Commit f064c792 authored by Muddsair Sharif's avatar Muddsair Sharif
Browse files

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# binary-extensions [![Build Status](](
> List of binary file extensions
The list is just a [JSON file](binary-extensions.json) and can be used wherever.
## Install
$ npm install binary-extensions
## Usage
const binaryExtensions = require('binary-extensions');
//=> ['3ds', '3g2', …]
## Related
- [is-binary-path]( - Check if a filepath is a binary file
- [text-extensions]( - List of text file extensions
## License
MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](
1.17.2 / 2017-05-17
* deps: debug@2.6.7
- deps: ms@2.0.0
* deps: type-is@~1.6.15
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.15
1.17.1 / 2017-03-06
* deps: qs@6.4.0
- Fix regression parsing keys starting with `[`
1.17.0 / 2017-03-01
* deps: http-errors@~1.6.1
- Make `message` property enumerable for `HttpError`s
- deps: setprototypeof@1.0.3
* deps: qs@6.3.1
- Fix compacting nested arrays
1.16.1 / 2017-02-10
* deps: debug@2.6.1
- Fix deprecation messages in WebStorm and other editors
- Undeprecate `DEBUG_FD` set to `1` or `2`
1.16.0 / 2017-01-17
* deps: debug@2.6.0
- Allow colors in workers
- Deprecated `DEBUG_FD` environment variable
- Fix error when running under React Native
- Use same color for same namespace
- deps: ms@0.7.2
* deps: http-errors@~1.5.1
- deps: inherits@2.0.3
- deps: setprototypeof@1.0.2
- deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.1 < 2'
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.15
- Added encoding MS-31J
- Added encoding MS-932
- Added encoding MS-936
- Added encoding MS-949
- Added encoding MS-950
- Fix GBK/GB18030 handling of Euro character
* deps: qs@6.2.1
- Fix array parsing from skipping empty values
* deps: raw-body@~2.2.0
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.15
* deps: type-is@~1.6.14
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.13
1.15.2 / 2016-06-19
* deps: bytes@2.4.0
* deps: content-type@~1.0.2
- perf: enable strict mode
* deps: http-errors@~1.5.0
- Use `setprototypeof` module to replace `__proto__` setting
- deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.0 < 2'
- perf: enable strict mode
* deps: qs@6.2.0
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.7
- deps: bytes@2.4.0
- perf: remove double-cleanup on happy path
* deps: type-is@~1.6.13
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
1.15.1 / 2016-05-05
* deps: bytes@2.3.0
- Drop partial bytes on all parsed units
- Fix parsing byte string that looks like hex
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.6
- deps: bytes@2.3.0
* deps: type-is@~1.6.12
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.10
1.15.0 / 2016-02-10
* deps: http-errors@~1.4.0
- Add `HttpError` export, for `err instanceof createError.HttpError`
- deps: inherits@2.0.1
- deps: statuses@'>= 1.2.1 < 2'
* deps: qs@6.1.0
* deps: type-is@~1.6.11
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.9
1.14.2 / 2015-12-16
* deps: bytes@2.2.0
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.13
* deps: qs@5.2.0
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.5
- deps: bytes@2.2.0
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.13
* deps: type-is@~1.6.10
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.8
1.14.1 / 2015-09-27
* Fix issue where invalid charset results in 400 when `verify` used
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.12
- Fix CESU-8 decoding in Node.js 4.x
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.4
- Fix masking critical errors from `iconv-lite`
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.12
* deps: type-is@~1.6.9
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.7
1.14.0 / 2015-09-16
* Fix JSON strict parse error to match syntax errors
* Provide static `require` analysis in `urlencoded` parser
* deps: depd@~1.1.0
- Support web browser loading
* deps: qs@5.1.0
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.3
- Fix sync callback when attaching data listener causes sync read
* deps: type-is@~1.6.8
- Fix type error when given invalid type to match against
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.6
1.13.3 / 2015-07-31
* deps: type-is@~1.6.6
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.4
1.13.2 / 2015-07-05
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.11
* deps: qs@4.0.0
- Fix dropping parameters like `hasOwnProperty`
- Fix user-visible incompatibilities from 3.1.0
- Fix various parsing edge cases
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.2
- Fix error stack traces to skip `makeError`
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.11
* deps: type-is@~1.6.4
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.2
- perf: enable strict mode
- perf: remove argument reassignment
1.13.1 / 2015-06-16
* deps: qs@2.4.2
- Downgraded from 3.1.0 because of user-visible incompatibilities
1.13.0 / 2015-06-14
* Add `statusCode` property on `Error`s, in addition to `status`
* Change `type` default to `application/json` for JSON parser
* Change `type` default to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` for urlencoded parser
* Provide static `require` analysis
* Use the `http-errors` module to generate errors
* deps: bytes@2.1.0
- Slight optimizations
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.10
- The encoding UTF-16 without BOM now defaults to UTF-16LE when detection fails
- Leading BOM is now removed when decoding
* deps: on-finished@~2.3.0
- Add defined behavior for HTTP `CONNECT` requests
- Add defined behavior for HTTP `Upgrade` requests
- deps: ee-first@1.1.1
* deps: qs@3.1.0
- Fix dropping parameters like `hasOwnProperty`
- Fix various parsing edge cases
- Parsed object now has `null` prototype
* deps: raw-body@~2.1.1
- Use `unpipe` module for unpiping requests
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.10
* deps: type-is@~1.6.3
- deps: mime-types@~2.1.1
- perf: reduce try block size
- perf: remove bitwise operations
* perf: enable strict mode
* perf: remove argument reassignment
* perf: remove delete call
1.12.4 / 2015-05-10
* deps: debug@~2.2.0
* deps: qs@2.4.2
- Fix allowing parameters like `constructor`
* deps: on-finished@~2.2.1
* deps: raw-body@~2.0.1
- Fix a false-positive when unpiping in Node.js 0.8
- deps: bytes@2.0.1
* deps: type-is@~1.6.2
