [M]/([L]·[T]²) | mol | [N] | kat | [N]/[T] | h | [T] | year | [T] | s | [T] | day | [T] | week | [T] | min | [T] | K | [Θ] | ℃ | [Θ] | one | one | % | one | rad | one | sr | one Some derived units of special interest for urban simulation like kW·h (encodes kWh) as measure of energy or m³/min as measure of flow rate. | Symbol | Dimension | -------- | -------------- | W·s | [L]²·[M]/[T]² | W·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]² | kW·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]² | MW·h | [L]²·[M]/[T]² | m³/min | [L]³/[T] VolumetricFlowRate | m³/h | [L]³/[T] VolumetricFlowRate | m³/s | [L]³/[T] VolumetricFlowRate | m³/d | [L]³/[T] VolumetricFlowRate | l/min | [L]³/[T] VolumetricFlowRate Some units of special interest for urban simulation introduced with this plug-in: | Symbol | Dimension | -------- | -------------- | W/m² | [M]/[T]³ Intensity | ppm | one | dB | one | gCO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission | kgCO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission | tonCO₂eq | [M] CarbonEmission | € | [$] | $ | [$] Note that monetary units have been added ad hoc to City Units to model costs, but may be abandoned in future.