NeqModPlus Bau 04 CityGML 2.0 + EnergyADE 1.0 Model in LoD2 NeqModPlus_Bau_04_LoD2 512591.078 5402991.532 256.982 512629.7 5403049.06 276.32 NeqModPlus Bau 04 CityGML 2.0 Model in LoD2 NeqModPlus_Bau_04_LoD2 2020-02-02 257.0 02.02.2020 02.02.02 CITIS HipRoof 22.5 244 946.62 19.3 16.1 276.3 1100 1000 1000 19.3 08111000 1 31001_3023 3023 1962 3200 19.3 5 1 512597.157 5403043.763 257.0 512597.157 5403043.763 256.99 512604.895 5403047.537 257.0 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 512623.425 5402995.621 257.0 512623.425 5402995.621 256.982 Bau 04 Roof SE 512620.306 5402999.963 276.32 512615.839 5402991.532 273.12 512629.7 5402998.292 273.12 512620.306 5402999.963 276.32 Bau 04 Roof NE 512600.471 5403040.63 276.32 512620.306 5402999.963 276.32 512629.7 5402998.292 273.12 512604.939 5403049.06 273.12 512600.471 5403040.63 276.32 Bau 04 Roof SW 512620.306 5402999.963 276.32 512600.471 5403040.63 276.32 512591.078 5403042.299 273.12 512615.839 5402991.532 273.12 512620.306 5402999.963 276.32 512598.881 5403028.924 273.598 512603.212 5403031.037 275.598 512605.843 5403025.644 275.598 512601.511 5403023.532 273.598 512601.292 5403023.981 273.598 512598.881 5403028.924 273.598 Bau 04 Roof NW 512600.471 5403040.63 276.32 512604.939 5403049.06 273.12 512591.078 5403042.299 273.12 512600.471 5403040.63 276.32 Bau 04 Dormer Roof 512603.212 5403031.037 275.598 512598.881 5403028.924 275.598 512601.511 5403023.532 275.598 512605.843 5403025.644 275.598 512603.212 5403031.037 275.598 Bau 04 Dormer Wall SE 512601.511 5403023.532 273.598 512605.843 5403025.644 275.598 512601.511 5403023.532 275.598 512601.511 5403023.532 273.598 Bau 04 Dormer Wall SW 512601.511 5403023.532 273.598 512601.511 5403023.532 275.598 512598.881 5403028.924 275.598 512598.881 5403028.924 273.598 512601.292 5403023.981 273.598 512601.511 5403023.532 273.598 512604.767 5403047.474 257.0 512604.767 5403047.474 257.183 512604.894 5403047.536 257.183 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 512604.767 5403047.474 257.0 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5403046.053 258.833 512601.998 5403046.124 258.833 512601.998 5403046.124 258.65 512602.32 5403046.281 258.65 512602.32 5403046.281 258.467 512602.642 5403046.437 258.467 512602.642 5403046.437 258.283 512602.963 5403046.594 258.283 512602.963 5403046.594 258.1 512603.285 5403046.751 258.1 512603.285 5403046.751 257.917 512603.607 5403046.908 257.917 512603.607 5403046.908 257.733 512603.929 5403047.065 257.733 512603.929 5403047.065 257.55 512604.12 5403047.158 257.55 512604.12 5403047.158 257.0 Bau 04 Wall NW 512595.377 5403042.894 257.0 512593.11 5403041.788 257.0 512593.11 5403041.788 259.2 512595.377 5403042.894 259.2 512595.377 5403042.894 257.0 Bau 04 Wall NE 512604.778 5403048.592 263.003 512604.778 5403048.592 273.12 512629.232 5402998.454 273.12 512629.232 5402998.454 257.0 512607.143 5403043.741 257.0 512607.143 5403043.741 263.003 512604.778 5403048.592 263.003 Bau 04 Wall NW 512591.546 5403042.138 273.12 512604.778 5403048.592 273.12 512604.778 5403048.592 263.003 512591.546 5403042.138 263.003 512591.546 5403042.138 273.12 Bau 04 Wall SW 512595.623 5403033.322 263.279 512593.611 5403037.449 263.279 512593.611 5403037.449 257.58 512595.623 5403033.322 257.58 512595.623 5403033.322 263.279 Bau 04 Wall SW 512593.79 5403037.537 263.279 512593.79 5403037.537 257.58 512593.611 5403037.449 257.58 512593.611 5403037.449 263.279 512593.79 5403037.537 263.279 Bau 04 Wall SW 512593.79 5403037.537 257.58 512595.803 5403033.41 257.58 512595.623 5403033.322 257.58 512593.611 5403037.449 257.58 512593.79 5403037.537 257.58 Bau 04 Wall SW 512595.803 5403033.41 257.58 512595.803 5403033.41 263.279 512595.623 5403033.322 263.279 512595.623 5403033.322 257.58 512595.803 5403033.41 257.58 Bau 04 Wall SW 512595.405 5403033.085 263.397 512593.289 5403037.422 263.397 512593.289 5403037.422 263.279 512595.405 