NeqModPlus Bau 01 CityGML 2.0 + EnergyADE 1.0 Model in LoD2 NeqModPlus_Bau_01_LoD2 512713.214 5402963.0 254.0 512772.991 5403031.41 282.7 NeqModPlus Bau 02 CityGML 2.0 Model in LoD2 NeqModPlus_Bau_02_LoD2 2020-02-02 254.0 02.02.2020 02.02.02 CITIS HipRoof 33 0 2062 28.7 19.5 282.7 1100 1000 1000 22.0 08111000 1 31001_3023 simulation averageInSucceedingInterval SimStadt 0.9.1 Rev. 94b0a3a with hourly tmy3 and meteonorm Hay Heating energy 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:59 30 234624 185657 134249 59035 17006 1771 141 381 10508 79698 159224 225597 spaceHeating 3023 1900 5000 28.7 6 1 512729.845 5402979.721 275.953 512729.844 5402979.722 275.953 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 512742.181 5402971.492 282.7 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 Bau 02 NE Wing Roof NW 512732.988 5403024.835 273.3 512742.797 5403021.831 278.7 512746.469 5403031.41 273.3 512732.988 5403024.835 273.3 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Roof 512729.513 5403022.634 271.108 512728.255 5403022.02 271.108 512728.74 5403021.025 271.108 512729.998 5403021.639 271.108 512729.513 5403022.634 271.108 Bau 02 NE Wing Roof SW 512746.379 5402990.534 271.14 512755.817 5402995.137 278.7 512742.797 5403021.831 278.7 512732.988 5403024.835 273.3 512734.337 5403022.068 273.3 512739.457 5403022.026 276.6 512734.296 5403015.308 271.14 512746.379 5402990.534 271.14 512739.433 5403010.581 272.972 512746.447 5402996.2 272.972 512744.699 5402995.348 271.572 512737.685 5403009.729 271.572 512739.433 5403010.581 272.972 Bau 02 NE Wing Roof NE 512742.797 5403021.831 278.7 512755.817 5402995.137 278.7 512762.558 5402998.424 273.3 512746.469 5403031.41 273.3 512742.797 5403021.831 278.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 512762.109 5402998.206 279.7 512746.379 5402990.534 279.7 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof SE 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof SE 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512742.181 5402971.492 282.7 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 Bau 02 NE Wing Dormer Roof 512746.447 5402996.2 272.972 512739.433 5403010.581 272.972 512737.685 5403009.729 272.972 512744.699 5402995.348 272.972 512746.447 5402996.2 272.972 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Roof 512726.3 5403021.067 271.108 512725.042 5403020.453 271.108 512725.527 5403019.458 271.108 512726.785 5403020.072 271.108 512726.3 5403021.067 271.108 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof SW 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 512742.181 5402971.492 282.7 512733.123 5402974.137 279.7 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 Bau 02 NE Wing Roof NE 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512752.783 5402977.404 281.908 512747.916 5402975.447 281.911 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Dormer Roof 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 512745.478 5402978.459 281.408 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 Bau 02 SE Wing Dormer Roof 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 Bau 02 NW Wing Flat Roof 512714.354 5403012.854 273.5 512718.578 5403014.914 273.5 512717.438 5403017.251 273.5 512713.214 5403015.19 273.5 512714.354 5403012.854 273.5 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Roof 512720.359 5403016.938 271.108 512719.874 5403017.932 271.108 512718.615 5403017.318 271.108 512719.1 5403016.324 271.108 512720.359 5403016.938 271.108 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof SW 512750.892 5402981.281 279.7 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 512746.379 5402990.534 279.7 512750.892 5402981.281 279.7 Bau 02 NE Wing Roof NE 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 512762.109 5402998.206 279.7 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512747.916 5402975.447 281.911 512746.314 5402979.44 279.7 512745.62 5402978.105 280.204 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512745.62 5402978.105 280.204 512746.314 5402979.44 279.7 512733.123 5402974.137 279.7 512742.181 5402971.492 282.7 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 512739.982 5402976.25 280.008 512745.478 5402978.459 280.008 512745.62 5402978.105 280.204 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512752.783 