NeqModPlus Bau 02 CityGML 2.0 + EnergyADE 1.0 Model in LoD1 NeqModPlus_Bau_02_LoD1 512713.214 5402963.0 256.0 512772.991 5403031.41 281.7 NeqModPlus Bau 02 CityGML 2.0 Model in LoD1 NeqModPlus_Bau_02_LoD1 2020-02-02 254.0 02.02.2020 02.02.02 CITIS HipRoof 33 0 2062 28.7 19.5 282.7 1100 1000 1000 22.0 08111000 1 31001_3023 3023 1900 5000 28.7 6 1 Bau 02 Roof 512762.64 5402972.02 281.7 512762.975 5402971.185 281.7 512767.671 5402973.068 281.7 512767.336 5402973.903 281.7 512767.169 5402974.698 281.7 512772.991 5402977.033 281.7 512746.469 5403031.41 281.7 512716.764 5403016.922 281.7 512716.677 5403017.102 281.7 512716.227 5403016.883 281.7 512716.315 5403016.703 281.7 512714.338 5403015.738 281.7 512714.25 5403015.918 281.7 512713.8 5403015.699 281.7 512713.888 5403015.519 281.7 512713.214 5403015.19 281.7 512729.684 5402981.423 281.7 512729.953 5402981.554 281.7 512730.655 5402980.116 281.7 512729.845 5402979.721 281.7 512738.0 5402963.0 281.7 512762.228 5402972.717 281.7 512762.64 5402972.02 281.7 512745.947 5402980.355 281.7 512741.155 5402978.433 281.7 512726.003 5403009.5 281.7 512731.116 5403011.994 281.7 512730.422 5403013.418 281.7 512734.296 5403015.308 281.7 512752.783 5402977.404 281.7 512747.916 5402975.447 281.7 512745.947 5402980.355 281.7 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512713.214 5403015.19 256.0 512713.214 5403015.19 281.7 512713.888 5403015.519 281.7 512713.888 5403015.519 256.0 512713.214 5403015.19 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512726.003 5403009.5 256.0 512731.116 5403011.994 256.0 512731.116 5403011.994 281.7 512726.003 5403009.5 281.7 512726.003 5403009.5 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE 512731.116 5403011.994 256.0 512730.422 5403013.418 256.0 512730.422 5403013.418 281.7 512731.116 5403011.994 281.7 512731.116 5403011.994 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512716.315 5403016.703 256.0 512714.338 5403015.738 256.0 512714.338 5403015.738 281.7 512716.315 5403016.703 281.7 512716.315 5403016.703 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NW 512747.916 5402975.447 281.7 512752.783 5402977.404 281.7 512752.783 5402977.404 256.0 512747.916 5402975.447 256.0 512747.916 5402975.447 281.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512762.975 5402971.185 256.0 512767.671 5402973.068 256.0 512767.671 5402973.068 281.7 512762.975 5402971.185 281.7 512762.975 5402971.185 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512716.764 5403016.922 256.0 512716.764 5403016.922 281.7 512746.469 5403031.41 281.7 512746.469 5403031.41 256.0 512716.764 5403016.922 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NW 512745.947 5402980.355 256.0 512741.155 5402978.433 256.0 512741.155 5402978.433 281.7 512745.947 5402980.355 281.7 512745.947 5402980.355 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512762.228 5402972.717 256.0 512762.64 5402972.02 256.0 512762.64 5402972.02 281.7 512762.228 5402972.717 281.7 512762.228 5402972.717 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512772.991 5402977.033 281.7 512767.169 5402974.698 281.7 512767.169 5402974.698 256.0 512772.991 5402977.033 256.0 512772.991 5402977.033 281.7 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall NE 512741.155 5402978.433 256.0 512726.003 5403009.5 256.0 512726.003 5403009.5 281.7 512741.155 5402978.433 281.7 512741.155 5402978.433 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512716.677 5403017.102 256.0 512716.227 5403016.883 256.0 512716.227 5403016.883 281.7 512716.677 5403017.102 281.7 512716.677 5403017.102 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512767.671 5402973.068 256.0 512767.336 5402973.903 256.0 512767.336 5402973.903 281.7 512767.671 5402973.068 281.7 512767.671 5402973.068 256.