# ajax-request — Simplified http request [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/ajax-request.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/ajax-request/) ```js var request = require('ajax-request'); ``` ## install ``` npm install ajax-request --save ``` ### test ``` mocha ``` ## API ### request(options, callback) * {obejct|string} ``options`` required If the options is string, it will send get request. * {string} ``options.url`` required * {string} ``options.method`` [options.method=GET] The http request type * {obejct} ``options.data`` if the request type is `GET`, it's appended to query string of the URL, or it's sended to remote of body. * {object} ``options.headers`` An object containing request headers. * {string} ``options.encoding`` Set response data encoding * {boolean} ``options.isBuffer`` [options.isBuffer=false] Parse response data to buffer * {boolean} ``options.json`` [options.json=false] Parse response data to json * {function} ``callback`` required ```js request('url', function(err, res, body) {}); request({ url: '', method: 'GET', data: { query1: 'value1' } }, function(err, res, body) { }); ``` ### .post(options, callback) The API same as request ```js request.post({ url: 'url', data: {}, headers: {} }); ``` ### .download(options, callback) * {obejct} ``options`` required * ``options.url`` {string} required * ``options.ignore`` {boolean} [options.ignore=false] Is the filepath ignore case. * ``options.rootPath`` {string} [options.rootPath=''] The root of dest path * ``options.destPath`` {string|function} Custom the download path. * {function} ``callback`` required ```js request.download({ url: 'path/index.png', rootPath: '' }, function(err, res, body, destpath) {}); request.download({ url: 'path/index.png', destPath: function(filename) { return filename; } }, function(err, res, body, destpath) { }); ``` ### .base64(url, callback) Deprecated, move to [base64](https://github.com/douzi8/base64-img#requestbase64url-callback)