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.11
1.12.3 / 2015-04-15
* Slight efficiency improvement when not debugging
* deps: depd@~1.0.1
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.8
- Add encoding alias UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7
* deps: raw-body@1.3.4
- Fix hanging callback if request aborts during read
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.8
1.12.2 / 2015-03-16
* deps: qs@2.4.1
- Fix error when parameter `hasOwnProperty` is present
1.12.1 / 2015-03-15
* deps: debug@~2.1.3
- Fix high intensity foreground color for bold
- deps: ms@0.7.0
* deps: type-is@~1.6.1
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.10
1.12.0 / 2015-02-13
* add `debug` messages
* accept a function for the `type` option
* use `content-type` to parse `Content-Type` headers
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.7
- Gracefully support enumerables on `Object.prototype`
* deps: raw-body@1.3.3
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.7
* deps: type-is@~1.6.0
- fix argument reassignment
- fix false-positives in `hasBody` `Transfer-Encoding` check
- support wildcard for both type and subtype (`*/*`)
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.9
1.11.0 / 2015-01-30
* make internal `extended: true` depth limit infinity
* deps: type-is@~1.5.6
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.8
1.10.2 / 2015-01-20
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.6
- Fix rare aliases of single-byte encodings
* deps: raw-body@1.3.2
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.6
1.10.1 / 2015-01-01
* deps: on-finished@~2.2.0
* deps: type-is@~1.5.5
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.7
1.10.0 / 2014-12-02
* make internal `extended: true` array limit dynamic
1.9.3 / 2014-11-21
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.5
- Fix Windows-31J and X-SJIS encoding support
* deps: qs@2.3.3
- Fix `arrayLimit` behavior
* deps: raw-body@1.3.1
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.5
* deps: type-is@~1.5.3
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.3
1.9.2 / 2014-10-27
* deps: qs@2.3.2
- Fix parsing of mixed objects and values
1.9.1 / 2014-10-22
* deps: on-finished@~2.1.1
- Fix handling of pipelined requests
* deps: qs@2.3.0
- Fix parsing of mixed implicit and explicit arrays
* deps: type-is@~1.5.2
- deps: mime-types@~2.0.2
1.9.0 / 2014-09-24
* include the charset in "unsupported charset" error message
* include the encoding in "unsupported content encoding" error message
* deps: depd@~1.0.0
1.8.4 / 2014-09-23
* fix content encoding to be case-insensitive
1.8.3 / 2014-09-19
* deps: qs@2.2.4
- Fix issue with object keys starting with numbers truncated
1.8.2 / 2014-09-15
* deps: depd@0.4.5
1.8.1 / 2014-09-07
* deps: media-typer@0.3.0
* deps: type-is@~1.5.1
1.8.0 / 2014-09-05
* make empty-body-handling consistent between chunked requests
- empty `json` produces `{}`
- empty `raw` produces `new Buffer(0)`
- empty `text` produces `''`
- empty `urlencoded` produces `{}`
* deps: qs@2.2.3
- Fix issue where first empty value in array is discarded
* deps: type-is@~1.5.0
- fix `hasbody` to be true for `content-length: 0`
1.7.0 / 2014-09-01
* add `parameterLimit` option to `urlencoded` parser
* change `urlencoded` extended array limit to 100
* respond with 413 when over `parameterLimit` in `urlencoded`
1.6.7 / 2014-08-29
* deps: qs@2.2.2
- Remove unnecessary cloning
1.6.6 / 2014-08-27
* deps: qs@2.2.0
- Array parsing fix
- Performance improvements
1.6.5 / 2014-08-16
* deps: on-finished@2.1.0
1.6.4 / 2014-08-14
* deps: qs@1.2.2
1.6.3 / 2014-08-10
* deps: qs@1.2.1
1.6.2 / 2014-08-07
* deps: qs@1.2.0
- Fix parsing array of objects
1.6.1 / 2014-08-06
* deps: qs@1.1.0
- Accept urlencoded square brackets
- Accept empty values in implicit array notation
1.6.0 / 2014-08-05
* deps: qs@1.0.2
- Complete rewrite
- Limits array length to 20
- Limits object depth to 5
- Limits parameters to 1,000
1.5.2 / 2014-07-27
* deps: depd@0.4.4
- Work-around v8 generating empty stack traces
1.5.1 / 2014-07-26
* deps: depd@0.4.3
- Fix exception when global `Error.stackTraceLimit` is too low
1.5.0 / 2014-07-20
* deps: depd@0.4.2
- Add `TRACE_DEPRECATION` environment variable
- Remove non-standard grey color from color output
- Support `--no-deprecation` argument
- Support `--trace-deprecation` argument
* deps: iconv-lite@0.4.4
- Added encoding UTF-7
* deps: raw-body@1.3.0
- deps: iconv-lite@0.4.4
- Added encoding UTF-7
- Fix `Cannot switch to old mode now` error on Node.js 0.10+
* deps: type-is@~1.3.2
1.4.3 / 2014-06-19
* deps: type-is@1.3.1
- fix global variable leak
1.4.2 / 2014-06-19
* deps: type-is@1.3.0
- improve type parsing
1.4.1 / 2014-06-19
* fix urlencoded extended deprecation message
1.4.0 / 2014-06-19
* add `text` parser
* add `raw` parser
* check accepted charset in content-type (accepts utf-8)
* check accepted encoding in content-encoding (accepts identity)
* deprecate `bodyParser()` middleware; use `.json()` and `.urlencoded()` as needed
* deprecate `urlencoded()` without provided `extended` option
* lazy-load urlencoded parsers
* parsers split into files for reduced mem usage
* support gzip and deflate bodies
- set `inflate: false` to turn off
* deps: raw-body@1.2.2
- Support all encodings from `iconv-lite`
1.3.1 / 2014-06-11
* deps: type-is@1.2.1
- Switch dependency from mime to mime-types@1.0.0
1.3.0 / 2014-05-31
* add `extended` option to urlencoded parser
1.2.2 / 2014-05-27
* deps: raw-body@1.1.6
- assert stream encoding on node.js 0.8
- assert stream encoding on node.js < 0.10.6
- deps: bytes@1
1.2.1 / 2014-05-26
* invoke `next(err)` after request fully read
- prevents hung responses and socket hang ups
1.2.0 / 2014-05-11
* add `verify` option
* deps: type-is@1.2.0
- support suffix matching
1.1.2 / 2014-05-11
* improve json parser speed
1.1.1 / 2014-05-11
* fix repeated limit parsing with every request
1.1.0 / 2014-05-10
* add `type` option
* deps: pin for safety and consistency
1.0.2 / 2014-04-14
* use `type-is` module
1.0.1 / 2014-03-20
* lower default limits to 100kb
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# body-parser
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Node.js body parsing middleware.
Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available
under the `req.body` property.