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512729.684 5402981.423 256.0 512729.953 5402981.554 256.0 512729.953 5402981.554 281.7 512729.684 5402981.423 281.7 512729.684 5402981.423 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512762.228 5402972.717 281.7 512738.0 5402963.0 281.7 512738.0 5402963.0 256.0 512762.228 5402972.717 256.0 512762.228 5402972.717 281.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NE 512747.916 5402975.447 256.0 512745.947 5402980.355 256.0 512745.947 5402980.355 281.7 512747.916 5402975.447 281.7 512747.916 5402975.447 256.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512767.336 5402973.903 256.0 512767.169 5402974.698 256.0 512767.169 5402974.698 281.7 512767.336 5402973.903 281.7 512767.336 5402973.903 256.0 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall SW 512752.783 5402977.404 281.7 512734.296 5403015.308 281.7 512734.296 5403015.308 256.0 512752.783 5402977.404 256.0 512752.783 5402977.404 281.7 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512713.8 5403015.699 256.0 512713.888 5403015.519 256.0 512713.888 5403015.519 281.7 512713.8 5403015.699 281.7 512713.8 5403015.699 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512716.227 5403016.883 256.0 512716.315 5403016.703 256.0 512716.315 5403016.703 281.7 512716.227 5403016.883 281.7 512716.227 5403016.883 256.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512738.0 5402963.0 281.7 512729.845 5402979.721 281.7 512729.845 5402979.721 256.0 512738.0 5402963.0 256.0 512738.0 5402963.0 281.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512762.64 5402972.02 256.0 512762.975 5402971.185 256.0 512762.975 5402971.185 281.7 512762.64 5402972.02 281.7 512762.64 5402972.02 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512714.25 5403015.918 256.0 512713.8 5403015.699 256.0 512713.8 5403015.699 281.7 512714.25 5403015.918 281.7 512714.25 5403015.918 256.0 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall NE 512746.469 5403031.41 281.7 512772.991 5402977.033 281.7 512772.991 5402977.033 256.0 512746.469 5403031.41 256.0 512746.469 5403031.41 281.7 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512730.422 5403013.418 256.0 512734.296 5403015.308 256.0 512734.296 5403015.308 281.7 512730.422 5403013.418 281.7 512730.422 5403013.418 256.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512730.655 5402980.116 256.0 512729.845 5402979.721 256.0 512729.845 5402979.721 281.7 512730.655 5402980.116 281.7 512730.655 5402980.116 256.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512729.953 5402981.554 256.0 512730.655 5402980.116 256.0 512730.655 5402980.116 281.7 512729.953 5402981.554 281.7 512729.953 5402981.554 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512714.338 5403015.738 256.0 512714.25 5403015.918 256.0 512714.25 5403015.918 281.7 512714.338 5403015.738 281.7 512714.338 5403015.738 256.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512713.214 5403015.19 256.0 512729.684 5402981.423 256.0 512729.684 5402981.423 281.7 512713.214 5403015.19 281.7 512713.214 5403015.19 256.