Help and information for virtualcityMAP

General Information

General Information

This application is based on the virtualcityMAP technology of virtualcitySYSTEMS. It contains, depending on the configuration, an integrated viewer for oblique images, 2D maps and 3D maps. In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact your contact person at virtualcitySYSTEMS.

System Requirements

System Requirements

The virtualcityMAP can be used from any computer or workstation with a modern browser which enables the execution of JavaScript and WebGL. WebGL is an API for rendering 3D computer graphics within a browser without the use of plug-ins. It is activated in all modern browsers since 2011. Internet Explorer supports WebGL from version 11. Microsoft Edge supports WebGL from version 0.95.

There is an official website to test if your browser supports WebGL:

Wikipedia provides a list of supporting browsers:

User Interface

User Interface

Map Overview

In the map-window of the application next to the search bar there is the navigation-control as well as the vertical control-elements.


Navigations-Rose By clicking the arrows in the navigation control it is possible to navigate to the corresponding direction via mouse click. By clicking the N-symbol the map is oriented towards north. When clicking the eye-symbol the map starts to rotate around the current view. When clicking the eye-symbol again the rotation will be stopped. This function is available in the 3D map only.
The horizontal control elements, located below the navigation control, allow to tilt the view as well as to zoom in and out.

Pedestrian Mode

Explore the city model in pedestrian mode by first selecting the figure and then placing it in the map. You can then use the arrow keys on the keyboard to simulate steps forward, back, left and right. By holding down the right mouse button, you can rotate the figure in the desired direction. Thus, a free movement on the terrain is obtained.

The control panel in the pedestrian mode also allows you to adjust the viewing angle and the height of the view over the terrain. To end the pedestrian mode, click on the figure again to deselect it.


The control elements in the right handed vertical pane provide additional functionality.

By clicking the home-button the application returns to the start view-point.

By clicking one of the OB/2D/3D-buttons the user can switch between the Oblique-, 2D- and 3D-view.

If certain widgets (export, query, etc) are configured for this virtualcityMAP, those can be activated by clicking the functions-icon with the raster symbol. The available widgets are explained separately.

A click on the map-symbol opens the 2D overview map. The overview map shows the current view in a larger area. In addition, the position of the camera is visualized. Thus, this widget facilitates an easier orientation in the map. If the overview-map is activated in the oblique view, the oblique images' outer rings are visualized in the overview-map additionally.

Selection of Objects

A single building can be selected by a left-click. It will be colored red. If there are additional information available for this building, those will be provided in an information-balloon. A click on an empty region (e.g. the terrain) deselects the building.
Multiple buildings can be selected by using the combination Ctrl+Click. The selected buildings will be colored blue. This function may be used to highlight certain buildings. It is used by the export widget, too. If multiple buildings are selected, they need to be deselected individually.


The footer contains the imprint as well as the data protection notice. Some applications may provide the coordinates of a clicked positions in the footer. In the oblique view the footer contains the name of the current oblique images. Additionally, the footer may contain copyright statements for certain layers.



A click on the 'Settings' icon in the header of the application opens up a settings menu. It allows to change the settings of the virtualcityMAP.


Language Setting

The selection of a language from the drop-down menu changes the application's language.


Falls die 3D Karte in Ihrem Browser nicht lädt oder sehr langsam läuft: Mögliche Ursachen

Fehlende Hardwarebeschleunigung

Die Hardwarebeschleunigung Ihrer Grafikkarte wird nicht unterstützt – Das bedeutet, dass der Webbrowser auf Softwarerendering umgeschaltet hat, somit ist eine performante Darstellung von 3D-Daten rein technisch nicht möglich. Lösungsvorschlag: Über die Webseite können Sie die aktuelle Browsereinstellung bezüglich Hardware- oder Softwarerendering testen.

Softwarerendering ist aktiv = 3D-Karte kann mit Ihrem Browser nicht verwendet werden.


Hardwarerendering ist aktiv = 3D-Karte kann mit Ihrem Browser verwendet werden


Grafiktreiber ist veraltet

Lösungsvorschlag: Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Grafiktreiber und prüfen ob die Hardwareunterstützung aktiviert ist.

Beispiel aus dem Internet Explorer 11: Einstellungen >> Internetoptionen >> Erweitert >> Softwarerendering anstelle von GPU-Rendering verwenden. Ein Neustart des Browsers ist erforderlich.

Internet Optionen

Ihr Browser unterstützt kein WebGL

Lösungsvorschlag: Bitte verwenden Sie einen aktuellen Browser z.B. Firefox ab 51.x , Google Chrome ab 56.x, Internet Explorer ab Version 11. Der Microsoft Edge ist ab Version 0.95 WebGL-fähig.