5403033.085 263.279 512595.405 5403033.085 263.397 Bau 04 Wall SW 512595.854 5403033.305 263.397 512593.739 5403037.642 263.397 512593.289 5403037.422 263.397 512595.405 5403033.085 263.397 512595.854 5403033.305 263.397 Bau 04 Wall SW 512593.739 5403037.642 263.397 512593.739 5403037.642 263.279 512593.289 5403037.422 263.279 512593.289 5403037.422 263.397 512593.739 5403037.642 263.397 Bau 04 Wall SW 512593.611 5403037.449 263.279 512595.623 5403033.322 263.279 512595.803 5403033.41 263.279 512595.854 5403033.305 263.279 512595.405 5403033.085 263.279 512593.289 5403037.422 263.279 512593.739 5403037.642 263.279 512593.79 5403037.537 263.279 512593.611 5403037.449 263.279 Bau 04 Wall SW 512595.854 5403033.305 263.279 512595.854 5403033.305 263.397 512595.405 5403033.085 263.397 512595.405 5403033.085 263.279 512595.854 5403033.305 263.279 Bau 04 Wall NW 512598.291 5403044.316 257.0 512597.157 5403043.763 257.0 512596.024 5403043.21 257.0 512596.024 5403043.21 259.2 512598.291 5403044.316 259.2 512598.291 5403044.316 258.54 512598.291 5403044.316 257.0 Bau 04 Dormer Wall NW 512603.212 5403031.037 275.598 512598.881 5403028.924 273.598 512598.881 5403028.924 275.598 512603.212 5403031.037 275.598 Bau 04 Wall SE 512616.0 5402992.0 257.0 512623.425 5402995.621 257.0 512629.232 5402998.454 257.0 512629.232 5402998.454 273.12 512616.0 5402992.0 273.12 512616.0 5402992.0 257.0 Bau 04 Wall SW 512591.546 5403042.138 263.003 512591.984 5403041.24 263.003 512591.984 5403041.24 257.0 512616.0 5402992.0 257.0 512616.0 5402992.0 273.12 512591.546 5403042.138 273.12 512591.546 5403042.138 263.003 Bau 04 Wall NE Entrance 512592.463 5403041.473 263.003 512594.39 5403037.521 263.003 512594.39 5403037.521 259.2 512592.463 5403041.473 259.2 512592.463 5403041.473 263.003 Bau 04 Wall NW 512591.984 5403041.24 263.003 512592.463 5403041.473 263.003 512592.463 5403041.473 259.2 512592.463 5403041.473 257.0 512591.984 5403041.24 257.0 512591.984 5403041.24 263.003 Bau 04 Wall NW 512594.39 5403037.521 263.003 512607.143 5403043.741 263.003 512607.143 5403043.741 257.0 512606.822 5403043.584 257.0 512606.822 5403043.584 257.183 512606.5 5403043.427 257.183 512606.5 5403043.427 257.367 512606.178 5403043.271 257.367 512606.178 5403043.271 257.55 512605.856 5403043.114 257.55 512605.856 5403043.114 257.733 512605.534 5403042.957 257.733 512605.534 5403042.957 257.917 512605.213 5403042.8 257.917 512605.213 5403042.8 258.1 512604.891 5403042.643 258.1 512604.891 5403042.643 258.283 512604.569 5403042.486 258.283 512604.569 5403042.486 258.467 512604.247 5403042.329 258.467 512604.247 5403042.329 258.65 512603.925 5403042.172 258.65 512603.925 5403042.172 258.833 512603.604 5403042.015 258.833 512603.604 5403042.015 259.017 512603.282 5403041.858 259.017 512603.282 5403041.858 259.2 512594.39 5403037.521 259.2 512594.39 5403037.521 263.003 Bau 04 Outer Ceiling NW Entrance 512592.463 5403041.473 263.003 512593.11 5403041.788 263.003 512592.794 5403042.436 263.003 512592.147 5403042.12 263.003 512592.463 5403041.473 263.003 512591.984 5403041.24 263.003 512591.546 5403042.138 263.003 512604.778 5403048.592 263.003 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5403043.857 257.0 512596.024 5403043.21 257.0 512597.157 5403043.763 257.0 512598.291 5403044.316 257.0 512597.975 5403044.963 257.0 512598.623 5403045.278 257.0 512598.938 5403044.631 257.0 512601.205 5403045.737 257.0 512600.89 5403046.384 257.0 512601.537 5403046.7 257.0 512601.852 5403046.053 257.0 512604.12 5403047.158 257.0 512603.804 5403047.805 257.0 512604.451 5403048.121 257.0 512604.767 5403047.474 257.0 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 512606.822 5403043.584 257.0 512607.143 5403043.741 257.0 512629.232 5402998.454 257.0 512606.822 5403043.584 257.0 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 512604.767 5403047.474 257.0 512604.451 5403048.121 257.0 512603.804 5403047.805 