[Learn about the anatomy of an HTTP transaction in Node.js](
_This does not handle multipart bodies_, due to their complex and typically
large nature. For multipart bodies, you may be interested in the following
* [busboy]( and
* [multiparty]( and
* [formidable](
* [multer](
This module provides the following parsers:
* [JSON body parser](#bodyparserjsonoptions)
* [Raw body parser](#bodyparserrawoptions)
* [Text body parser](#bodyparsertextoptions)
* [URL-encoded form body parser](#bodyparserurlencodedoptions)
Other body parsers you might be interested in:
- [body](
- [co-body](
## Installation
$ npm install body-parser
## API
<!-- eslint-disable no-unused-vars -->
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
The `bodyParser` object exposes various factories to create middlewares. All
middlewares will populate the `req.body` property with the parsed body when
the `Content-Type` request header matches the `type` option, or an empty
object (`{}`) if there was no body to parse, the `Content-Type` was not matched,
or an error occurred.
The various errors returned by this module are described in the
[errors section](#errors).
### bodyParser.json(options)
Returns middleware that only parses `json` and only looks at requests where
the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This parser accepts any
Unicode encoding of the body and supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and
`deflate` encodings.
A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`).
#### Options
The `json` function takes an option `options` object that may contain any of
the following keys:
##### inflate
When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
##### limit
Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
[bytes]( library for parsing. Defaults
to `'100kb'`.
##### reviver
The `reviver` option is passed directly to `JSON.parse` as the second
argument. You can find more information on this argument
[in the MDN documentation about JSON.parse](
##### strict
When set to `true`, will only accept arrays and objects; when `false` will
accept anything `JSON.parse` accepts. Defaults to `true`.
##### type
The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
parse. This option can be a function or a string. If a string, `type` option
is passed directly to the [type-is](
library and this can be an extension name (like `json`), a mime type (like
`application/json`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or `*/json`).
If a function, the `type` option is called as `fn(req)` and the request is
parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults to `application/json`.
##### verify
The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
### bodyParser.raw(options)
Returns middleware that parses all bodies as a `Buffer` and only looks at
requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
parser supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This will be a `Buffer` object
of the body.
#### Options
The `raw` function takes an option `options` object that may contain any of
the following keys:
##### inflate
When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
##### limit
Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
[bytes]( library for parsing. Defaults
to `'100kb'`.
##### type
The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
parse. This option can be a function or a string. If a string, `type` option
is passed directly to the [type-is](
library and this can be an extension name (like `bin`), a mime type (like
`application/octet-stream`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or
`application/*`). If a function, the `type` option is called as `fn(req)`
and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults to
##### verify
The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
### bodyParser.text(options)
Returns middleware that parses all bodies as a string and only looks at
requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
parser supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
A new `body` string containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This will be a string of the
#### Options
The `text` function takes an option `options` object that may contain any of
the following keys:
##### defaultCharset
Specify the default character set for the text content if the charset is not
specified in the `Content-Type` header of the request. Defaults to `utf-8`.
##### inflate
When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
##### limit
Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
[bytes]( library for parsing. Defaults
to `'100kb'`.
##### type
The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
parse. This option can be a function or a string. If a string, `type` option
is passed directly to the [type-is](
library and this can be an extension name (like `txt`), a mime type (like
`text/plain`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or `text/*`).
If a function, the `type` option is called as `fn(req)` and the request is
parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults to `text/plain`.
##### verify
The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
### bodyParser.urlencoded(options)
Returns middleware that only parses `urlencoded` bodies and only looks at
requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
parser accepts only UTF-8 encoding of the body and supports automatic
inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This object will contain
key-value pairs, where the value can be a string or array (when `extended` is
`false`), or any type (when `extended` is `true`).
#### Options
The `urlencoded` function takes an option `options` object that may contain
any of the following keys:
##### extended
The `extended` option allows to choose between parsing the URL-encoded data
with the `querystring` library (when `false`) or the `qs` library (when
`true`). The "extended" syntax allows for rich objects and arrays to be
encoded into the URL-encoded format, allowing for a JSON-like experience
with URL-encoded. For more information, please
[see the qs library](
Defaults to `true`, but using the default has been deprecated. Please
research into the difference between `qs` and `querystring` and choose the
appropriate setting.
##### inflate
When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
##### limit
Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
[bytes]( library for parsing. Defaults
to `'100kb'`.
##### parameterLimit
The `parameterLimit` option controls the maximum number of parameters that
are allowed in the URL-encoded data. If a request contains more parameters
than this value, a 413 will be returned to the client. Defaults to `1000`.
##### type
The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
parse. This option can be a function or a string. If a string, `type` option
is passed directly to the [type-is](
library and this can be an extension name (like `urlencoded`), a mime type (like
`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like
`*/x-www-form-urlencoded`). If a function, the `type` option is called as
`fn(req)` and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults
to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
##### verify
The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
## Errors
The middlewares provided by this module create errors depending on the error
condition during parsing. The errors will typically have a `status` property
that contains the suggested HTTP response code and a `body` property containing
the read body, if available.
The following are the common errors emitted, though any error can come through
for various reasons.
### content encoding unsupported
This error will occur when the request had a `Content-Encoding` header that
contained an encoding but the "inflation" option was set to `false`. The
`status` property is set to `415`.
### request aborted
This error will occur when the request is aborted by the client before reading
the body has finished. The `received` property will be set to the number of
bytes received before the request was aborted and the `expected` property is
set to the number of expected bytes. The `status` property is set to `400`.
### request entity too large
This error will occur when the request body's size is larger than the "limit"
option. The `limit` property will be set to the byte limit and the `length`
property will be set to the request body's length. The `status` property is
set to `413`.
### request size did not match content length
This error will occur when the request's length did not match the length from
the `Content-Length` header. This typically occurs when the request is malformed,
typically when the `Content-Length` header was calculated based on characters
instead of bytes. The `status` property is set to `400`.
### stream encoding should not be set
This error will occur when something called the `req.setEncoding` method prior
to this middleware. This module operates directly on bytes only and you cannot
call `req.setEncoding` when using this module. The `status` property is set to
### unsupported charset "BOGUS"
This error will occur when the request had a charset parameter in the
`Content-Type` header, but the `iconv-lite` module does not support it OR the
parser does not support it. The charset is contained in the message as well
as in the `charset` property. The `status` property is set to `415`.
### unsupported content encoding "bogus"
This error will occur when the request had a `Content-Encoding` header that
contained an unsupported encoding. The encoding is contained in the message
as well as in the `encoding` property. The `status` property is set to `415`.
## Examples
### Express/Connect top-level generic
This example demonstrates adding a generic JSON and URL-encoded parser as a
top-level middleware, which will parse the bodies of all incoming requests.