5402977.404 281.908 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 512750.892 5402981.281 279.7 512752.783 5402977.404 281.908 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof SW 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 512750.892 5402981.281 279.7 512761.61 5402979.283 282.7 512757.313 5402988.078 282.7 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Roof 512730.222 5403012.065 271.108 512729.737 5403013.059 271.108 512728.479 5403012.446 271.108 512728.964 5403011.451 271.108 512730.222 5403012.065 271.108 Bau 02 SW Wing Flat Roof 512729.845 5402979.721 276.2 512738.0 5402963.0 276.2 512772.991 5402977.033 276.2 512762.558 5402998.424 276.2 512762.109 5402998.206 276.2 512772.308 5402977.296 276.2 512738.245 5402963.636 276.2 512733.123 5402974.137 276.2 512746.314 5402979.44 276.2 512745.947 5402980.355 276.2 512741.155 5402978.433 276.2 512726.003 5403009.5 276.2 512723.774 5403014.069 276.2 512719.909 5403012.184 276.2 512719.667 5403012.682 276.2 512718.578 5403014.914 276.2 512714.354 5403012.854 276.2 512716.888 5403007.659 276.2 512721.112 5403009.719 276.2 512723.304 5403005.225 276.2 512719.079 5403003.165 276.2 512729.684 5402981.423 276.2 512729.953 5402981.554 276.2 512730.655 5402980.116 276.2 512729.845 5402979.721 276.2 Bau 02 SE Wing Roof NW 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 512748.488 5402974.021 282.7 Bau 02 SW Wing Flat Roof 512722.252 5403007.382 281.5 512721.112 5403009.719 281.5 512718.775 5403008.579 281.5 512719.915 5403006.242 281.5 512722.252 5403007.382 281.5 Bau 02 NW Wing Roof SE 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 512730.422 5403013.418 271.14 512734.296 5403015.308 271.14 512739.457 5403022.026 276.6 512719.788 5403012.433 276.6 512719.909 5403012.184 276.2 512723.774 5403014.069 276.2 512726.003 5403009.5 268.85 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 512730.222 5403012.065 269.508 512728.964 5403011.451 269.508 512728.479 5403012.446 271.108 512729.737 5403013.059 271.108 512730.222 5403012.065 269.508 Bau 02 NW Wing Roof NW 512732.988 5403024.835 268.85 512717.438 5403017.251 268.85 512719.667 5403012.682 276.2 512719.788 5403012.433 276.6 512739.457 5403022.026 276.6 512734.337 5403022.068 273.3 512732.988 5403024.835 268.85 512728.74 5403021.025 271.108 512728.255 5403022.02 269.508 512729.513 5403022.634 269.508 512729.998 5403021.639 271.108 512728.74 5403021.025 271.108 512725.527 5403019.458 271.108 512725.042 5403020.453 269.508 512726.3 5403021.067 269.508 512726.785 5403020.072 271.108 512725.527 5403019.458 271.108 512722.314 5403017.891 271.108 512721.828 5403018.886 269.508 512723.087 5403019.499 269.508 512723.572 5403018.505 271.108 512722.314 5403017.891 271.108 512719.1 5403016.324 271.108 512718.615 5403017.318 269.508 512719.874 5403017.932 269.508 512720.359 5403016.938 271.108 512719.1 5403016.324 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Roof 512723.087 5403019.499 271.108 512721.828 5403018.886 271.108 512722.314 5403017.891 271.108 512723.572 5403018.505 271.108 512723.087 5403019.499 271.108 Bau 02 SW Wing Flat Roof 512716.888 5403007.659 279.1 512719.079 5403003.165 279.1 512723.304 5403005.225 279.1 512722.252 5403007.382 279.1 512719.915 5403006.242 279.1 512718.775 5403008.579 279.1 512716.888 5403007.659 279.1 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512746.469 5403031.41 254.0 512713.214 5403015.19 254.0 512713.214 5403015.19 273.5 512717.438 5403017.251 273.5 512717.438 5403017.251 268.85 512732.988 5403024.835 268.85 512732.988 5403024.835 273.3 512746.469 5403031.41 273.3 512746.469 5403031.41 254.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512730.655 5402980.116 276.2 512730.655 5402980.116 254.0 512729.845 5402979.721 254.0 512729.845 5402979.721 275.953 512729.845 5402979.721 276.2 512730.655 5402980.116 276.2 Bau 02 SE Wing Dormer Wall NE 512745.478 5402978.459 281.408 512746.493 5402975.931 281.408 512745.62 5402978.105 280.204 512745.478 5402978.459 280.008 512745.478 5402978.459 281.408 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512734.296 5403015.308 254.0 512734.296 5403015.308 271.14 512730.422 5403013.418 271.14 512730.422 5403013.418 254.0 512734.296 5403015.308 254.