# Implementation The INSEL templater has been implemented in SimStadt as _Dynamic Template WFS_ and is available as an experimental Workflow in the current SimStadt SNAPSHOT. [#img_INSEL_Templater,reftext='{figure-caption} {counter:figure-num}'] .The three components of a SimStadt Workflow Step image::img/INSEL_Templater_WFS.png[align="left"] An example of an INSEL template for a heat pump that is applied to the simulation of every building in SimStadt can be found here: https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/gitlab/neqmodplus/neqmodplus-steinbeis/-/blob/master/D01_Integration_of_INSEL_Models_and_SimStadt/2020-04-17_HP_central_simple_constants_incl_defaults.txt[]