This is the simplest setup.
var express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var app = express()
// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
// parse application/json
app.use(function (req, res) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
res.write('you posted:\n')
res.end(JSON.stringify(req.body, null, 2))
### Express route-specific
This example demonstrates adding body parsers specifically to the routes that
need them. In general, this is the most recommended way to use body-parser with
var express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var app = express()
// create application/json parser
var jsonParser = bodyParser.json()
// create application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser
var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })
// POST /login gets urlencoded bodies'/login', urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
if (!req.body) return res.sendStatus(400)
res.send('welcome, ' + req.body.username)
// POST /api/users gets JSON bodies'/api/users', jsonParser, function (req, res) {
if (!req.body) return res.sendStatus(400)
// create user in req.body
### Change accepted type for parsers
All the parsers accept a `type` option which allows you to change the
`Content-Type` that the middleware will parse.
var express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var app = express()
// parse various different custom JSON types as JSON
app.use(bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/*+json' }))
// parse some custom thing into a Buffer
app.use(bodyParser.raw({ type: 'application/vnd.custom-type' }))
// parse an HTML body into a string
app.use(bodyParser.text({ type: 'text/html' }))
## License
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
* @private
var deprecate = require('depd')('body-parser')
* Cache of loaded parsers.
* @private
var parsers = Object.create(null)
* @typedef Parsers
* @type {function}
* @property {function} json
* @property {function} raw
* @property {function} text
* @property {function} urlencoded
* Module exports.
* @type {Parsers}
exports = module.exports = deprecate.function(bodyParser,
'bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares')
* JSON parser.
* @public
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'json', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: createParserGetter('json')
* Raw parser.
* @public
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'raw', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: createParserGetter('raw')
* Text parser.
* @public
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'text', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: createParserGetter('text')
* URL-encoded parser.
* @public
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'urlencoded', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: createParserGetter('urlencoded')
* Create a middleware to parse json and urlencoded bodies.
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {function}
* @deprecated
* @public
function bodyParser (options) {
var opts = {}
// exclude type option
if (options) {
for (var prop in options) {
if (prop !== 'type') {
opts[prop] = options[prop]
var _urlencoded = exports.urlencoded(opts)
var _json = exports.json(opts)
return function bodyParser (req, res, next) {
_json(req, res, function (err) {
if (err) return next(err)
_urlencoded(req, res, next)
* Create a getter for loading a parser.
* @private
function createParserGetter (name) {
return function get () {
return loadParser(name)
* Load a parser module.
* @private
function loadParser (parserName) {
var parser = parsers[parserName]
if (parser !== undefined) {
return parser
// this uses a switch for static require analysis
switch (parserName) {
case 'json':
parser = require('./lib/types/json')
case 'raw':
parser = require('./lib/types/raw')
case 'text':
parser = require('./lib/types/text')
case 'urlencoded':
parser = require('./lib/types/urlencoded')
// store to prevent invoking require()
return (parsers[parserName] = parser)
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
* @private
var createError = require('http-errors')
var getBody = require('raw-body')
var iconv = require('iconv-lite')
var onFinished = require('on-finished')
var zlib = require('zlib')
* Module exports.
module.exports = read
* Read a request into a buffer and parse.
* @param {object} req
* @param {object} res
* @param {function} next
* @param {function} parse
* @param {function} debug
* @param {object} options
* @private
function read (req, res, next, parse, debug, options) {
var length
var opts = options
var stream
// flag as parsed
req._body = true
// read options
var encoding = opts.encoding !== null
? opts.encoding
: null
var verify = opts.verify
try {
// get the content stream
stream = contentstream(req, debug, opts.inflate)
length = stream.length
stream.length = undefined
} catch (err) {
return next(err)
// set raw-body options
opts.length = length
opts.encoding = verify
? null
: encoding
// assert charset is supported
if (opts.encoding === null && encoding !== null && !iconv.encodingExists(encoding)) {
return next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + encoding.toUpperCase() + '"', {
charset: encoding.toLowerCase()
// read body
debug('read body')
getBody(stream, opts, function (err, body) {
if (err) {
// default to 400
setErrorStatus(err, 400)
// echo back charset
if (err.type === 'encoding.unsupported') {
err = createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + encoding.toUpperCase() + '"', {
charset: encoding.toLowerCase()
// read off entire request
onFinished(req, function onfinished () {
// verify
if (verify) {
try {
debug('verify body')
verify(req, res, body, encoding)
} catch (err) {
// default to 403
setErrorStatus(err, 403)
// parse
var str
try {
debug('parse body')
str = typeof body !== 'string' && encoding !== null
? iconv.decode(body, encoding)
: body
req.body = parse(str)
} catch (err) {
// istanbul ignore next
err.body = str === undefined
? body
: str
// default to 400
setErrorStatus(err, 400)
* Get the content stream of the request.
* @param {object} req
* @param {function} debug
* @param {boolean} [inflate=true]
* @return {object}
* @api private
function contentstream (req, debug, inflate) {
var encoding = (req.headers['content-encoding'] || 'identity').toLowerCase()
var length = req.headers['content-length']
var stream
debug('content-encoding "%s"', encoding)
if (inflate === false && encoding !== 'identity') {
throw createError(415, 'content encoding unsupported')
switch (encoding) {
case 'deflate':
stream = zlib.createInflate()
debug('inflate body')
case 'gzip':
stream = zlib.createGunzip()
debug('gunzip body')
case 'identity':
stream = req
stream.length = length
throw createError(415, 'unsupported content encoding "' + encoding + '"', {
encoding: encoding
return stream
* Set a status on an error object, if ones does not exist
* @private
function setErrorStatus (error, status) {
if (!error.status && !error.statusCode) {
error.status = status
error.statusCode = status
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
* @private
var bytes = require('bytes')
var contentType = require('content-type')
var createError = require('http-errors')
var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:json')
var read = require('../read')
var typeis = require('type-is')
* Module exports.
module.exports = json
* RegExp to match the first non-space in a string.
* Allowed whitespace is defined in RFC 7159:
* ws = *(
* %x20 / ; Space
* %x09 / ; Horizontal tab
* %x0A / ; Line feed or New line
* %x0D ) ; Carriage return
var FIRST_CHAR_REGEXP = /^[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*(.)/ // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
* Create a middleware to parse JSON bodies.