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NW 512728.255 5403022.02 269.508 512728.255 5403022.02 271.108 512729.513 5403022.634 271.108 512729.513 5403022.634 269.508 512728.255 5403022.02 269.508 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE 512718.578 5403014.914 276.2 512719.667 5403012.682 276.2 512717.438 5403017.251 268.85 512717.438 5403017.251 273.5 512718.578 5403014.914 273.5 512718.578 5403014.914 276.2 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NW 512747.916 5402975.447 254.0 512747.916 5402975.447 281.911 512752.783 5402977.404 281.908 512752.783 5402977.404 254.0 512747.916 5402975.447 254.0 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512729.684 5402981.423 276.2 512729.684 5402981.423 254.0 512729.953 5402981.554 254.0 512729.953 5402981.554 276.2 512729.684 5402981.423 276.2 Bau 02 SE Wing Attic Wall SE 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 512738.245 5402963.636 276.2 512772.308 5402977.296 276.2 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 Bau 02 SW Wing Attic Wall SW 512738.245 5402963.636 276.2 512738.245 5402963.636 279.7 512733.123 5402974.137 279.7 512733.123 5402974.137 276.2 512738.245 5402963.636 276.2 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NE 512726.3 5403021.067 269.508 512726.3 5403021.067 271.108 512726.785 5403020.072 271.108 512726.3 5403021.067 269.508 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512714.354 5403012.854 273.5 512714.354 5403012.854 276.2 512718.578 5403014.914 276.2 512718.578 5403014.914 273.5 512714.354 5403012.854 273.5 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall NW 512762.109 5402998.206 276.2 512762.558 5402998.424 276.2 512762.558 5402998.424 273.3 512755.817 5402995.137 278.7 512746.379 5402990.534 271.14 512746.379 5402990.534 279.7 512762.109 5402998.206 279.7 512762.109 5402998.206 276.2 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NE 512730.222 5403012.065 269.508 512729.737 5403013.059 271.108 512730.222 5403012.065 271.108 512730.222 5403012.065 269.508 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE 512723.304 5403005.225 279.1 512723.304 5403005.225 276.2 512721.112 5403009.719 276.2 512721.112 5403009.719 281.5 512722.252 5403007.382 281.5 512722.252 5403007.382 279.1 512723.304 5403005.225 279.1 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NE 512719.874 5403017.932 271.108 512720.359 5403016.938 271.108 512719.874 5403017.932 269.508 512719.874 5403017.932 271.108 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall SE 512738.0 5402963.0 254.0 512772.991 5402977.033 254.0 512772.991 5402977.033 276.2 512738.0 5402963.0 276.2 512738.0 5402963.0 254.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SW 512725.042 5403020.453 271.108 512725.042 5403020.453 269.508 512725.527 5403019.458 271.108 512725.042 5403020.453 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NW 512721.112 5403009.719 281.5 512721.112 5403009.719 276.2 512716.888 5403007.659 276.2 512716.888 5403007.659 279.1 512718.775 5403008.579 279.1 512718.775 5403008.579 281.5 512721.112 5403009.719 281.5 Bau 02 NE Wing Attic Wall NE 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 512772.308 5402977.296 276.2 512762.109 5402998.206 276.2 512762.109 5402998.206 279.7 512772.308 5402977.296 279.7 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall NE 512726.003 5403009.5 254.0 512726.003 5403009.5 268.85 512726.003 5403009.5 276.2 512741.155 5402978.433 276.2 512741.155 5402978.433 254.0 512726.003 5403009.5 254.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NE 512747.916 5402975.447 281.911 512747.916 5402975.447 254.0 512745.947 5402980.355 254.0 512745.947 5402980.355 276.2 512746.314 5402979.44 276.2 512746.314 5402979.44 279.7 512747.916 5402975.447 281.911 Bau 02 NE Wing Dormer Wall SW 512744.699 5402995.348 271.572 512744.699 5402995.348 272.972 512737.685 5403009.729 272.972 512737.685 5403009.729 271.572 512744.699 5402995.348 271.572 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NE 512723.087 5403019.499 271.108 512723.572 5403018.505 271.108 512723.087 5403019.499 269.508 512723.087 5403019.499 271.108 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512738.0 5402963.0 276.2 512729.845 5402979.721 276.2 512729.845 5402979.721 275.953 512729.845 5402979.721 254.0 512738.0 5402963.0 254.0 512738.0 5402963.0 276.2 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SW 