// https://d3js.org/d3-drag/ Version 1.1.0. Copyright 2017 Mike Bostock. (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-dispatch'), require('d3-selection')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-dispatch', 'd3-selection'], factory) : (factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3)); }(this, (function (exports,d3Dispatch,d3Selection) { 'use strict'; function nopropagation() { d3Selection.event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } var noevent = function() { d3Selection.event.preventDefault(); d3Selection.event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; var nodrag = function(view) { var root = view.document.documentElement, selection = d3Selection.select(view).on("dragstart.drag", noevent, true); if ("onselectstart" in root) { selection.on("selectstart.drag", noevent, true); } else { root.__noselect = root.style.MozUserSelect; root.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; } }; function yesdrag(view, noclick) { var root = view.document.documentElement, selection = d3Selection.select(view).on("dragstart.drag", null); if (noclick) { selection.on("click.drag", noevent, true); setTimeout(function() { selection.on("click.drag", null); }, 0); } if ("onselectstart" in root) { selection.on("selectstart.drag", null); } else { root.style.MozUserSelect = root.__noselect; delete root.__noselect; } } var constant = function(x) { return function() { return x; }; }; function DragEvent(target, type, subject, id, active, x, y, dx, dy, dispatch$$1) { this.target = target; this.type = type; this.subject = subject; this.identifier = id; this.active = active; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this._ = dispatch$$1; } DragEvent.prototype.on = function() { var value = this._.on.apply(this._, arguments); return value === this._ ? this : value; }; // Ignore right-click, since that should open the context menu. function defaultFilter() { return !d3Selection.event.button; } function defaultContainer() { return this.parentNode; } function defaultSubject(d) { return d == null ? {x: d3Selection.event.x, y: d3Selection.event.y} : d; } var drag = function() { var filter = defaultFilter, container = defaultContainer, subject = defaultSubject, gestures = {}, listeners = d3Dispatch.dispatch("start", "drag", "end"), active = 0, mousedownx, mousedowny, mousemoving, touchending, clickDistance2 = 0; function drag(selection) { selection .on("mousedown.drag", mousedowned) .on("touchstart.drag", touchstarted) .on("touchmove.drag", touchmoved) .on("touchend.drag touchcancel.drag", touchended) .style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); } function mousedowned() { if (touchending || !filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var gesture = beforestart("mouse", container.apply(this, arguments), d3Selection.mouse, this, arguments); if (!gesture) return; d3Selection.select(d3Selection.event.view).on("mousemove.drag", mousemoved, true).on("mouseup.drag", mouseupped, true); nodrag(d3Selection.event.view); nopropagation(); mousemoving = false; mousedownx = d3Selection.event.clientX; mousedowny = d3Selection.event.clientY; gesture("start"); } function mousemoved() { noevent(); if (!mousemoving) { var dx = d3Selection.event.clientX - mousedownx, dy = d3Selection.event.clientY - mousedowny; mousemoving = dx * dx + dy * dy > clickDistance2; } gestures.mouse("drag"); } function mouseupped() { d3Selection.select(d3Selection.event.view).on("mousemove.drag mouseup.drag", null); yesdrag(d3Selection.event.view, mousemoving); noevent(); gestures.mouse("end"); } function touchstarted() { if (!filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var touches = d3Selection.event.changedTouches, c = container.apply(this, arguments), n = touches.length, i, gesture; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (gesture = beforestart(touches[i].identifier, c, d3Selection.touch, this, arguments)) { nopropagation(); gesture("start"); } } } function touchmoved() { var touches = d3Selection.event.changedTouches, n = touches.length, i, gesture; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (gesture = gestures[touches[i].identifier]) { noevent(); gesture("drag"); } } } function touchended() { var touches = d3Selection.event.changedTouches, n = touches.length, i, gesture; if (touchending) clearTimeout(touchending); touchending = setTimeout(function() { touchending = null; }, 500); // Ghost clicks are delayed! for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (gesture = gestures[touches[i].identifier]) { nopropagation(); gesture("end"); } } } function beforestart(id, container, point, that, args) { var p = point(container, id), s, dx, dy, sublisteners = listeners.copy(); if (!d3Selection.customEvent(new DragEvent(drag, "beforestart", s, id, active, p[0], p[1], 0, 0, sublisteners), function() { if ((d3Selection.event.subject = s = subject.apply(that, args)) == null) return false; dx = s.x - p[0] || 0; dy = s.y - p[1] || 0; return true; })) return; return function gesture(type) { var p0 = p, n; switch (type) { case "start": gestures[id] = gesture, n = active++; break; case "end": delete gestures[id], --active; // nobreak case "drag": p = point(container, id), n = active; break; } d3Selection.customEvent(new DragEvent(drag, type, s, id, n, p[0] + dx, p[1] + dy, p[0] - p0[0], p[1] - p0[1], sublisteners), sublisteners.apply, sublisteners, [type, that, args]); }; } drag.filter = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (filter = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(!!_), drag) : filter; }; drag.container = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (container = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(_), drag) : container; }; drag.subject = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (subject = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(_), drag) : subject; }; drag.on = function() { var value = listeners.on.apply(listeners, arguments); return value === listeners ? drag : value; }; drag.clickDistance = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (clickDistance2 = (_ = +_) * _, drag) : Math.sqrt(clickDistance2); }; return drag; }; exports.drag = drag; exports.dragDisable = nodrag; exports.dragEnable = yesdrag; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));