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {function}
* @public
function json (options) {
var opts = options || {}
var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
: opts.limit
var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
var reviver = opts.reviver
var strict = opts.strict !== false
var type = opts.type || 'application/json'
var verify = opts.verify || false
if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
// create the appropriate type checking function
var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
? typeChecker(type)
: type
function parse (body) {
if (body.length === 0) {
// special-case empty json body, as it's a common client-side mistake
// TODO: maybe make this configurable or part of "strict" option
return {}
if (strict) {
var first = firstchar(body)
if (first !== '{' && first !== '[') {
debug('strict violation')
throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected token ' + first)
debug('parse json')
return JSON.parse(body, reviver)
return function jsonParser (req, res, next) {
if (req._body) {
debug('body already parsed')
req.body = req.body || {}
// skip requests without bodies
if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
debug('skip empty body')
debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
// determine if request should be parsed
if (!shouldParse(req)) {
debug('skip parsing')
// assert charset per RFC 7159 sec 8.1
var charset = getCharset(req) || 'utf-8'
if (charset.substr(0, 4) !== 'utf-') {
debug('invalid charset')
next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + charset.toUpperCase() + '"', {
charset: charset
// read
read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
encoding: charset,
inflate: inflate,
limit: limit,
verify: verify
* Get the first non-whitespace character in a string.
* @param {string} str
* @return {function}
* @private
function firstchar (str) {
return FIRST_CHAR_REGEXP.exec(str)[1]
* Get the charset of a request.
* @param {object} req
* @api private
function getCharset (req) {
try {
return contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset.toLowerCase()
} catch (e) {
return undefined
* Get the simple type checker.
* @param {string} type
* @return {function}
function typeChecker (type) {
return function checkType (req) {
return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
var bytes = require('bytes')
var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:raw')
var read = require('../read')
var typeis = require('type-is')
* Module exports.
module.exports = raw
* Create a middleware to parse raw bodies.
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {function}
* @api public
function raw (options) {
var opts = options || {}
var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
: opts.limit
var type = opts.type || 'application/octet-stream'
var verify = opts.verify || false
if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
// create the appropriate type checking function
var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
? typeChecker(type)
: type
function parse (buf) {
return buf
return function rawParser (req, res, next) {
if (req._body) {
debug('body already parsed')
req.body = req.body || {}
// skip requests without bodies
if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
debug('skip empty body')
debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
// determine if request should be parsed
if (!shouldParse(req)) {
debug('skip parsing')
// read
read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
encoding: null,
inflate: inflate,
limit: limit,
verify: verify
* Get the simple type checker.
* @param {string} type
* @return {function}
function typeChecker (type) {
return function checkType (req) {
return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
var bytes = require('bytes')
var contentType = require('content-type')
var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:text')
var read = require('../read')
var typeis = require('type-is')
* Module exports.
module.exports = text
* Create a middleware to parse text bodies.
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {function}
* @api public
function text (options) {
var opts = options || {}
var defaultCharset = opts.defaultCharset || 'utf-8'
var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
: opts.limit
var type = opts.type || 'text/plain'
var verify = opts.verify || false
if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
// create the appropriate type checking function
var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
? typeChecker(type)
: type
function parse (buf) {
return buf
return function textParser (req, res, next) {
if (req._body) {
debug('body already parsed')
req.body = req.body || {}
// skip requests without bodies
if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
debug('skip empty body')
debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
// determine if request should be parsed
if (!shouldParse(req)) {
debug('skip parsing')
// get charset
var charset = getCharset(req) || defaultCharset
// read
read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
encoding: charset,
inflate: inflate,
limit: limit,
verify: verify
* Get the charset of a request.
* @param {object} req
* @api private
function getCharset (req) {
try {
return contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset.toLowerCase()
} catch (e) {
return undefined
* Get the simple type checker.
* @param {string} type
* @return {function}
function typeChecker (type) {
return function checkType (req) {
return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
* body-parser
* Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
'use strict'
* Module dependencies.
* @private
var bytes = require('bytes')
var contentType = require('content-type')
var createError = require('http-errors')
var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:urlencoded')
var deprecate = require('depd')('body-parser')
var read = require('../read')
var typeis = require('type-is')
* Module exports.
module.exports = urlencoded
* Cache of parser modules.
var parsers = Object.create(null)
* Create a middleware to parse urlencoded bodies.
* @param {object} [options]
* @return {function}
* @public
function urlencoded (options) {
var opts = options || {}
// notice because option default will flip in next major
if (opts.extended === undefined) {
deprecate('undefined extended: provide extended option')
var extended = opts.extended !== false
var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
: opts.limit
var type = opts.type || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
var verify = opts.verify || false
if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
// create the appropriate query parser
var queryparse = extended
? extendedparser(opts)
: simpleparser(opts)
// create the appropriate type checking function
var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
? typeChecker(type)
: type
function parse (body) {
return body.length
? queryparse(body)
: {}
return function urlencodedParser (req, res, next) {
if (req._body) {
debug('body already parsed')
req.body = req.body || {}
// skip requests without bodies
if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
debug('skip empty body')
debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
// determine if request should be parsed
if (!shouldParse(req)) {
debug('skip parsing')
// assert charset
var charset = getCharset(req) || 'utf-8'
if (charset !== 'utf-8') {
debug('invalid charset')
next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + charset.toUpperCase() + '"', {
charset: charset
// read
read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
debug: debug,
encoding: charset,
inflate: inflate,
limit: limit,
verify: verify
* Get the extended query parser.
* @param {object} options
function extendedparser (options) {
var parameterLimit = options.parameterLimit !== undefined
? options.parameterLimit
: 1000
var parse = parser('qs')
if (isNaN(parameterLimit) || parameterLimit < 1) {
throw new TypeError('option parameterLimit must be a positive number')
if (isFinite(parameterLimit)) {
parameterLimit = parameterLimit | 0
return function queryparse (body) {
var paramCount = parameterCount(body, parameterLimit)
if (paramCount === undefined) {
debug('too many parameters')
throw createError(413, 'too many parameters')
var arrayLimit = Math.max(100, paramCount)
debug('parse extended urlencoding')
return parse(body, {
allowPrototypes: true,
arrayLimit: arrayLimit,
depth: Infinity,
parameterLimit: parameterLimit
* Get the charset of a request.
* @param {object} req
* @api private
function getCharset (req) {
try {
return contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset.toLowerCase()
} catch (e) {
return undefined
* Count the number of parameters, stopping once limit reached
* @param {string} body
* @param {number} limit
* @api private
function parameterCount (body, limit) {
var count = 0
var index = 0
while ((index = body.indexOf('&', index)) !== -1) {
if (count === limit) {
return undefined
return count
* Get parser for module name dynamically.