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512716.764 5403016.922 256.0 512716.677 5403017.102 256.0 512716.677 5403017.102 281.7 512716.764 5403016.922 281.7 512716.764 5403016.922 256.0 Bau 02 Ground Surface 512762.975 5402971.185 256.0 512762.64 5402972.02 256.0 512762.228 5402972.717 256.0 512738.0 5402963.0 256.0 512729.845 5402979.721 256.0 512730.655 5402980.116 256.0 512729.953 5402981.554 256.0 512729.684 5402981.423 256.0 512713.214 5403015.19 256.0 512713.888 5403015.519 256.0 512713.8 5403015.699 256.0 512714.25 5403015.918 256.0 512714.338 5403015.738 256.0 512716.315 5403016.703 256.0 512716.227 5403016.883 256.0 512716.677 5403017.102 256.0 512716.764 5403016.922 256.0 512746.469 5403031.41 256.0 512772.991 5402977.033 256.0 512767.169 5402974.698 256.0 512767.336 5402973.903 256.0 512767.671 5402973.068 256.0 512762.975 5402971.185 256.0 512741.155 5402978.433 256.0 512745.947 5402980.355 256.0 512747.916 5402975.447 256.0 512752.783 5402977.404 256.0 512734.296 5403015.308 256.0 512730.422 5403013.418 256.0 512731.116 5403011.994 256.0 512726.003 5403009.5 256.0 512741.155 5402978.433 256.0 Germany Stuttgart 26 Schlossstrasse 70174 medium grossVolume 46928 grossFloorArea 2185 grossVolume 46928 false true Bau 02 Roof roof 0 0 1826 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW outerWall 244 90 1516 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW outerWall 334 90 971 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall NE outerWall 64 90 1555 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE outerWall 158 90 1050 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall NE outerWall 64 90 929 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE outerWall 154 90 257 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE outerWall 64 90 41 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall SW outerWall 244 90 1084 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NW outerWall 338 90 268 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NE outerWall 68 90 136 Ground Plate groundSlab 0 180 1826 Bau-02-Heating 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 office Bau-02-Ventilation 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 82 60 Bau-02-Occupants 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bau-02-ElectricalInfrastructure 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 5 Bau-02-Lighting 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 4 grossFloorArea 821.0 Bau 02 Construction Roof Bau-02-Roof-Structure 0.8 1 0.12 1 0.04 1 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.875 0.08 1 0.0005 1 0.03 Bau 02 Structure Facade (U-Value 1.105) Bau02-Facade-SingleLayer 1.105 1 0.40 Bau 02 Structure Ground Slab (U-Value 0.978) Bau02-GroundSlab-SingleLayer 0.978 1 0.40 Bau 02 Door Bau02-Door 1.9 Bau 02 Window Bau02-Window 1.70 0.78 solar 0.7 Bau 02 Material Concrete Ground Slab(2400/0.32/1 Bau-02-Material-Concrete-GroundSlab 0.32 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Concrete Roof (2400/0.30/1) Bau-02-Material-Concrete-RoofPlate 0.30 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Concrete Facade (2400/0.24/1) Bau-02-Material-Concrete-Facade 0.24 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Cement Screed Bau-02-Material-CementScreed 1.4 2000 1 Bau 02 Material Plasterboard Bau-02-Material-Plasterboard 0.25 900 1 Bau 02 Material Extruded Polystyrene Foam Bau-02-Material-ExtrudedPolystyreneFoam 0.035 25 1.5 Bau 02 Construction Wood Bau-02-Material-ConstructionWood 0.13 500 1.6 Bau 02 Material Lime Plaster Bau-02-Material-LimePlasterInside 0.7 1400 1 Bau 02 Material Aerated Concrete Bau-02-Material-AeratedConcrete 0.13 400 1 Bau 02 Material Polyethylene Foil Bau-02-Material-PolyethyleneFoil 0.33 960 1.5 Bau 02 Material Standard Mortar Bau-02-Material-StandardMortarOutside 1.2 1800 1 Bau 02 Material Bitumen Roofing Membrane Bau-02-Material-BitumenRoofingMembrane 0.17 1200 1.5 Bau 02 Material Air Bau-02-Material-Air false 0.04 Bau 02 Material Roof Tiles Bau-02-Material-RoofTiles 1 2000 0.8 Bau 02 Material Polystyrene Particle Foam Bau-02-Material-PolystyreneParticleFoam 0.04 30 1.5