512722.314 5403017.891 271.108 512721.828 5403018.886 271.108 512721.828 5403018.886 269.508 512722.314 5403017.891 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE 512726.003 5403009.5 268.85 512723.774 5403014.069 276.2 512726.003 5403009.5 276.2 512726.003 5403009.5 268.85 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 512726.003 5403009.5 268.85 512726.003 5403009.5 254.0 512731.116 5403011.994 254.0 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SW 512734.337 5403022.068 273.3 512732.988 5403024.835 273.3 512732.988 5403024.835 268.85 512734.337 5403022.068 273.3 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SW 512718.615 5403017.318 271.108 512718.615 5403017.318 269.508 512719.1 5403016.324 271.108 512718.615 5403017.318 271.108 Bau 02 SE Wing Attic Wall NW 512733.123 5402974.137 276.2 512733.123 5402974.137 279.7 512746.314 5402979.44 279.7 512746.314 5402979.44 276.2 512733.123 5402974.137 276.2 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512713.214 5403015.19 254.0 512729.684 5402981.423 254.0 512729.684 5402981.423 276.2 512719.079 5403003.165 276.2 512719.079 5403003.165 279.1 512716.888 5403007.659 279.1 512716.888 5403007.659 276.2 512714.354 5403012.854 276.2 512714.354 5403012.854 273.5 512713.214 5403015.19 273.5 512713.214 5403015.19 254.0 Bau 02 SE Wing Dormer Wall SW 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 512739.982 5402976.25 280.008 512741.178 5402973.797 281.408 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512719.079 5403003.165 279.1 512719.079 5403003.165 276.2 512723.304 5403005.225 276.2 512723.304 5403005.225 279.1 512719.079 5403003.165 279.1 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SW 512728.479 5403012.446 271.108 512728.964 5403011.451 269.508 512728.964 5403011.451 271.108 512728.479 5403012.446 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NE 512729.513 5403022.634 271.108 512729.998 5403021.639 271.108 512729.513 5403022.634 269.508 512729.513 5403022.634 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SE 512722.252 5403007.382 281.5 512719.915 5403006.242 281.5 512719.915 5403006.242 279.1 512722.252 5403007.382 279.1 512722.252 5403007.382 281.5 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SW 512728.74 5403021.025 271.108 512728.255 5403022.02 271.108 512728.255 5403022.02 269.508 512728.74 5403021.025 271.108 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512719.915 5403006.242 281.5 512718.775 5403008.579 281.5 512718.775 5403008.579 279.1 512719.915 5403006.242 279.1 512719.915 5403006.242 281.5 Bau 02 SW Wing Wall SW 512729.953 5402981.554 254.0 512730.655 5402980.116 254.0 512730.655 5402980.116 276.2 512729.953 5402981.554 276.2 512729.953 5402981.554 254.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall SE 512728.964 5403011.451 269.508 512730.222 5403012.065 269.508 512730.222 5403012.065 271.108 512728.964 5403011.451 271.108 512728.964 5403011.451 269.508 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NW 512721.828 5403018.886 271.108 512723.087 5403019.499 271.108 512723.087 5403019.499 269.508 512721.828 5403018.886 269.508 512721.828 5403018.886 271.108 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NW 512726.3 5403021.067 271.108 512726.3 5403021.067 269.508 512725.042 5403020.453 269.508 512725.042 5403020.453 271.108 512726.3 5403021.067 271.108 Bau 02 NE Wing Dormer Wall SE 512744.699 5402995.348 271.572 512746.447 5402996.2 272.972 512744.699 5402995.348 272.972 512744.699 5402995.348 271.572 Bau 02 NE Wing Dormer Wall NW 512739.433 5403010.581 272.972 512737.685 5403009.729 271.572 512737.685 5403009.729 272.972 512739.433 5403010.581 272.972 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall SW 512719.909 5403012.184 276.2 512719.788 5403012.433 276.6 512719.667 5403012.682 276.2 512719.909 5403012.184 276.2 Bau 02 SE Wing Dormer Wall NW 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 512745.478 5402978.459 281.408 512745.478 5402978.459 280.008 512739.982 5402976.25 280.008 512739.982 5402976.25 281.408 Bau 02 SE Wing Wall NW 512741.155 5402978.433 276.2 512745.947 5402980.355 276.2 512745.947 5402980.355 254.0 512741.155 5402978.433 254.0 512741.155 5402978.433 276.2 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall SW 512752.783 5402977.404 254.0 512752.783 5402977.404 281.908 512750.892 5402981.281 279.7 512746.379 5402990.534 279.7 512746.379 5402990.534 271.14 512734.296 5403015.308 271.14 512734.296 5403015.308 254.0 512752.783 5402977.404 254.