* @param {string} name
* @return {function}
* @api private
function parser (name) {
var mod = parsers[name]
if (mod !== undefined) {
return mod.parse
// this uses a switch for static require analysis
switch (name) {
case 'qs':
mod = require('qs')
case 'querystring':
mod = require('querystring')
// store to prevent invoking require()
parsers[name] = mod
return mod.parse
* Get the simple query parser.
* @param {object} options
function simpleparser (options) {
var parameterLimit = options.parameterLimit !== undefined
? options.parameterLimit
: 1000
var parse = parser('querystring')
if (isNaN(parameterLimit) || parameterLimit < 1) {
throw new TypeError('option parameterLimit must be a positive number')
if (isFinite(parameterLimit)) {
parameterLimit = parameterLimit | 0
return function queryparse (body) {
var paramCount = parameterCount(body, parameterLimit)
if (paramCount === undefined) {
debug('too many parameters')
throw createError(413, 'too many parameters')
debug('parse urlencoding')
return parse(body, undefined, undefined, {maxKeys: parameterLimit})
* Get the simple type checker.
* @param {string} type
* @return {function}
function typeChecker (type) {
return function checkType (req) {
return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
repo_token: SIAeZjKYlHK74rbcFvNHMUzjRiMpflxve
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true
"rules": {
"no-console": 0,
"no-empty": [1, { "allowEmptyCatch": true }]
"extends": "eslint:recommended"
language: node_js
- "6"
- "5"
- "4"
- make node_modules
- make lint
- make test
- make coveralls
2.6.7 / 2017-05-16
* Fix: Update ms to 2.0.0 to fix regular expression denial of service vulnerability (#458, @hubdotcom)
* Fix: Inline extend function in node implementation (#452, @dougwilson)
* Docs: Fix typo (#455, @msasad)
2.6.5 / 2017-04-27
* Fix: null reference check on (#447, @thebigredgeek)
* Misc: clean up browser reference checks (#447, @thebigredgeek)
* Misc: add npm-debug.log to .gitignore (@thebigredgeek)
2.6.4 / 2017-04-20
* Fix: bug that would occure if process.env.DEBUG is a non-string value. (#444, @LucianBuzzo)
* Chore: ignore bower.json in npm installations. (#437, @joaovieira)
* Misc: update "ms" to v0.7.3 (@tootallnate)
2.6.3 / 2017-03-13
* Fix: Electron reference to `process.env.DEBUG` (#431, @paulcbetts)
* Docs: Changelog fix (@thebigredgeek)
2.6.2 / 2017-03-10
* Fix: DEBUG_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH (#420, @slavaGanzin)
* Docs: Add backers and sponsors from Open Collective (#422, @piamancini)
* Docs: Add Slackin invite badge (@tootallnate)
2.6.1 / 2017-02-10
* Fix: Module's `export default` syntax fix for IE8 `Expected identifier` error
* Fix: Whitelist DEBUG_FD for values 1 and 2 only (#415, @pi0)
* Fix: IE8 "Expected identifier" error (#414, @vgoma)
* Fix: Namespaces would not disable once enabled (#409, @musikov)
2.6.0 / 2016-12-28
* Fix: added better null pointer checks for browser useColors (@thebigredgeek)
* Improvement: removed explicit `window.debug` export (#404, @tootallnate)
* Improvement: deprecated `DEBUG_FD` environment variable (#405, @tootallnate)
2.5.2 / 2016-12-25
* Fix: reference error on window within webworkers (#393, @KlausTrainer)
* Docs: fixed README typo (#391, @lurch)
* Docs: added notice about v3 api discussion (@thebigredgeek)
2.5.1 / 2016-12-20
* Fix: babel-core compatibility
2.5.0 / 2016-12-20
* Fix: wrong reference in bower file (@thebigredgeek)
* Fix: webworker compatibility (@thebigredgeek)
* Fix: output formatting issue (#388, @kribblo)
* Fix: babel-loader compatibility (#383, @escwald)
* Misc: removed built asset from repo and publications (@thebigredgeek)
* Misc: moved source files to /src (#378, @yamikuronue)
* Test: added karma integration and replaced babel with browserify for browser tests (#378, @yamikuronue)
* Test: coveralls integration (#378, @yamikuronue)
* Docs: simplified language in the opening paragraph (#373, @yamikuronue)
2.4.5 / 2016-12-17
* Fix: `navigator` undefined in Rhino (#376, @jochenberger)
* Fix: custom log function (#379, @hsiliev)
* Improvement: bit of cleanup + linting fixes (@thebigredgeek)
* Improvement: rm non-maintainted `dist/` dir (#375, @freewil)
* Docs: simplified language in the opening paragraph. (#373, @yamikuronue)
2.4.4 / 2016-12-14
* Fix: work around debug being loaded in preload scripts for electron (#368, @paulcbetts)
2.4.3 / 2016-12-14
* Fix: navigation.userAgent error for react native (#364, @escwald)
2.4.2 / 2016-12-14
* Fix: browser colors (#367, @tootallnate)
* Misc: travis ci integration (@thebigredgeek)
* Misc: added linting and testing boilerplate with sanity check (@thebigredgeek)
2.4.1 / 2016-12-13
* Fix: typo that broke the package (#356)
2.4.0 / 2016-12-13
* Fix: bower.json references unbuilt src entry point (#342, @justmatt)
* Fix: revert "handle regex special characters" (@tootallnate)
* Feature: configurable util.inspect()`options for NodeJS (#327, @tootallnate)
* Feature: %O`(big O) pretty-prints objects (#322, @tootallnate)
* Improvement: allow colors in workers (#335, @botverse)
* Improvement: use same color for same namespace. (#338, @lchenay)
2.3.3 / 2016-11-09
* Fix: Catch `JSON.stringify()` errors (#195, Jovan Alleyne)
* Fix: Returning `localStorage` saved values (#331, Levi Thomason)
* Improvement: Don't create an empty object when no `process` (Nathan Rajlich)
2.3.2 / 2016-11-09
* Fix: be super-safe in index.js as well (@TooTallNate)
* Fix: should check whether process exists (Tom Newby)
2.3.1 / 2016-11-09
* Fix: Added electron compatibility (#324, @paulcbetts)
* Improvement: Added performance optimizations (@tootallnate)
* Readme: Corrected PowerShell environment variable example (#252, @gimre)
* Misc: Removed yarn lock file from source control (#321, @fengmk2)
2.3.0 / 2016-11-07
* Fix: Consistent placement of ms diff at end of output (#215, @gorangajic)
* Fix: Escaping of regex special characters in namespace strings (#250, @zacronos)
