Was soll in der Case Study gezweigt werden ... Getting started: Link zu Daten und zu SimStadt Any INSEL simulation model can be turned into an INSEL simulation template that can then be used via handlebars in a new SimStadt workflow step (currently called "dynamic template"). The template needs to have the extention .hbs and needs to be placed in the workflowstep folder. Changes that possibly need to be made to the model in order to turn it into a template: Link to other workflow steps of SimStadt can be made, that are defined as inputs to the model e.g. {{HourlyHeatDemand.location}}\{{building.gmlId}}_hourly_demand.prn for the results of the hourly heat demand analysis per building ID Output file(s) can be specified, e.g. {{step.location}}/example-{{building.gmlId}}.txt to get a file with the name of the example template and the GML ID of the building located in the workflow step all parameters in the INSEL model that should be called from the energy components catalog (or any other possible source) needs to be defined in the template, e.g. {{componenets_catalog.combinedHeatPowerUtilities.suitableCHP.installedThermalPower}} will find the suitable CHP from the components catalog and print the installed thermal power of this component. The variable "suitableCHP" needs to be defined in the workflow step. This could be done with dimensioning rules (like "take 40% of the peak load from {{HourlyHeatDemand.location}}\{{building.gmlId}}_hourly_demand.prn and look for the component with the installed thermal power the closest to this number") or the variabele could be determined by an optimization algorithm (t.b.d.) Anpassen: * Template anpassen * neue Energiesysteme hinzufügen * spezifische u-Werte in CItyGML eintragen (future work) Wenn du diesen Workflow benutzt, dann referenziere folgendes Paper: (Link zu Paper)