/* * Copyright 2019 Esri * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import { subclass, property } from "esri/core/accessorSupport/decorators"; import { tsx } from "esri/widgets/support/widget"; import Section from "./Section"; import AppState from "../AppState"; import { Timetable } from "../widgets/Timetable/Timetable"; import Viewpoints from "../widgets/Viewpoints/Viewpoints"; import * as watchUtils from "esri/core/watchUtils"; import Handles from "esri/core/Handles"; import FeatureLayer from "esri/layers/FeatureLayer"; import * as appUtils from "../support/appUtils"; import Collection from "esri/core/Collection"; import PopupInfo from "../widgets/Popup/PopupInfo"; import WebScene from "esri/WebScene"; interface HomeSectionCtorArgs { content?: (that: HomeSection) => any; timetable?: Timetable; title?: string; showExternalPoints?: boolean; } @subclass("sections/HomeSection") class HomeSection extends Section { @property() title = "Overview"; @property() id = "home"; @property({ constructOnly: true }) timetable: Timetable; @property() private textTitle: string; @property() appState: AppState; @property() infoPointsLayer: FeatureLayer; @property({ constructOnly: true }) showExternalPoints: boolean = false; private handles = new Handles(); @property() content: (that: this) => any = (that: this) => (this.appState.view.map as WebScene).portalItem.snippet; @property({dependsOn: ["appState"], readOnly: true}) get viewpoints() { return new Viewpoints({appState: this.appState}); } render() { const timetable = this.timetable ? (

Opening hours

) : null; const title = this.textTitle ? (


) : null; return (
{title} {this.content(this)}
); } paneRight() { const viewpoints = this.viewpoints ? this.viewpoints.render() : null; return (
); } constructor(args: HomeSectionCtorArgs) { super(args as any); } postInitialize() { // Optionally add the external info points to display pictures: watchUtils.whenOnce(this, "appState", () => { watchUtils.on(this, "appState.view.map.layers", "change", () => { if (this.appState && this.appState.view.map.layers.length > 0) { this.infoPointsLayer = this.appState.view.map.layers.find(layer => layer.title.indexOf(appUtils.EXTERNAL_INFOPOINT_LAYER_PREFIX) > -1) as FeatureLayer; if (this.infoPointsLayer) { this.infoPointsLayer.visible = false; this.infoPointsLayer.outFields = ["*"]; this.infoPointsLayer.visible = false; this.infoPointsLayer.popupTemplate.overwriteActions = true; this.infoPointsLayer.popupTemplate.actions = new Collection(); } } }); }); // Get the title to display in the text: watchUtils.whenOnce(this, "appState.view.map.portalItem.title", () => { this.textTitle = (this.appState.view.map as WebScene).portalItem.title; }); // Enabling external point if we are in the home section: watchUtils.init(this, "appState.pageLocation", (l) => { if (this.infoPointsLayer) { this.infoPointsLayer.visible = this.showExternalPoints && l === "home"; } }); } onEnter() { // reset the active viewpoint each time we go in home section: this.viewpoints.activeViewpoint = null; // check if we click on an external point and display a popup if that is the case: this.handles.add(this.appState.view.on("click", (event: any) => { this.appState.view.hitTest(event) .then((response) => { const filtered = response.results.filter((result: any) => { return result.graphic.layer === this.infoPointsLayer; })[0]; if (filtered) { this.appState.popupInfo = new PopupInfo({ image: filtered.graphic.attributes.url, credit: filtered.graphic.attributes.title }) } }); }), "click"); } onLeave() { // when not in home, remove the click listener: this.handles.remove("click"); } } export = HomeSection;