* Fix: Fixed bug causing crash on react-native (#282, @vkarpov15)
* Feature: Enabled ES6+ compatible import via default export (#212 @bucaran)
* Feature: Added %O formatter to reflect Chrome's console.log capability (#279, @oncletom)
* Package: Update "ms" to 0.7.2 (#315, @DevSide)
* Package: removed superfluous version property from bower.json (#207 @kkirsche)
* Readme: Doc fixes for format string sugar (#269, @mlucool)
* Readme: Updated docs for DEBUG_FD and DEBUG_COLORS environment variables (#232, @mattlyons0)
* Readme: doc fixes for PowerShell (#271 #243, @exoticknight @unreadable)
* Readme: better docs for browser support (#224, @matthewmueller)
* Tooling: Added yarn integration for development (#317, @thebigredgeek)
* Misc: Renamed to (@thebigredgeek)
* Misc: Added license file (#226 #274, @CantemoInternal @sdaitzman)
* Misc: Updated contributors (@thebigredgeek)
2.2.0 / 2015-05-09
* package: update "ms" to v0.7.1 (#202, @dougwilson)
* README: add logging to file example (#193, @DanielOchoa)
* README: fixed a typo (#191, @amir-s)
* browser: expose `storage` (#190, @stephenmathieson)
* Makefile: add a `distclean` target (#189, @stephenmathieson)
2.1.3 / 2015-03-13
* Updated stdout/stderr example (#186)
* Updated example/stdout.js to match debug current behaviour
* Renamed example/stderr.js to stdout.js
* Update (#184)
* replace high intensity foreground color for bold (#182, #183)
2.1.2 / 2015-03-01
* dist: recompile
* update "ms" to v0.7.0
* package: update "browserify" to v9.0.3
* component: fix "ms.js" repo location
* changed bower package name
* updated documentation about using debug in a browser
* fix: security error on safari (#167, #168, @yields)
2.1.1 / 2014-12-29
* browser: use `typeof` to check for `console` existence
* browser: check for `console.log` truthiness (fix IE 8/9)
* browser: add support for Chrome apps
* Readme: added Windows usage remarks
* Add `bower.json` to properly support bower install
2.1.0 / 2014-10-15
* node: implement `DEBUG_FD` env variable support
* package: update "browserify" to v6.1.0
* package: add "license" field to package.json (#135, @panuhorsmalahti)
2.0.0 / 2014-09-01
* package: update "browserify" to v5.11.0
* node: use stderr rather than stdout for logging (#29, @stephenmathieson)
1.0.4 / 2014-07-15
* dist: recompile
* example: remove `` log usage
* example: add "Content-Type" UTF-8 header to browser example
* browser: place %c marker after the space character
* browser: reset the "content" color via `color: inherit`
* browser: add colors support for Firefox >= v31
* debug: prefer an instance `log()` function over the global one (#119)
* Readme: update documentation about styled console logs for FF v31 (#116, @wryk)
1.0.3 / 2014-07-09
* Add support for multiple wildcards in namespaces (#122, @seegno)
* browser: fix lint
1.0.2 / 2014-06-10
* browser: update color palette (#113, @gscottolson)
* common: make console logging function configurable (#108, @timoxley)
* node: fix %o colors on old node <= 0.8.x
* Makefile: find node path using shell/which (#109, @timoxley)
1.0.1 / 2014-06-06
* browser: use `removeItem()` to clear localStorage
* browser, node: don't set DEBUG if namespaces is undefined (#107, @leedm777)
* package: add "contributors" section
* node: fix comment typo
* README: list authors
1.0.0 / 2014-06-04
* make ms diff be global, not be scope
* debug: ignore empty strings in enable()
* node: make DEBUG_COLORS able to disable coloring
* *: export the `colors` array
* npmignore: don't publish the `dist` dir
* Makefile: refactor to use browserify
* package: add "browserify" as a dev dependency
* Readme: add Web Inspector Colors section
* node: reset terminal color for the debug content
* node: map "%o" to `util.inspect()`
* browser: map "%j" to `JSON.stringify()`
* debug: add custom "formatters"
* debug: use "ms" module for humanizing the diff
* Readme: add "bash" syntax highlighting
* browser: add Firebug color support
* browser: add colors for WebKit browsers
* node: apply log to `console`
* rewrite: abstract common logic for Node & browsers
* add .jshintrc file
0.8.1 / 2014-04-14
* package: re-add the "component" section
0.8.0 / 2014-03-30
* add `enable()` method for nodejs. Closes #27
* change from stderr to stdout
* remove unnecessary index.js file
0.7.4 / 2013-11-13
* remove "browserify" key from package.json (fixes something in browserify)
0.7.3 / 2013-10-30
* fix: catch localStorage security error when cookies are blocked (Chrome)
* add debug(err) support. Closes #46
* add .browser prop to package.json. Closes #42
0.7.2 / 2013-02-06
* fix package.json
* fix: Mobile Safari (private mode) is broken with debug
* fix: Use unicode to send escape character to shell instead of octal to work with strict mode javascript
0.7.1 / 2013-02-05
* add repository URL to package.json
* add DEBUG_COLORED to force colored output
* add browserify support
* fix component. Closes #24
0.7.0 / 2012-05-04
* Added .component to package.json
* Added debug.component.js build
0.6.0 / 2012-03-16
* Added support for "-" prefix in DEBUG [Vinay Pulim]
* Added `.enabled` flag to the node version [TooTallNate]
0.5.0 / 2012-02-02
* Added: humanize diffs. Closes #8
* Added `debug.disable()` to the CS variant
* Removed padding. Closes #10
* Fixed: persist client-side variant again. Closes #9
0.4.0 / 2012-02-01
* Added browser variant support for older browsers [TooTallNate]
* Added `debug.enable('project:*')` to browser variant [TooTallNate]
* Added padding to diff (moved it to the right)
0.3.0 / 2012-01-26
* Added millisecond diff when isatty, otherwise UTC string
0.2.0 / 2012-01-22
* Added wildcard support
0.1.0 / 2011-12-02
* Added: remove colors unless stderr isatty [TooTallNate]
0.0.1 / 2010-01-03
* Initial release
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2014 TJ Holowaychuk <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Software.
