var gulp = require('gulp'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); var gulpif = require('gulp-if'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var zip = require('gulp-zip'); var del = require('del'); var vinylPaths = require('vinyl-paths'); var runSequence = require('run-sequence'); var program = require('commander'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var jeditor = require('gulp-json-editor'); var fs = require('fs'); program .option('-p, --plugin ', 'the name to use for the plugin, overwrites the default') .option('-l, --library ', 'to export the plugin as a library') .parse(process.argv); var pluginName = program.plugin; gulp.task('clean', function() { return del([ 'dist/*' ]); }); gulp.task('webpack-modern', function(cb) { const child = spawn('node', ['node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js', '--config', 'build/'], { env: Object.assign({ VUE_CLI_MODERN_BUILD: true, LIBRARY_NAME: program.library, }, process.env), }); child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.on('close', (code) => { if (code) { throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack modern', code); } cb(); }); }); gulp.task('webpack-legacy', function(cb) { const child = spawn('node', ['node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js', '--config', 'build/'], { env: Object.assign({ LIBRARY_NAME: program.library, }, process.env), }); child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.on('close', (code) => { if (code) { throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack legacy', code); } cb(); }); }); gulp.task('uglify-modern', function(cb) { // TODO replace with terser-webpack-plugin when moving to webpack 4 const child = spawn('node', ['node_modules/terser/bin/uglifyjs', '--mangle', '--output', 'dist/plugin.es6.js', 'dist/plugin._es6.js']); child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { gutil.log(data.toString()); }); child.on('close', (code) => { if (code) { throw new gutil.PluginError('webpack modern', code); } fs.unlink('dist/plugin._es6.js', (err) => { if (err) { throw new guitl.PluginError('webpack modern', err); } cb(); }); }); }); gulp.task('replace', function() { return gulp.src(['dist/*.js']) .pipe(gulpif(!pluginName, replace(/registerPlugin\((.*)\)/, function(match) { pluginName = match.match(/name:"(\w+)"/)[1]; return match; }))) .pipe(replace(/\.?\/?(assets|img|fonts|media)\//g, function(match, folder) { return `plugins/${pluginName}/`; })) .pipe(vinylPaths(del)) .pipe(rename(function(path) { path.basename = /\.es6$/.test(path.basename) ? `${pluginName}.es6` : pluginName; })) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/')); }); gulp.task('add-esmodule', function() { if (!fs.existsSync('config.json')) { fs.writeFileSync('config.json', '{}'); } return gulp.src('config.json') .pipe(jeditor({ _esmodule: true, })) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); }); gulp.task('zip', function() { return gulp.src(['dist/*.js', 'assets/**/*', 'config.json', 'package.json', 'img/**/*', ''], { base: process.cwd() }) .pipe(rename(function (path) { var ext = path.dirname !== 'dist' && path.dirname !== '.' ? path.dirname : ''; path.dirname = pluginName + '/' + ext; })) .pipe(zip(pluginName + '.zip')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); gulp.task('build', function(cb) { runSequence( 'clean', 'webpack-modern', 'webpack-legacy', 'uglify-modern', 'replace', 'add-esmodule', 'zip', cb ); }); gulp.task('default', ['build']);