257.0 512604.12 5403047.158 257.0 512601.852 5403046.053 257.0 512601.537 5403046.7 257.0 512600.89 5403046.384 257.0 512601.205 5403045.737 257.0 512598.938 5403044.631 257.0 512598.623 5403045.278 257.0 512597.975 5403044.963 257.0 512598.291 5403044.316 257.0 512597.157 5403043.763 257.0 512596.024 5403043.21 257.0 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512601.676 5403045.967 259.017 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512601.676 5403045.967 258.833 512601.676 5403045.967 259.017 512603.604 5403042.015 259.017 512603.604 5403042.015 258.833 512601.676 5403045.967 258.833 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512601.998 5403046.124 258.833 512601.852 5403046.053 258.833 512601.676 5403045.967 258.833 512603.604 5403042.015 258.833 512603.925 5403042.172 258.833 512601.998 5403046.124 258.833 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512601.998 5403046.124 258.65 512601.998 5403046.124 258.833 512603.925 5403042.172 258.833 512603.925 5403042.172 258.65 512601.998 5403046.124 258.65 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.32 5403046.281 258.65 512601.998 5403046.124 258.65 512603.925 5403042.172 258.65 512604.247 5403042.329 258.65 512602.32 5403046.281 258.65 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.32 5403046.281 258.467 512602.32 5403046.281 258.65 512604.247 5403042.329 258.65 512604.247 5403042.329 258.467 512602.32 5403046.281 258.467 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.642 5403046.437 258.467 512602.32 5403046.281 258.467 512604.247 5403042.329 258.467 512604.569 5403042.486 258.467 512602.642 5403046.437 258.467 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.642 5403046.437 258.283 512602.642 5403046.437 258.467 512604.569 5403042.486 258.467 512604.569 5403042.486 258.283 512602.642 5403046.437 258.283 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.963 5403046.594 258.283 512602.642 5403046.437 258.283 512604.569 5403042.486 258.283 512604.891 5403042.643 258.283 512602.963 5403046.594 258.283 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512602.963 5403046.594 258.1 512602.963 5403046.594 258.283 512604.891 5403042.643 258.283 512604.891 5403042.643 258.1 512602.963 5403046.594 258.1 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.285 5403046.751 258.1 512602.963 5403046.594 258.1 512604.891 5403042.643 258.1 512605.213 5403042.8 258.1 512603.285 5403046.751 258.1 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.285 5403046.751 257.917 512603.285 5403046.751 258.1 512605.213 5403042.8 258.1 512605.213 5403042.8 257.917 512603.285 5403046.751 257.917 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.607 5403046.908 257.917 512603.285 5403046.751 257.917 512605.213 5403042.8 257.917 512605.534 5403042.957 257.917 512603.607 5403046.908 257.917 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.607 5403046.908 257.733 512603.607 5403046.908 257.917 512605.534 5403042.957 257.917 512605.534 5403042.957 257.733 512603.607 5403046.908 257.733 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.929 5403047.065 257.733 512603.607 5403046.908 257.733 512605.534 5403042.957 257.733 512605.856 5403043.114 257.733 512603.929 5403047.065 257.733 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.929 5403047.065 257.55 512603.929 5403047.065 257.733 512605.856 5403043.114 257.733 512605.856 5403043.114 257.55 512603.929 5403047.065 257.55 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512604.251 5403047.222 257.55 512604.12 5403047.158 257.55 512603.929 5403047.065 257.55 512605.856 5403043.114 257.55 512606.178 5403043.271 257.55 512604.251 5403047.222 257.55 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512604.251 5403047.222 257.367 512604.251 5403047.222 257.55 512606.178 5403043.271 257.55 512606.178 5403043.271 257.367 512604.251 5403047.222 257.367 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512603.282 