# get Makefile directory name:
THIS_DIR:=$(shell cd $(dir $(THIS_MAKEFILE_PATH));pwd)
# BIN directory
BIN := $(THIS_DIR)/node_modules/.bin
# Path
PATH := node_modules/.bin:$(PATH)
SHELL := /bin/bash
# applications
NODE ?= $(shell which node)
YARN ?= $(shell which yarn)
PKG ?= $(if $(YARN),$(YARN),$(NODE) $(shell which npm))
BROWSERIFY ?= $(NODE) $(BIN)/browserify
install: node_modules
node_modules: package.json
@NODE_ENV= $(PKG) install
@touch node_modules
lint: .FORCE
eslint browser.js debug.js index.js node.js
test-node: .FORCE
istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- test/**.js
test-browser: .FORCE
mkdir -p dist
--standalone debug \
. > dist/debug.js
karma start --single-run
rimraf dist
test: .FORCE
concurrently \
"make test-node" \
"make test-browser"
cat ./coverage/ | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js
.PHONY: all install clean distclean
# debug
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A tiny node.js debugging utility modelled after node core's debugging technique.
**Discussion around the V3 API is under way [here](**
## Installation
$ npm install debug
## Usage
`debug` exposes a function; simply pass this function the name of your module, and it will return a decorated version of `console.error` for you to pass debug statements to. This will allow you to toggle the debug output for different parts of your module as well as the module as a whole.
Example _app.js_:
var debug = require('debug')('http')
, http = require('http')
, name = 'My App';
// fake app
debug('booting %s', name);
http.createServer(function(req, res){
debug(req.method + ' ' + req.url);
}).listen(3000, function(){
// fake worker of some kind
Example _worker.js_:
var debug = require('debug')('worker');
debug('doing some work');
}, 1000);
The __DEBUG__ environment variable is then used to enable these based on space or comma-delimited names. Here are some examples:
![debug http and worker](
![debug worker](
#### Windows note
On Windows the environment variable is set using the `set` command.
set DEBUG=*,-not_this
Note that PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables.
$env:DEBUG = "*,-not_this"
Then, run the program to be debugged as usual.
## Millisecond diff
When actively developing an application it can be useful to see when the time spent between one `debug()` call and the next. Suppose for example you invoke `debug()` before requesting a resource, and after as well, the "+NNNms" will show you how much time was spent between calls.
When stdout is not a TTY, `Date#toUTCString()` is used, making it more useful for logging the debug information as shown below:
## Conventions
If you're using this in one or more of your libraries, you _should_ use the name of your library so that developers may toggle debugging as desired without guessing names. If you have more than one debuggers you _should_ prefix them with your library name and use ":" to separate features. For example "bodyParser" from Connect would then be "connect:bodyParser".
## Wildcards
The `*` character may be used as a wildcard. Suppose for example your library has debuggers named "connect:bodyParser", "connect:compress", "connect:session", instead of listing all three with `DEBUG=connect:bodyParser,connect:compress,connect:session`, you may simply do `DEBUG=connect:*`, or to run everything using this module simply use `DEBUG=*`.
You can also exclude specific debuggers by prefixing them with a "-" character. For example, `DEBUG=*,-connect:*` would include all debuggers except those starting with "connect:".
## Environment Variables
When running through Node.js, you can set a few environment variables that will
change the behavior of the debug logging:
| Name | Purpose |
| `DEBUG` | Enables/disables specific debugging namespaces. |
| `DEBUG_COLORS`| Whether or not to use colors in the debug output. |
| `DEBUG_DEPTH` | Object inspection depth. |
| `DEBUG_SHOW_HIDDEN` | Shows hidden properties on inspected objects. |
__Note:__ The environment variables beginning with `DEBUG_` end up being
converted into an Options object that gets used with `%o`/`%O` formatters.
See the Node.js documentation for
for the complete list.
## Formatters
Debug uses [printf-style]( formatting. Below are the officially supported formatters:
| Formatter | Representation |
| `%O` | Pretty-print an Object on multiple lines. |
| `%o` | Pretty-print an Object all on a single line. |
| `%s` | String. |
| `%d` | Number (both integer and float). |
| `%j` | JSON. Replaced with the string '[Circular]' if the argument contains circular references. |
| `%%` | Single percent sign ('%'). This does not consume an argument. |
### Custom formatters
You can add custom formatters by extending the `debug.formatters` object. For example, if you wanted to add support for rendering a Buffer as hex with `%h`, you could do something like:
const createDebug = require('debug')
createDebug.formatters.h = (v) => {
return v.toString('hex')
// …elsewhere
const debug = createDebug('foo')
debug('this is hex: %h', new Buffer('hello world'))
// foo this is hex: 68656c6c6f20776f726c6421 +0ms
## Browser support
You can build a browser-ready script using [browserify](,
or just use the [browserify-as-a-service]( [build](,
if you don't want to build it yourself.
Debug's enable state is currently persisted by `localStorage`.
Consider the situation shown below where you have `worker:a` and `worker:b`,
and wish to debug both. You can enable this using `localStorage.debug`:
localStorage.debug = 'worker:*'
And then refresh the page.
a = debug('worker:a');
b = debug('worker:b');
a('doing some work');
}, 1000);
b('doing some work');
}, 1200);
#### Web Inspector Colors
Colors are also enabled on "Web Inspectors" that understand the `%c` formatting
option. These are WebKit web inspectors, Firefox ([since version
and the Firebug plugin for Firefox (any version).
Colored output looks something like:
## Output streams
By default `debug` will log to stderr, however this can be configured per-namespace by overriding the `log` method:
Example _stdout.js_:
var debug = require('debug');
var error = debug('app:error');
// by default stderr is used
error('goes to stderr!');
var log = debug('app:log');
// set this namespace to log via console.log
log.log = console.log.bind(console); // don't forget to bind to console!
log('goes to stdout');
error('still goes to stderr!');
// set all output to go via
// overrides all per-namespace log settings
debug.log =;
error('now goes to stdout via');
log('still goes to stdout, but via now');
## Authors
- TJ Holowaychuk
- Nathan Rajlich
- Andrew Rhyne
## Backers
Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [[Become a backer](]
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## Sponsors
Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [[Become a sponsor](]
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## License
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;;
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"name": "debug",
"repo": "visionmedia/debug",
"description": "small debugging utility",
"version": "2.6.7",
"keywords": [
"main": "src/browser.js",
"scripts": [
"dependencies": {
"rauchg/ms.js": "0.7.1"
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Fri Dec 16 2016 13:09:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
module.exports = function(config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks:
frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai', 'sinon'],
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [
// preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
// available preprocessors:
preprocessors: {
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
// available reporters:
reporters: ['progress'],
// web server port
port: 9876,
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true,
// level of logging
// possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: true,
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers:
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: false,
// Concurrency level
// how many browser should be started simultaneous
concurrency: Infinity
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