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Dormer Wall NW 512718.615 5403017.318 269.508 512718.615 5403017.318 271.108 512719.874 5403017.932 271.108 512719.874 5403017.932 269.508 512718.615 5403017.318 269.508 Bau 02 NE Wing Wall NE 512772.991 5402977.033 254.0 512746.469 5403031.41 254.0 512746.469 5403031.41 273.3 512762.558 5402998.424 273.3 512762.558 5402998.424 276.2 512772.991 5402977.033 276.2 512772.991 5402977.033 254.0 Bau 02 NW Wing Wall NE 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 512731.116 5403011.994 254.0 512730.422 5403013.418 254.0 512730.422 5403013.418 271.14 512731.116 5403011.994 268.85 Bau 02 Ground Surface 512713.214 5403015.19 254.0 512746.469 5403031.41 254.0 512772.991 5402977.033 254.0 512738.0 5402963.0 254.0 512729.845 5402979.721 254.0 512730.655 5402980.116 254.0 512729.953 5402981.554 254.0 512729.684 5402981.423 254.0 512713.214 5403015.19 254.0 512734.296 5403015.308 254.0 512730.422 5403013.418 254.0 512731.116 5403011.994 254.0 512726.003 5403009.5 254.0 512741.155 5402978.433 254.0 512745.947 5402980.355 254.0 512747.916 5402975.447 254.0 512752.783 5402977.404 254.0 512734.296 5403015.308 254.0 Germany Stuttgart 26 Schlossstrasse 70174 medium grossVolume 46928 grossFloorArea 2185 grossVolume 46928 false true Bau 02 Flat and Dormer Roofs roof 0 0 489 Bau 02 Roofs NW roof 334 33 383 Bau 02 Roofs NE roof 64 33 460 Bau 02 Roofs SE roof 154 33 296 Bau 02 Roofs SW roof 244 33 498 Bau 02 Walls SW outerWall 244 90 2252 Bau 02 Walls NW outerWall 334 90 1076 Bau 02 Walls NE outerWall 64 90 2305 Bau 02 Walls SE outerWall 154 90 1147 Ground Plate groundSlab 0 180 1817 Bau-02-Heating 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal temperature heating 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 office Bau-02-Ventilation 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Nominal ventilation flow rate 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 82 80 Bau-02-Occupants 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Presence of occupants 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bau-02-ElectricalInfrastructure 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Facility usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 5 Bau-02-Lighting 2020-01-01T00:00:00 2020-12-31T23:59:00 weekDay estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 weekEnd estimation averageInSucceedingInterval Lighting usage 00:00:00 23:59:59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 4 grossFloorArea 2185 Bau 02 Construction Roof Bau-02-Roof-Structure 0.8 1 0.12 1 0.04 1 0.04 0.125 0.08 0.875 0.08 1 0.0005 1 0.03 Bau 02 Structure Facade (U-Value 1.105) Bau03-Facade-SingleLayer 1.105 1 0.40 Bau 02 Structure Ground Slab (U-Value 0.978) Bau03-GroundSlab-SingleLayer 0.978 1 0.40 Bau 02 Door Bau03-Door 1.9 Bau 02 Window Bau03-Window 1.70 0.78 solar 0.7 Bau 02 Material Concrete Ground Slab(2400/0.32/1 Bau-02-Material-Concrete-GroundSlab 0.32 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Concrete Roof (2400/0.30/1) Bau-02-Material-Concrete-RoofPlate 0.30 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Concrete Facade (2400/0.24/1) Bau-02-Material-Concrete-Facade 0.24 2400 1 Bau 02 Material Cement Screed Bau-02-Material-CementScreed 1.4 2000 1 Bau 02 Material Plasterboard Bau-02-Material-Plasterboard 0.25 900 1 Bau 02 Material Extruded Polystyrene Foam Bau-02-Material-ExtrudedPolystyreneFoam 0.035 25 1.5 Bau 02 Construction Wood Bau-02-Material-ConstructionWood 0.13 500 1.6 Bau 02 Material Lime Plaster Bau-02-Material-LimePlasterInside 0.7 1400 1 Bau 02 Material Aerated Concrete Bau-02-Material-AeratedConcrete 0.13 400 1 Bau 02 Material Polyethylene Foil Bau-02-Material-PolyethyleneFoil 0.33 960 1.5 Bau 02 Material Standard Mortar Bau-02-Material-StandardMortarOutside 1.2 1800 1 Bau 02 Material Bitumen Roofing Membrane Bau-02-Material-BitumenRoofingMembrane 0.17 1200 1.5 Bau 02 Material Air Bau-02-Material-Air false 0.04 Bau 02 Material Roof Tiles Bau-02-Material-RoofTiles 1 2000 0.8 Bau 02 Material Polystyrene Particle Foam Bau-02-Material-PolystyreneParticleFoam 0.04 30 1.5