5403041.858 259.2 512603.282 5403041.858 259.017 512601.354 5403045.81 259.017 512601.354 5403045.81 259.2 512603.282 5403041.858 259.2 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512592.463 5403041.473 259.2 512594.39 5403037.521 259.2 512603.282 5403041.858 259.2 512601.354 5403045.81 259.2 512601.205 5403045.737 259.2 512598.938 5403044.631 259.2 512598.291 5403044.316 259.2 512596.024 5403043.21 259.2 512595.377 5403042.894 259.2 512593.11 5403041.788 259.2 512592.463 5403041.473 259.2 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512604.572 5403047.379 257.367 512604.251 5403047.222 257.367 512606.178 5403043.271 257.367 512606.5 5403043.427 257.367 512604.572 5403047.379 257.367 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512604.572 5403047.379 257.183 512604.572 5403047.379 257.367 512606.5 5403043.427 257.367 512606.5 5403043.427 257.183 512604.572 5403047.379 257.183 Bau 04 Outer Staircase NW 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 512604.894 5403047.536 257.183 512606.822 5403043.584 257.183 512606.822 5403043.584 257.0 512604.894 5403047.536 257.0 Germany Stuttgart 45 Kienestrasse 70174 medium grossVolume 13236 grossFloorArea 821.0 grossVolume 13236 false true Bau 04 Roof SE Roof 154 30 49.9 Bau 04 Roof NE Roof 64 22.5 424.7 Bau 04 Roof SW Roof 154 22.5 393.3 Bau 04 Roof NW Roof 334 30 49.9 Bau 04 Dormer Roof Roof 0 0 28.9 Bau 04 Wall SE outerWall 154 90 240.1 Bau 04 Wall NW outerWall 334 90 240.1 Bau 04 Wall NE outerWall 64 90 866.9 Bau 04 Wall SW outerWall 244 90 866.9 Ground Plate groundSlab 0 180 821.2 Bau-04-Heating 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 office Bau-04-Ventilation 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 82 80 Bau-04-Occupants 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bau-04-ElectricalInfrastructure 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 5 Bau-04-Lighting 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 4 grossFloorArea 810.0 simulation averageInSucceedingInterval SimStadt 0.9.1 Rev. 94b0a3a with hourly tmy3 and meteonorm Hay Heating energy 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:59 1 84673 68017 50804 24101 7663 994 95 265 4978 31231 58467 81348 spaceHeating Bau 04 Structure Roof (U-Value 0.32) Bau04-Roof-SingleLayer 0.32 1 0.32 Bau 04 Construction Roof Bau-04-Roof-Structure 0.8 1 0.08 1 0.04 1 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.875 0.08 1 0.0005 1 0.03 Bau 04 Structure Facade (U-Value 1.105) Bau04-Facade-SingleLayer 1.105 1 0.32 Bau 04 Structure Ground Slab (U-Value 0.978) Bau04-GroundSlab-SingleLayer 0.978 1 0.40 Bau 04 Door Bau04-Door 1.9 Bau 04 Window Bau04-Window 1.70 0.78 solar 0.7 Bau 04 Material Concrete Ground Slab(2400/0.32/1 Bau-04-Material-Concrete-GroundSlab 0.32 2400 1 Bau 04 Material Concrete Roof (2400/0.30/1) Bau-04-Material-Concrete-RoofPlate 0.30 2400 1 Bau 04 Material Concrete Facade (2400/0.24/1) Bau-04-Material-Concrete-Facade 0.24 2400 1 Bau 04 Material Cement Screed Bau-04-Material-CementScreed 1.4 2000 1 Bau 04 Material Plasterboard Bau-04-Material-Plasterboard 0.25 900 1 Bau 04 Material Extruded Polystyrene Foam Bau-04-Material-ExtrudedPolystyreneFoam 0.035 25 1.5 Bau 04 Construction Wood Bau-04-Material-ConstructionWood 0.13 500 1.6 Bau 04 Material Lime Plaster Bau-04-Material-LimePlasterInside 0.7 1400 1 Bau 04 Material Aerated Concrete Bau-04-Material-AeratedConcrete 0.13 400 1 Bau 04 Material Polyethylene Foil Bau-04-Material-PolyethyleneFoil 0.33 960 1.5 Bau 04 Material Standard Mortar Bau-04-Material-StandardMortarOutside 1.2 1800 1 Bau 04 Material Bitumen Roofing Membrane Bau-04-Material-BitumenRoofingMembrane 0.17 1200 1.5 Bau 04 Material Air Bau-04-Material-Air false 0.04 Bau 04 Material Roof Tiles Bau-04-Material-RoofTiles 1 2000 0.8 Bau 04 Material Polystyrene Particle Foam Bau-04-Material-PolystyreneParticleFoam 0.04 30 1.5